Kill reminds me of Mason

What Mason would do

is win the four non conference games and then win two or three vs the weakest big ten teams and get into a fringe bowl. Yes there were a few exceptions in big ten wins but they were few and far between. Even his highly thought of running game couldnt even do it against the good defenses when it really counted. If you have mediocre goals then thats great and he was a great coach.

Our Religious Fanatic Wren

You people don't seem to realize that wren worships Mason because he once talked to wren. Ever since then he lights a candle ever night to a miniature bust of Mason. In this strange religion of his the number one commandment is thou shall not take Mason's name in vain.

This probably says it best about Wren’s never ending babbling about Mason.

You people don't seem to realize that wren worships Mason because he once talked to wren. Ever since then he lights a candle ever night to a miniature bust of Mason. In this strange religion of his the number one commandment is thou shall not take Mason's name in vain.

This probably says it best about Wren’s never ending babbling about Mason.


Delete this thread.

The OP is a troll post made by yet another wanna be college football coach who thinks he knows something about recruiting. Probably didn't even play football in high school.

Delete it. :mad:

This matters?

People are not allowed to have opinions unless they have experience playing the game? It is impossible to acquire football knowledge without playing?

I don't agree with the OP but this is a terrible argument.

And doc, for being totally out of touch with the reality of the situation at...

the U of M in trying to compete in the Big Ten you have richly deserved this attempt to "fire our way to prosperity..." that has TOTALLY failed since the late 1960's. That is a hell of a LONG time doc. After Stoll, the ONLY coaches who EVER stood a chance were lou hoax (he cheated, got the program into a mess with the NCAA to win the FEW games he won and then he bagged azz as quickly as he could for Notre Dame,) AND Glen Mason.

I don't know yet if Coach Kill has a chance to get the Gophers back to even the stage of being able to beat the bottom two or three teams in the Big Ten and go 4 for 4 in ooc games. It is probably the ONLY strategy to keep the Gophers out of the lowest circles in Division IAA Football so that they magically and mystically can have that one GREAT season every decade or two and play on New Years Day or later. Coach Kill would be wise to push his pathetic ad, bjm to set up schedules like that. That will be the only way to ever escape the bottom half of the Big Ten Conference. That is the ONLY hope for ALL of the bottom half of the Big Ten Programs. llinois, Indiana, Northwestern, Purdue, Minnesota...even iowa and wisky and MSU need to "watch their schedules" IF they want to have a magical season every once in a while. They can NOT compete with Michigan, PSU, OSU, Nebraska year in and year out for top-dog status.

But, doc, be out of touch with the reality of the situation. Join the "fantasy high school football freaks..." who have already started trashing and bashing Coach Kill for not recruiting enough fantasy star high school football recruits.

I'd be damn proud to travel to Big Ten Stadiums all around the country just the way I did when Mason was coaching the Gophers IF Coach Kill can come close to making the Gophers as competetive as Mason did. And it was FUN to go somewhere in December and watch the Gophers battle the likes of Oregon, Arkansas, Alabama, Virginia, et. al. IF Coach Kill can get us back to those days, I'll someday die a very happy Golden Gopher Football Fan. Because all your high and mighty "I have higher expectations than that..." talk pretty much makes me want to barf doc. I'd rather live and compete than to go through a new coach every four to five seasons and watch a lot of despiriting and disheartening non-competetive Gopher Football during my remaining "golden...sunset...September Song" years.

I think that with some good fortune, Coach Kill is a GOOD enough coach to get this program at least back to a competetive level. As long as there are programs like Michigan, PSU, Ohio State and now Nebraska in the Big Ten...that is as good as it will ever get. I'm a realist doc. I am NOT some sort of pious, pretending out of touch with reality "all or nothing" kind of football fan.
I do, indeed long for the days when I just might see the Gophers win in Columbus or Ann Arbor. At least, I had the good common sense to travel to Columbus in 2000 and to Ann Arbor once again in 2005. And I also had the good common sense to have been a 13-14 y.o. Golden Gopher Fan in 1960 through 19962~

The good news is that prexy b is is past time to ditch bjm! ; 0 )

Kill isn't like Mason.

(1) It appears he works at least 40 hour weeks.

(2) He makes publicity appearances.

(3) He doesn't appear to talk down to the public like we're a bunch of morons.

