Kill Signs Seven-Year Deal to Coach Gophers

Couple of quotes from the Miller column in the Strib:

“…contract intended to demonstrate its faith that Kill will succeed and the Gophers will win -- eventually…”

“He's said for months that changing attitudes on his team before it can change results on the field is a project that will take four or five years. Fending off speculation about his job status after a couple of seasons, as Brewster was forced to do, could hinder his progress and turn off recruits…”

Fending off speculation could turn off recruits? I would think his consistent talk of how bad it is here and talk of how it's going to take a half-a-decade to turn the program around would hinder some progress, too? I don't care how great of a coach he is (for some reason I have more faith in him than I do his staff at this point), if you don't get talent success won't come. I'm not saying you need a team of 5-stars, but this isn't the MAC; if all your're getting are 2-star signings, you're not winning in the Big(whatever). What recruit wants to come here if he hears he likely won't have much, if any, success on the field during his time here? "Hey, I think I'll go to the U and work my ass off, and also get it kicked around a lot, and just hope to be mediocre!" It's tough enough competing for talent with the other schools when recruits aren't also hearing about how bad the current program is and how bad it's probably going to be for a considerable amount of time.

I understand the need to temper expectations, especially when we just had a blowhard in here talking Rose Bowls, but I wish he would have at least tried to capitalize on the enthusiasm, excitement and goodwill to lure kids here; instead, he talks about how dismal it is and how he won't have enough time to turn this thing around under his original contract. I just don't understand what you get by constantly running down the current (and future) state of the program, other than to lower expectations for fans and administration...recruits.

Jesus H. Christ.. People can never be satisfied. Instead, they want a coach to do and say only what THEY think is the best/right thing to say.

Kill is telling it how it is. That's all. It's not like he's going to continue run down the program if he gets it going in the right direction and/or completely turns it around. No where else SIU, NIU, etc did he have this issue. Only Minny's fickle fanbase would complain about how he talks about the program.

I'm not sure exactly how I feel about giving Kill seven years, but we can't act as though giving a coach seven years in and of itself is the answer to 40 years of hell.
Very true. And if you want one small thing to feel better about its that Coach Kill clearly doesn't feel that years on paper is enough either (which is why he pushed for extra S&C coaches and other forms of commitment before signing the deal).

Again, no guarantee of anything. But at least signs that Kill has a plan in mind and that he seems to have gotten Kahler (and a hopefully lame duck Maturi) to buy in.

Which school has made a habit of that? Not Minnesota. Holtz left on his own to go to Notre Dame. Aside from that:

Cal Stoll was here for seven years, and the program was basically the same throughout his tenure here. You could make a case for keeping him in hindsight, but remember, he was the first coach of the post-championship era, when fans really expected to be among the Big Ten elite, if not the national elite.

Salem got five years and left the program in much worse shape than he found it.

Gutey got six years and was fired after a one-win BT season (and he also had a zero-win BT season mixed in).

Wacker got five years and was fired after three consecutive one-win BT seasons.

Mason got 10 years. You could argue (and many do) that he should've had a chance to coach in the new stadium. He might be the exception in the bunch.

Brewster got 3.5 years, the only coach in the past 40 years to get fired within your exaggerated window. I'm assuming you're not saying we should've kept him.

The point is that we've gone thorugh a lot of coaches, to be sure. But they have all had reasonable opportunities to get the job done. We haven't been firing peole for the hell of it. We've been hiring (mostly) the wrong people and moving on when they have shown they can't get it done. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about giving Kill seven years, but we can't act as though giving a coach seven years in and of itself is the answer to 40 years of hell.

I'm not talking about just the HC, to be fair. You're right, certainly the U admin hasn't fired past coaches just for *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#s 'n giggles. But getting mad or even concerned about a 7 year contract vs a 5 year contract (I don't know what the other first contracts signed were like for past coaches) is completely silly. Coach has already said it's going to take longer than 2, 3 or even 4 years to turn this thing around. I, along with many others, believe he's spot on with that assessment. And if that IS the case, WTF would we only give him 5 years?? No doubt if his first contract was 5 years, and during year 5 it's obvious he's got this thing going in the right direction, there can be a contract extension. But we could still do that with a 7 year deal.

