I am very proud that he us a representative of the University and the football coach.
He was 38 when he was hired and he was in a really difficult position following Alvarez. If he was not successful it would be all his fault and if he was it would only be because of what Alvarez did. Not an easy position to walk in to.
Unlike some people, I don't believe everything I read on the internet and I am certainly in no position to judge others. I will leave that to higher powers. He clearly had a personality conflict with Brewster and those two simply did not get along. I think he thought Brewster was a wind bag who should prove something before running his mouth, but who knows. The "in state" recruiting stuff comments and some other things he has said were just shots at Brewster. Brewster took plenty of shots at him as well. Stuff like that happens all the time in sports.
I had zero problem with the 2 point thing as well. Brewster and his team had far bigger problems then that meaningless play.
I don't expect Gophers fans or many other fans to like Bielema. I don't like many coaches of opposing teams. The idea that he is this classless a**hole that is the worst thing in the history of college football is ridiculous.
My honest, impartial take on BB:
> The 2-point thing against MN was fine, he just should have owned up to it instead of attributing it to "the card".
> Could care less about running up the score. Some coaches do, some don't
> I won't defend Brewster, and yes, maybe some of the things he said were just to take a shot at him. I can understand that. No big deal.
First off, I'll never say he is not a good coach. Truth be told though, he was put in a position in which it just plain would have been difficult NOT to be successful. A program was built up, system put in place. He took over the wheel of a boat and has basically kept it on course.
I'll admit though, I just plain perceive him as somebody that is not of integrity and character.
The "in-state recruiting" comment, true or not, funny or not, is not a comment made by an adult individual in a position that he holds. Name a single coach that most think of when they think of "class" and they would never ever ever think of saying something so childish in a television interview.
I was not a fan (and apparently many BT coaches were not either) of the stunt he pulled near half time of the Penn State game a few years back with the kickoffs/offsides. Again, I thought that was ridiculous.
His actions and comments just indicate to me that he's not a man of character. I could be wrong, no doubt about it.
I know one thing; We've been exposed to Jerry Kill for a couple months now and whether he's successful or not, I would take Jerry Kill as a representative of my school/program over BB without even thinking about it. He's a grown-up, he's honest, and by all accounts a genuine man.
That's my two cents, take it or leave it.