Some of you seem incapable of forming actual opinions that don't involve the generic "lets just wait and see" stuff.

Any time you are getting recruits bound for schools like Western Michigan or Temple you have to question the coach's recruiting ability unless you really do want to replay the past.

I continue to wonder at posters who really do not understand recruiting at all, and really do not understand college football...I'll change that to just "football". Football is three things: a system, buy in, and that order. You can have some of the best players around, but if they don't buy into your system, you fail--RichRod's Michigan, Charlie Weis' Notre Dame. Guys like Patterson, Peterson and Meyer formed their systems, got buy in, suceeded, and then started getting the blue chip players.

Kill isn't like Mason.

(1) It appears he works at least 40 hour weeks.

(2) He makes publicity appearances.

(3) He doesn't appear to talk down to the public like we're a bunch of morons.

Kill is the anti-Mason and the anti-Brewster. It's the best of all worlds.

and players who won national recogintion awards if he didn't recruit? I just have to laugh at people who make that statementand then don't take a look at all the nationally recognized players we had here during the Mason era.

You can't prove by anything we have seen to date that brewster could recruit diddly squat. And, we KNOW he sure as heck couldn't coach.

Coaching IS a combination of recruiting players and then making them better players and putting them in a position to be really "be all that they can be..."

NO coach at the U of M since Murray Warmath with his early 1960's teams turned out as many All-American and nationally recognized players as Glen Mason did.

I agree with that statement, but most of them were offensive players and most were local. His best defensive players were NOT recruited by him. They were either transfers or left over from Wacker.
I think he was a terrific coach for offensive linemen, RBs, and TEs, other than that his staff was very average at development, and worse at recruiting the last half of his time here.
Recruiting two and three star kids locally is not that hard work, he got about zero local four star kids.
The speed on the defense was no better than an average MAC team, that is why we could not hold a lead in the second half.
I respect Glen mason's abilities, but I am sorry he did not bother to use all of them. He could have put this program at a much higher level if he recruited harder, and he probably also would have made it impossible for the dicks at OSU to snub him when the job came open.
I absolutely do believe he would not have let the games go on at OSU that Tressel turned a blind eye to.

Holy crap.. I made it through a WHOLE Wren post.. And to boot he didn't even mention Prexy B or Badger Joel Macturi. o_O

will sure as heck be a happy Gopher Fan. Mason was the Big Eight Conference Coach of the Year twice, was the MAC Conference Coach of the year and was the Big Ten Coach of the year. Coach Kill has got one hell of a long ways to go to surpass that kind of achievement. Let's see what Coach Kill does THIS year.

Wait, so you are going to compare Kills ONE year at the helm of a major BCS school to Mase's 4 various Coach of the Year awards? Already you are making it unfair, my dood.

IF he goes winless in the Big Ten, he might as well start packing because he will NEVER make it happen here. I hope and pray that does NOT could. I think he is too good a coach to let that happen. But, on a given Saturday even teams like Northwestern, Illinois and Purdue can be mighty tough. We KNOW that it is going to be a real long shot against teams like Michigan at the Big House, MSU on the road, and wisky, Nebraska, and even iowa at home.

IF Coach Kill can win one Big Ten game in 2011, I think he has got a shot to last to a fifth season here at our "coach killer" University of Minnesota. Two Big Ten wins in 2011 and he is a sure thing to make it at least five seasons here.

You see, formo, you don't seem to understand just how tough this gig is. The U of M job chews coaches up and the pathetic administrators here at the U of M spit those coaches out. They mollify the season ticket base by crucifying a coach for the mobbers and bashers out there.

Coach Kill has got lot to prove here. IF he goes 1-7 in Big Ten Play, he is going to have to win at LEAST 2 Big Ten games in 2012. I know...I know...formo...that doesn't sound like much to you. But, in the real world of Big Ten Football it IS a big deal to be able to DOUBLE your Big Ten win total from one year to the next year in a rebuilding situation. IF he could have a 3 Big Ten win total by the end of his second year...he would really have to pick it up in his third season to match the 8 Big Ten wins that Mason had by the end of his third season. By the third season, will he have developed enough of his own players to really compete with the teams playing mostly 4th and 5th year senior players? It's a tough, tough road...

You just don't "get" how tough it is to win in the Big Ten do you formo???????????? By going 0-8 in his first year, brewster was d.o.a. Just winning ONE Big Ten game that first year is the KEY to surviving at Minnesota.

