Light Rail to TCF

Simply not true. You can not stay to the end of a Twins or Vikings game and then get in line for the light rail and be aboard in 15-minutes. Unless maybe you are cherry picking a game that is a blowout and 70% of fans have left early.

If you wanted you could do it too. You just have to want to. The first train always leaves within 10 minutes after the game ends (often earlier). I am always on the first train even though I watch the last second of every game.

Right now commuting times and parking costs are tolerable for most people who work downtown but that most likely will not be the case in 10 or 20 years. Downtown employees are going to need a viable public transportation system and LRT is going to be a much needed piece of that system.

In 20 years at least one of two things will be true:
1) most people will work from home or close to home and won't need to go downtown
2) the roads will be 50% more efficient because you won't drive your car, it will drive itself, dynamically choosing speed, route, and even suggesting departure time based on knowledge of the traffic patterns and conditions

People need to stop drawing comparisons and results from preliminary testing, it's absurd. Signaling and traffic pattern timing will be improved and the operators will be more familiar with the accel/decel zones. It's like drawing conclusions from the spring game. Once revenue service starts and it's still this bad then complain all you want, but keep in mind this is not an express route whose purpose was to link commuters in downtown St. Paul with jobs in downtown Minneapolis or vice versa. It is a corridor to primarily serve one of the densest transit corridors in the metro and to spur development along University Ave.

This makes sense & has been my contention since the start of the thread. I'm all for the Green Line. I think it's doing good things for St Paul. The spike in new construction, home values & rents along Uni are indisputable. I'll absolutely use it for Gopher games. I think the people in charge are a lot less smart/efficient than most assume they are. I will never use it for any type of daily commute due to faster, more convenient options.

And if you are going to criticize my posts you need to take the time to understand and address all the points I made. My main point was that for me riding the train to Twins, Vikings, and Wolves games is both cheaper and faster than driving my car. I wasn't addressing the experience of everyday commuters other than to say that many people are willing to pay to ride LRT who wouldn't ride a city bus for free. I am one of them.

It won't be cheaper or faster for me to ride the train to Gophers games because I found a place within a 20 minute walk where I can park for free and can make a quick exit from the campus without dealing with traffic congestion. But I am going to ride the train to the Gopher games anyway because I like the shared experience it offers fans. The pre-game anticipation and post-game celebration with other fans if the Gophers win is an important part of the whole experience of a Big 10 football game.

The final point I made in my original post is that the amount of time and cost for people to commute and park in the two downtowns or at the U is only going to get worse in the future because freeway capacity in the Twin Cities Metro Area is never going to keep up with population growth. LRT is not being planned for the current highway and street capacity and public transportation system but what will exist 20 or 30 years from now. Right now commuting times and parking costs are tolerable for most people who work downtown but that most likely will not be the case in 10 or 20 years. Downtown employees are going to need a viable public transportation system and LRT is going to be a much needed piece of that system.

Since you agree with me on all counts, why call me out & hurl insults?

Since you agree with me on all counts, why call me out & hurl insults?

I have called you out and hurled insults at you countless times over the years. My posts in this thread were not one of those times. I think you are being a tad too sensitive and it's just not like you. I am puzzled by your reaction.

Stay and listen to the band after the game, and there won't be any problem getting on the train.

I have called you out and hurled insults at you countless times over the years. My posts in this thread were not one of those times. I think you are being a tad too sensitive and it's just not like you. I am puzzled by your reaction.

I've called you out as well, but only when I disagree with you.

This makes sense & has been my contention since the start of the thread. I'm all for the Green Line. I think it's doing good things for St Paul. The spike in new construction, home values & rents along Uni are indisputable. I'll absolutely use it for Gopher games. I think the people in charge are a lot less smart/efficient than most assume they are. I will never use it for any type of daily commute due to faster, more convenient options.

This. The primary benefit of the train will be the gentrification and cleaning up of University Ave.

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