Kluwe: TCF Bank field is unplayable, a trainwreck

Why did they uncover the field today. Why not leave it covered until pregame. Get as much heat into the ground as possible. I realize they will recover it but do the Vikes really need a walk through.

BTW Giants @ Steelers...right now....light snow 25 degrees-about the same temp as here mon night.

It is ironic he is complaining when a lot of the Vikes 50 greats played regularly on the type of field that he says is unplayable...

Okay, so let's say that the field is the worst ever played on. Tough sh*t, deal with it. Winners find ways to overcome diversity. Bitching about it will change absolutely nothing.

Just playing a little devil's advocate. I'm not excusing his whining, but it is possible the field is pretty bad compared to what the NFL is used to. Personally I think he should suck it up and play and quit whining.

Just playing a little devil's advocate. I'm not excusing his whining, but it is possible the field is pretty bad compared to what the NFL is used to. Personally I think he should suck it up and play and quit whining.

True, but the field should take a backseat to winning, especially as someone mentioned, when the team is honoring it's 50 greatest players, many of which played on "unplayable surfaces".

The field can suck ass to no end but that should NOT the main issue for an NFL player. The game is inherently dangerous to begin with. If personal safety is an issue he should not be playing football.

Sorry to rant but it blows my mind to see college athletes playing in -15 degree wind chill weather in Duluth (most are likely to never see an NFL paycheck) and yet professionals who are expected to face and endure adversity of all types just crumble like a stale keebler fudge cookie.

Open letter to the Vikings - Please take your whiny pompas pro attitude and take it to LA.

I tweeted him and got a DM back right away too hahahaha! He told me to get a life, I told him I challenge him to a game on COD black ops... No response yet, I think he sticks to world of warcraft...

This is what happens when people get overpaid, they start to feel entitled

Remember that we are talking about a 5-8 football team

Winners no more

Stuff like "trainwreck" and "unplayable" are clear exaggerations on his part. All indications are the field is at least as good as it was for the Iowa game, and probably better. You saw a little bit of slipping, but nothing extremely noticeable and players said as they broke into it more it got better. And you didn't immediately say while watching it, "Wow, this field is terrible, this is making for bad football", and I didn't hear a lot of guys complaining about any concussions afterward.

Is this the best surface they've ever played on? No chance. Is this the worst? I have to believe there's no way that could be true, but he even said it was worse than the astroturf of the Dome, I just can't believe that, sorry, that stuff was literally a carpet on cement. But hey, I wasn't there, maybe they're right, I just don't believe the NFL would force them to play on a truly "dangerous" surface.

If last week's performance is any indication, pretty much any playing surface will be a 'dangerous surface' for the Vikings.

Nothing like a bunch of trolls using computers to call someone a "nerd."

Also, the people who designed Call of Duty are no less nerdy than the people who designed World of Warcraft.

Isn't it possible that he is just trying to get into the minds of the bears. The bears players have been worrying about every media report on the field... perhaps our stupid punter is actually just playing the bears...

If I had the talent and ability I would gladly lower myself to be a NFL punter.

Starting with Greg Coleman, every Viking punter has thought they are the key to the team. They really think they are football players and great athletes. Some maybe, but most are just good kickers. Interesting we have not heard anything from people who have to actually run, tackle, catch, and throw.

The punter acts as though he is a little girl....Truthfully, if the Vikings played outside like they did when I was a child I would still be a fan. The mystic of Bud Grant and the Vikings as indifferent to the elements, stoic, hardy and cold blooded made me proud of my Minnesota Norwegian roots. I always found great joy in watching the Rams among other southern teams coming up to MN for the playoffs. The Vikings lost everything that made them special when they moved inside.

I love the part about how anyone who hits their head on the turf is getting a concussion. First of all, you do wear a helmet right? Second, you do play football right? I suspect that the risk of concussion from being tackled is much, much greater than that from hitting your head on cold turf. Hockey players play on ICE and don't complain about it.

Run the stinking vikings out of town. They are worthless, good for nothing bums who aren't worth watching. Call in sick you wimpy little punter.

IF the owner of the vikings wants a new stadium: make him put up all his own money or sell his stinking team. It's an old story. Let the stiffs hit the road if they want the state to build them a work place. The state is belly up. No hand outs for the vikings. STRIKE you wimpy, money-hungry players. LOCK 'em OUT you greedy, free-loading owners. SHUT DOWN the nfl!!! That would be a good thing!

I likr how some of the oldtime players are commenting that the complainers don't know what they're talking about. They're saying that a hard frozen field doesn't allow you to plant and get leverage so you can't hit as hard and there is actually less risk of getting hurt because of it.

The punter acts as though he is a little girl....