Yes, we have our on campus stadium now. That SHOULD help Coach Kill. I WANT Coach Kill to succeed in a BIG way here at Minnesota. I want him to blow Mason's tenure here out of the water. However: I will have to see it happen before I believe it will happen. Big Ten wins are just as tough as hell to get when you are building a program from scratch.

I'm going to be at EVERY home game God willing. I'm going to be cheering for Coach Kill to WIN every Big Ten Game he ever coaches. But, winning Big Ten games at the U of M is one mighty toughchallenge. The problem is that Nebraska, Michigan, MSU, Ohio State, Penn State, wisky, iowa, Purdue, Indiana, Northwestern and Illinois ALL are doing their damndest to make sure that the Gophers do NOT win Big Ten games. The Gophers try to return the favor...but...many years it is a LONG, uphill battle. And you don't comprehend that do you formo??????????? You really just can't wrap your little mind around that fact...

B1G wins? I don't understand that? Wren, I understand COMPLETELY what you are saying. But you haven't even addressed my point. Which was, COMING INTO MINNESOTA, Kill has a FAR better record than Mase did. That doesn't mean he'll be a better HC here in Minny, that's yet to be seen. I was just pointing out the fact that just because Mase faced stronger conference games while in the Big8/12, doesn't nullify Coach Kill's VERY strong record (which is.. He was successful at EVERY level he's been at).

I like a good challenge though. That's why I always keep showing up for the Big Ten games.

We will know MORE after Coach Kill's first season. He HAS to win at least one Big Ten game in 2011. He also has to defeat NDSU. Those are my benchmarks for season number one under Coach Kill. He needs to match Coach Mason's record to equal what Coach Mason accomplished. And THEN he can go on to be a much better coach than Mason...but...he can ONLY do it if he first achieves at least as much as Coach Mason.

We haven't been a very good program for a very long time. We don't have very many bragging rights left. The administrators here haven't shown me any desire for the football program to do more than what is necessary to draw the big pay day from the Big Ten Revenue Sharing plans ever since the early to mid 1960's. It's too damn bad too.

Right now, Coach Mason's record rebuilding the Gophers IS the standard that Coach Kill needs to strive to achieve...THEN and ONLY THEN can he try to surpass it. One Big Ten win at a time is the ONLY way that will EVER be accomplished.

; 0 )

I'm not disagreeing that Kill needs to at least meet Mase's level here at TheU. Again, that wasn't my point.

So waddaya want from me, Nostradamus! Yuz knows I can't tela half back from a quarter back. I just want my two bits, like da rest of ya bumz. If it's upset you want. My girlfriends already gots some addat. First upset USC. Sheez says she won't get over it until dey dun in.


As for all the rest of you sooth sayers. Good Luck.

I actually think this thread has some legitimacy and I don't think it's neccesarily a flaming thread.

I think the U needs a coach like Mason if it is going to be succesful. What I mean by that is that we need to hire a ready-made coach who has a system and just transfers that system to MN. In that respect, I do believe that Coach Kill and Mason are similar.

So in style, I do agree that there are similarities.

However, where Mason had trouble is where Kill is going to have to have success. Kill is going to have to be a better ambassador for the program (publicity, not talking down to the public, not openly asking for tOSU job, etc.). He is going to have to eventually have to get over the mediocore hump (every now and then). Like Mason, if he can get you to mediocore, he deserves a long leash, but like Mason, if we never get over that hump, he needs to go.

Like Mason, if he can get you to mediocore, he deserves a long leash, but like Mason, if we never get over that hump, he needs to go.

This is the sentiment of the last 40 years. I think you are correct, but I wish it weren't so. A fella can dream big.

Kill's record prior to MN: 127-73

Mase's HC record prior to MN: 59-64-1

Despite your cute little argument that Mase faced tougher competition than NIU/SIU did.. If Mase couldn't beat the competition that the Big 8/12 provided, what makes one think that he could have EVER beat the competition the BigTen provided?

Even if we took away ONLY the losses during his stint at Kansas, his winning percentage is merely a handful of games better than Kill's.

You gotta get off Mase's knob man. It's freakin' me out.