Of course, there is that one issue where we just don't have the money to give him what he may deserve, so to counter-act that, the U gave him more time on his contract, too.

Of course, there is that one issue where we just don't have the money to give him what he may deserve, so to counter-act that, the U gave him more time on his contract, too.
That was a BS quote by Maturi though. Like MV notes in his links today, the money seems like what you pay someone without BCS level experience and is the part of the deal that you agree to before you take the job. If he wins here they will pay him more. If we had the money to pay Mason more money we could do the same for Kill if it were warranted.

That was a BS quote by Maturi though. Like MV notes in his links today, the money seems like what you pay someone without BCS level experience and is the part of the deal that you agree to before you take the job. If he wins here they will pay him more. If we had the money to pay Mason more money we could do the same for Kill if it were warranted.

I thought so too.. But what about his staff? He's got a history with getting them paid as well..

That was a BS quote by Maturi though. Like MV notes in his links today, the money seems like what you pay someone without BCS level experience and is the part of the deal that you agree to before you take the job. If he wins here they will pay him more. If we had the money to pay Mason more money we could do the same for Kill if it were warranted.

That's not what Maturi said, though. He didn't say we couldn't pay more. He said we can't pay as much as some other institutions. And that, at the present time, is 100% inarguable fact.

The better question is why he even said that. It's not germane to the current situation. It's not like Kill is in a position to garner anything near a "Minnesota max" contract.

That's not what Maturi said, though. He didn't say we couldn't pay more. He said we can't pay as much as some other institutions. And that, at the present time, is 100% inarguable fact.

The better question is why he even said that. It's not germane to the current situation. It's not like Kill is in a position to garner anything near a "Minnesota max" contract.
True (on both counts). Just another foot in mouth moment from our favorite AD.

I am fine with the term of the new contract but have two concerns:

1. Why the $100k per year raise? I don't think Kill has other opportunities to coach at a BCS school (which he has more or less acknowledged multiple times) and it is not like he has over-achieved the first 7 games. Was he threatening to leave if he didn't get more money or something?

2. I don't think the $600k per-year buyout should have been extended to years 6 and 7. If this team is still a dumpster fire at the end of 2013 (hope to god it isn't), his buyout would be $2.4 million. Again, for a coach that doesn't have other BCS offers, I am not sure why you would give him this big of a golden parachute.

I understand the need to show long term commitment to Kill, and a $1.1mm 5-year contract with a $600k per year buyout would have been more than sufficient in that regard. This contract gives the Gophers very little flexibility (basically none) if, god forbid, the team continues to struggle horribly the next 2 or 3 years. I know that even suggesting Jerry may not be a success is tantamount to sacrilege on this board but when you are entering into a financial commitment of this length and size, the possibility of what happens if things don't work out needs to be considered. For a university and an athletic department that is reportedly stretched when it comes to financial resources, I do not think the final form of this contract was well thought out.

If the contract had been shorter, the buyout per year would have most likely been larger. What the Gophers need now is stability. The 7 year contract expresses faith in Coach Kill, and gives recruits reason to think he will be around through their four years here.

We know his offense can work, it worked at SIU and NIU. It seems doubtful that FCS and MAC players can make the offense work, but Big Ten players cannot make it work.

Jesus H. Christ.. People can never be satisfied. Instead, they want a coach to do and say only what THEY think is the best/right thing to say.

Kill is telling it how it is. That's all. It's not like he's going to continue run down the program if he gets it going in the right direction and/or completely turns it around. No where else SIU, NIU, etc did he have this issue. Only Minny's fickle fanbase would complain about how he talks about the program.

Yes, you have me pegged, sir. That's obviously exactly what I was saying. He should say only what I think is the right thing to say, and he is going to continue to run down the program. Right on. I am a fickle fan because I voice concern about a topic. Great analysis.