And thus, the nickname "Queens" is well-deserved, and much to the aggravation of some, will remain in place for the foreseeable future.

The kickoff temp looks like it is going to be about 8 degrees WARMER than the Iowa vs MN game. In terms of "Coldest games in the history of TCF Bank Stadium", what will this one rank... 3? 4? I don't recall the turf EVER being a controversy before and in those Gopher games there wasn't a heated tarp on the field before the game.

This really seems to be the definition of 'much ado about nothing'

The kickoff temp looks like it is going to be about 8 degrees WARMER than the Iowa vs MN game. In terms of "Coldest games in the history of TCF Bank Stadium", what will this one rank... 3? 4? I don't recall the turf EVER being a controversy before and in those Gopher games there wasn't a heated tarp on the field before the game.

This really seems to be the definition of 'much ado about nothing'

If I remember correctly - I didn't hear one thing from a Gopher player about the condition of the field. They just went out and won the game.

The Vikings could learn a lot from the Gophers.

We need a new poll to identify the biggest pansy. I'm voting for Guitar Hero Kluwe.

If I remember correctly - I didn't hear one thing from a Gopher player about the condition of the field. They just went out and won the game.

The Vikings could learn a lot from the Gophers.

Someone needs to show the Viking players the video of Bennett warming up before the Iowa game. Or maybe just show them the game.

It will be interesting, it is time for the players to start focusing on the game, with the snow the conditions aren't going to be a whole lot different than if the field had heating coils. It isn't going to freeze solid in fours hours covered by snow that is for sure.

I don't know if its really the 'Vikings' complaining, Frazier has been fine with the turf. Its one World of Warcraft geek getting paid a million plus a year to stand on the sidelines for 98% of the snaps and then punt a ball.

Kluwe strikes me as one of the know it all types.

I don't know if its really the 'Vikings' complaining, Frazier has been fine with the turf. Its one World of Warcraft geek getting paid a million plus a year to stand on the sidelines for 98% of the snaps and then punt a ball.

Kluwe strikes me as one of the know it all types.

+1. Sadly his few whiny Tweets have started this whole issue right back up again after it had finally died down. This is a two-year old stadium with Field Turf, which is used in many NFL stadiums. Literally the only difference between TCF's field and several other NFL fields is the lack of heating coils. Big deal. They have played on muddy disasters in London and not said boo, but a 'potentially' frozen field is grounds for threats of protests and non-stop coverage.

Run the stinking vikings out of town. They are worthless, good for nothing bums who aren't worth watching.

Yeah! Take that! Every one of thier games in this washout of a season will get 10x the TV ratings of any Gophers game in years. But yeah, you suck! Leave!

This is great PR for the Golden Gopher Football program!

We need a new poll to identify the biggest pansy. I'm voting for Guitar Hero Kluwe.

Unregistered User,

1. This Vikings / Bears game is going to be good public relations for the University of Minnesota football program.

2. We have a beautiful stadium, we have a beautiful campus, the backdrop of the lit up Minneapolis skyline at night at the open (scoreboard) end of the stadium is going to be absolutely stunning. That is, unless it is snowing too hard to see it. Even if it is snowing hard, it will all be good PR for Golden Gopher Football and new coach Jerry Kill and his staff. We are a world class Big Ten research university which is going to have its outstanding football facilities showcased on national TV like no other time in the last 50 years.

3. It is going to be great and recruits who aspire for the NFL will love it. These high school kids will be talking all about this game for the rest of the week. They will not be scared of it. They are not sissies.

Winona Phantom we salute you!
Michigan – 0
Minnesota – 22
24 October 1953

2. We have a beautiful stadium, we have a beautiful campus, the backdrop of the lit up Minneapolis skyline at night at the open (scoreboard) end of the stadium is going to be absolutely stunning. That is, unless it is snowing too hard to see it. Even if it is snowing hard, it will all be good PR for Golden Gopher Football and new coach Jerry Kill and his staff. We are a world class Big Ten research university which is going to have its outstanding football facilities showcased on national TV like no other time in the last 50 years.

I doubt anyone is going to be able to see the skyline through the snow storm.

I also doubt anyone is going to have additional interest in the U because of this game.

Its a good game to show the stadium off but I don't see much in tangible results such as new recruits coming out of it. They were already selling TCF to recruits before this game.

3. It is going to be great and recruits who aspire for the NFL will love it. These high school kids will be talking all about this game for the rest of the week. They will not be scared of it. They are not sissies.

Am I the only one here that thinks this game will have ZERO positive impact on recruiting? Does anyone really think this game will tip the scales to us in a recruiting battle? On the contrary, I think, if anything, it will hurt us. Particularly if conditions worsen and/or punter guy is right.

I just don't see how it will *help* us.

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