I'll stop saying Mason was the best coach we've had in the last 40 years when a better one comes around. I hope Kill is that guy, but he's proved nothing yet in the B10. He gets the same chance the rest of the coaches did. We all want a winner here, but using someone's record at SIU versus someone coaching in the Big 12 is disingenuous. But again, it doesn't matter. What matters is that Kill succeeds here with our team. I could care less about previous records. I sure hope he's better than Mason was, since he is so reviled by some here. The proof will be in the pudding.

Lamanzer Williams and Tyrone Carter were not recruted by Mason...both were recruited by Wacker. Mason did coach them though. Both were All-Americans. Williams had not done much until his senior year when he was switched from Lb to DE. Don't forget Karon Riley...Schlect...Middlebrooks, and some other very fine defensive players that played for Mason.

It is just very hard if you are not an Ohio State, Michigan, PSU or Nebraska type team in the Big Ten to get the volumn...the mass quantities...the depth...the sheer numbers of great defensive players all together at the same time...have them remain injury free and have that all happen when you are also STACKED on offense.

Oh...Mason had some good defenders...just not enough of them all at one time. Perhaps the 1999 defense came as close as any...that was one hell of a good defensive squad.

Yes, it was excellent, if he could have come close to that in later years, maybe just twice, I think we could have gone to the Rose Bowl. He did as much with a team that had one strength, running the football, as one can do. Unfortunately, both teams next door figured out how to get enough dfensive players to compete, without much more local talent than we have.
My opinion is they were better at projecting defensive players into new postions, where we recruited kids to mostly play what they played in H S..
That may not be the answer, but those two states do not produce a lot of four star defenders and they have fielded good defenses, while we have not.

formo: I will compare the Big Ten records at 1 year, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years...

All Coach Kill needs to do is win 1 Big Ten game in his first year to Match Mason. He will need 2 Big Ten wins in his second season to have a total of 3 big Ten wins at the end of two years to Match Mason. Pretty darn easy, right formo? Coach Kill could very easily be leading Mason's achievement at the end of one season or two seasons. The tough competition part ramps up a bit in the third season when Mason won 5 Big Ten games and had a total of 8 Big Ten wins in his first three seasons. Once again, that should be an achievable goal for Coach Kill.

What I am telling you is that it is NOT easy to win Big Ten games. Coach Wacker had a great record coaching football at the lower levels and at the smaller schools. But, when he got to the "bigs" the going got a lot tougher. What will Coach Kill find to be true? We just don't know yet do we formo?????

You seem to forget here: I am pulling for Coach Kill to be a huge success. I am older now than I was when Mason was coaching here. Damn badger joel macturi and prexy b stuck me with a loser in that brewster character and forced me to have to deal witha poorly coached product on the field. They wasted four years for me. So, no matter how long I live and am able to get to Gopher Football games...those stiffs, prexy b and bjm screwed me over. I'll NEVER forgive them for doing that. Same thing goes to those mobbers and bashers who demanded change without knowing who the heck was going to be replacing Coach Mason.

So, Coach Kill is my only hope for getting this thing back on track to at least a respectable level. I want him to win a lot more Big Ten games than Mason won. That would be VERY good for ME. It might start being worth it to head out to Big Ten Stadiums all over Big Ten Country IF I felt that the Gophers are competetive enough to even have a chance to win one in Evanston or East Lansing or West Lafayette or Champaign or State College, PA or Ann Arbor or Lincoln or iowa city or madison or Bloomington or even c-town in Ohio. And, it MIGHT just be worthwhile to make a trip to Arizona or Florida or somewhere else to watch a bowl game.

None of us know how long we have to do the things we so enjoy doing. Coach Kill is my ONLY hope right now to get this Gopher Football thing to be all that it can be.

So, I plan on tracking Coach Kill year by year in his journey as the head coach of the Golden Gophers. I will note the comparison between he and former Coach Mason in their Big Ten records at the end of one, two, three, four and hopefully five seasons at the helm of the Gophers. That will be an apples to apples comparison. It will be an honest evaluation. It will tell us just where we stand year by year.

But, just remember this formo: Winning football games in Big Ten play is NOT an easy thing to accomplish. IF you win ENOUGH, you may get to stay...if not, those administrators are going to throw you to the mobbers and bashers, and try to placate the angry season ticket holders by killing the career of still another coach. And that is the way it goes at old Coach Killer U of M.

Some of those coaches had GREAT records coaching small colleges before they hit the big, not all college wins mean all that much when you get to the major college coaching ranks. It certainly is NO predictor of what is to come...