Jerry Kill is doing everything right.
I shall never question Jerry Kill, his staff, or this program ever again.
I shall always be happy with everything that happens, and never voice my concerns.

Absolutely sick right now, this was yet ANOTHTER terrible decision by Joel Maturi. The deal was 5 years at $1.1 million and we have seen NOTHING, NOTHING from Jerry Kill that deserved two more years and $100K raise. Do you realize that he's now handcuffed the next A.D. with Jerry Kill? This will effect our A.D. search just like Joel's effected the head coach search. If the numbers in the StarTribune story are right, and the buyout is now $600K a year, we'd have to pay $3 million to get out of this contract if Kill puts up another 0 in the Big Ten next year which obviously the University cannot do. This University is so inept with its decision making, it is unbelievable.

Serious question. Is the AD job really that important? I am wondering what thoughts are out there.

Serious question. Is the AD job really that important? I am wondering what thoughts are out there.
In the U's case, yes. Right now they have an athletic department that needs an AD who can treat it like the $75 million dollar business it is, raise the funds needed to properly support the Big 3 programs (as well as to complete the baseball stadium that has already progressed too far to go back on), and focus on improving ticket sales/fan experience. They need someone who can look at the problems/hurdles facing the department at come up with solutions rather than reasons why it can't be done. All of this is IMHO of course.

I am fine with the term of the new contract but have two concerns:

1. Why the $100k per year raise? I don't think Kill has other opportunities to coach at a BCS school (which he has more or less acknowledged multiple times) and it is not like he has over-achieved the first 7 games. Was he threatening to leave if he didn't get more money or something?

2. I don't think the $600k per-year buyout should have been extended to years 6 and 7. If this team is still a dumpster fire at the end of 2013 (hope to god it isn't), his buyout would be $2.4 million. Again, for a coach that doesn't have other BCS offers, I am not sure why you would give him this big of a golden parachute.

I understand the need to show long term commitment to Kill, and a $1.1mm 5-year contract with a $600k per year buyout would have been more than sufficient in that regard. This contract gives the Gophers very little flexibility (basically none) if, god forbid, the team continues to struggle horribly the next 2 or 3 years. I know that even suggesting Jerry may not be a success is tantamount to sacrilege on this board but when you are entering into a financial commitment of this length and size, the possibility of what happens if things don't work out needs to be considered. For a university and an athletic department that is reportedly stretched when it comes to financial resources, I do not think the final form of this contract was well thought out.

I agree. You give Tubby Smith 7 years because that's what it takes to get Tubby Smith. We didn't need to give Kill two extra years at this point. In 2 years if we're in the Outback Bowl, you can extend him then. I have less issue with the $100K raise than the extra years.

It;s a gamble, but for some of us this may be the last throw of the dice. To be loyal since '68 means you may be this side of 65, as some of us are. If this throw of the dice turns sour, we may not see another. That's the way it is, but is also why some of us are les than impresed with 2011 so far. I've seen nothing that would jusitify a raise in pay and a two-year extension.

Calm Down!

I never realized that there are so many irrational football fans.

Some of you need to calm down and realize that this is journey which will have its up and down. The good news is that we have a coach that has done this before and knows what he is doing. Unfortunately some of you some don’t have the patience and focus of my four year old granddaughter. Your Chicken Little talk is both crazy and just plain silly. Some of you want guarantees and there are none. I also hate to break the news to some of you, but there is no Santa Clause (Unless your a Mark's brother).

As I have often said before, Jerry is a change agent. Being one requires doing somethings that are not always comfortable but this is exactly what this program needs. All I can say is that it is a good thing that some of you don’t play for Jerry Kill. You don't begin to have the mental toughness that he is looking for in his players. The good news is that some of his 2012 recruits seem to understand what he is saying even if some of you don't.

Suck up people!

I don't blame people who are uncomfortable about 7 years versus 5. It's an extra 1.2 million that the U is committing to and that isn't chump change.