; 0 )

Coach Wacker had a great record coaching football at the lower levels and at the smaller schools.

Yeah, he was a great DII coach. He had already proven he wasn't a successful DI coach when Minnesota hired him. Sure, some of that had to do with TCU being under probation, but the record is what it is.

Kill has already proven to be a successful DI coach.

Jim Wacker's Division I head coaching record (prior to Minnesota): 40-58-2 (.408), 1 postseason appearance, 0 conference titles

Jerry Kills's Division I head coaching record (prior to Minnesota): 78-48 (.620), 8 postseason appearances, 8 consecutive postseason appearances (a streak that is still active, btw), 4 conference titles

You're really grasping at straws here. Try harder.

With Northwestern, Illinois, Purdue, Michigan, MSU, wisky, iowa and Nebraska...

coming up, I don't think it will be me who has to "try harder" dopodoll... Of course, that Big Ten schedule is pretty tame compared to an NIU conference schedule, isn't that right dopodoll?????????????????????

You think Coach Kill proved much by coaching 3 seasons at NIU???? Compared to TCU on probation??????????????????? With ALL those scholarship losses along with all the other ways the NCAA has to kill a program? Wow dopodoll...just...WOW! IF you want to call SIU's FCS status (formerly 1aa) big my guest dopodoll...the same as TCU though????? Come on dopodoll, don't try to slide by with that kind of crap...or just let it really doesn't matter.

; 0 )

I want a LOT of Big Ten wins in 2011!!!!! Do you dopodoll?????????????????????????

; 0 )

That is what you are trying too hard to infer isn't it dopodoll? You want us all to know that Coach Kill has faced so MANY big time challenges in his 3 years of MAC competition that his entire record can be compared to a coach who has coached at TCU for a bunch of years on probation?

Since, in your mind, Coach Kill has already proven ALL there is to prove after his 3 years in the top division of college football in the MAC Conference, you claim that there are NO questions of how he will do in Big Ten play. Ok dopodoll.

So, dopodoll: how many Big Ten games will Coach Kill win in 2011????? You tell us. And, try really hard to get this right dopodoll... Any losses he gets in Big Ten play will go right on badger joel macturi's head. bjm doesn't have a very good Big Ten won/loss record with the football coaches he has hired...OR even with the basketball coaches he has hired. In fact, so far he was 6-21 with that brewster character and 2-3 with his mid-season replacement for the fired-mid-season-failed-bought-out-brewster clown. bjm really can't afford too many more Big Ten losses with a football...OR basketball coachs that he has hired...can he dopodoll? Do you believe that bjm is 35-43 in Big Ten play with the hoops coaches he has hired for Men's Basketball. bjm has pretty much failed in his management and handling of the totally critical revenue raising sports that the PAYING sports fans support by spending a LOT of money on seasons tickets every year. bjm has really sucked with the revenue generating sports hasn't he dopodoll...

Good luck to Coach Kill! I'm very happy for you that you think he is a much more proven coach than Coach Wacker was. That must mean that you believe Big Ten competition will be a breeze for Coach Kill and that we all need to EXPECT a hell of a lot of Big Ten wins right away from Coach Kill. Ok dopodoll...the Coach had better come through in 2011! I LOVE it! More Big Ten wins NOW! Don't just expect it...DEMAND it! dopodoll says 3 years at NIU will guarantee it!

; 0 )


Guilty as charged. Something that says so clearly what wren is all about deserves to be repeated. Maybe if we posted it a 1,000 times it would become wren.

Hey dopodoll: which year did SIU go "fcs...?" Are you counting that in Coach Kills..

division IAA resume? Since you were so critical of Coach Wacker's record at TCU when they were suffering many NCAA sanctions, penalties and loss of scholarships all because when Wacker took over the program he discovered that boosters had been running that program and there had been loss of institutional control under the previous coaching staff. In fact, you would penalize Wacker for having integrity???????

I thought you would like to see where SIU is currently ranked in the pre-season polls since you are such a firm believe in the fcs strength of schedule.... ; 0 )

Author: Chris Lynn

2011 CS Top 25 Preseason Football Poll

1. Eastern Washington Eagles
2. Appalachian State Mountaineers
3. Montana State Bobcats
4. Georgia Southern Eagles
5. Delaware Fightin’ Blue Hens
6. Northern Iowa Panthers
7. William & Mary Tribe
8. Wofford Terriers
9. Montana Grizzlies
10. New Hampshire Wildcats
11. Jacksonville State Gamecocks
12. Richmond Spiders
13. North Dakota State Bison
14. James Madison Dukes
15. Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks
16. Cal Poly Mustangs
17. Liberty Flames
18. Villanova Wildcats
19. Southern Illinois Salukis
20. Central Arkansas Bears
21. Chattanooga Mocs
22. McNeese State Cowboys
23. Lehigh Mountain Hawks
24. Sacramento State Hornets
25. Southeast Missouri State Redhawks

Next 10 teams receiving points:
26. South Carolina State Bulldogs, 27. Western Illinois Leathernecks, 28. Southern Utah Thunderbirds, 29. Old Dominion Monarchs, 30. South Dakota State Jackrabbits, 31. Pennsylvania Quakers, 32. Elon Phoenix, 33. Furman Paladins, 34. Bethune-Cookman Wildcats, 35. Illinois State Redbirds.

Tags: Top 25

2 Responses to “CS: FCS Top 25 Pre-Season Football Poll”

msupigskin28 June 2011 at 2:45 pm#

No love for Murray State in the CS poll? SEMO won’t even be in the top 3 in the OVC pre-season coaches poll. Racers will make believers soon enough.


clenz29 June 2011 at 2:53 pm#

You aren’t going to get any preseason love when you have done nothing to prove you deserve it.


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There are still lots of you who follow the stars, and that is okay. Tough to be a premier helmet school without getting 4- and 5-star athletes.

And yes it's true, Brew brought in a more highly rated class than any of the aforementioned coaches. His 2008-2010 classes were ranked 17, 39 and 50+ by Rivals. He technically out-recruited Bucky who's classes were ranked 41, 43 and also 50+. But what did it get him?

My point is Brett has never had a class higher ranked than 33 (2006) but he manages to bring in athletes that fit his system. I am confident Kill can do the same.

There are still lots of you who follow the stars, and that is okay. Tough to be a premier helmet school without getting 4- and 5-star athletes.

And yes it's true, Brew brought in a more highly rated class than any of the aforementioned coaches. His 2008-2010 classes were ranked 17, 39 and 50+ by Rivals. He technically out-recruited Bucky who's classes were ranked 41, 43 and also 50+. But what did it get him?

My point is Brett has never had a class higher ranked than 33 (2006) but he manages to bring in athletes that fit his system. I am confident Kill can do the same.

I agree with your general point but Wisconsin's team (2010) was a more highley rated recruited team than ours last year.

If you look at their players who were in their 3rd,4th, and 5th seasons (so the 2006, 2007, 2008 classes)....

Those classes, as a whole, were more highley recruited than Bucky.

Furthermore, those classes were kept together at a significantly higher rate at Wisconsin. If you broke down the players who were still on their respective teams and their recruiting rating, Wisconsin's team (that actually played) was a much higher rated team.

I do also agree that BB does a better job at recruiting players who fit and all of that stuff.

Kill isn't like Mason.

(1) It appears he works at least 40 hour weeks.

(2) He makes publicity appearances.

(3) He doesn't appear to talk down to the public like we're a bunch of morons.

more ways not like Mason

4- no obvious obsession with tooth whiteners which are known to damage a head coaches ability to recruit defense

5- never noted on TV to have that helpless befuddled look that Mason mastered during epic second half collapses in second tier bowl games or against Michigan

6- Kill looks like a guy you would like to have lunch with, not like the guy you hated in high school

Cry me a river. I don't think board space is as a premium right now so you know where you can shove it.

So because you think board space is not "at a premium" you should fill it with redundant crap? Flame on man, flame on. I don't know where I can shove it, please inform me.

Seriously instead of becoming the authoritah with 43 posts, how's bout contributing substantially to the board first.

And what exactly is contributing substsantially to the board. Is it 100 posts? 500? 1000? Or is it the magic number of 1400 and some odd posts that you have? Please tell me oh mise one. Maybe I should be calling you the authoritah?:rolleyes:

So because you think board space is not "at a premium" you should fill it with redundant crap? Flame on man, flame on. I don't know where I can shove it, please inform me.

I may be mistaken but I think he was referring to your butthole.

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