I understand your concerns

I don't blame people who are uncomfortable about 7 years versus 5. It's an extra 1.2 million that the U is committing to and that isn't chump change.

Unfortunately I should have clarified that my comments were directed to the fact that some peoples were already panicking about Jerry Kill's ability to turn around the program. It was not about their concerns with his contract. I actually thought I was commenting on different topic. Sorry for the confusion.

I am fine with the term of the new contract but have two concerns:

1. Why the $100k per year raise? I don't think Kill has other opportunities to coach at a BCS school (which he has more or less acknowledged multiple times) and it is not like he has over-achieved the first 7 games. Was he threatening to leave if he didn't get more money or something?

2. I don't think the $600k per-year buyout should have been extended to years 6 and 7. If this team is still a dumpster fire at the end of 2013 (hope to god it isn't), his buyout would be $2.4 million. Again, for a coach that doesn't have other BCS offers, I am not sure why you would give him this big of a golden parachute.

I understand the need to show long term commitment to Kill, and a $1.1mm 5-year contract with a $600k per year buyout would have been more than sufficient in that regard. This contract gives the Gophers very little flexibility (basically none) if, god forbid, the team continues to struggle horribly the next 2 or 3 years. I know that even suggesting Jerry may not be a success is tantamount to sacrilege on this board but when you are entering into a financial commitment of this length and size, the possibility of what happens if things don't work out needs to be considered. For a university and an athletic department that is reportedly stretched when it comes to financial resources, I do not think the final form of this contract was well thought out.

This is the type of post I hope I am capable of when I am not completely pissed off (like yesterday). The issues you have with the contract are the exact same issues I have with the contract. If they wanted to give him 2 additional years that had all the teeth of Brewster's last extension, fine, but a raise and 2 additional years for NO REASON is baffling and puts the Univesity in a potentially terrible place. We could go 0-8 this year and 0-8 or 1-7 next year and have no way to make a change. If Jerry Kill does work, then he's not going to be coaching under the current terms of this deal (still very low $'s per year in comparison to most B1G coaches) for more than 3-4 years. I don't see any upside for the University in giving away these two years and more money and a very real downside.

Yes, you have me pegged, sir. That's obviously exactly what I was saying. He should say only what I think is the right thing to say, and he is going to continue to run down the program. Right on. I am a fickle fan because I voice concern about a topic. Great analysis.

Keep reading into what I said, it's ok.

Jerry Kill is doing everything right.
I shall never question Jerry Kill, his staff, or this program ever again.
I shall always be happy with everything that happens, and never voice my concerns.

I wonder where in my post I said you had to feel that way. I question whether or not Jerry can turn this thing around just as much as the other guy. But that doesn't mean I grasp on to EVERY little negative thing he says about the program and twist it into some pseudo-problem that will hurt and/or burn down the program further than it already is.

My point was that people threw fits about Brews talks of grandeur and Rose Bowls. And now we have a coach that tells us we have some serious work to do in the program and just don't have the B1G type of players, and somehow people moan about that.

I never realized that there are so many irrational football fans.

Some of you need to calm down ....

Suck up people!

I nominate Killjoy as the official Welcome Wagon rep for GH.

Bad Choice

I nominate Killjoy as the official Welcome Wagon rep for GH.

There is only one choice for that position and it is Dr. Don. Who better can explain the rules for the never ending pissing contests here than him. Then we should have wren teach the new member how to say it is all about Big Ten wins over and over again.

Finally we need to have somebody let the new member know how to develop a defeatist attitude. This would include the use of incessant crying and whining over how bad everything is. Furthermore they will need to understand that nothing will ever change. I will be happy though to tell the new member that they need to suck it up and accept their fate. Whatever they do they shouldn’t dare to have faith that Coach Kill is capable of turning this program around through hard work, perseverance, and patience. They shouldn't be fooled by the fact that he has done it elsewhere. After all this is the Big Ten. Finally, we must remain true to our history of being victims and losers, After all, we are realist. We know if we expect the worst we can’t be hurt. That is why our tombstones should read “We expected the worst and got it.” :)

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