Kill Announces Promotion of Anderson, Departure of Hammock

A coach with a record for 15-30 also hired the guy... People are just pissed he left for Wisconsin. He was incredibly well liked here.

The loudest applause at the goal line clubs meet and greet was when he said how happy he was that hammock stayed.

I met him after the Iowa game, had a drink with him and wished him well as co-ed's came over to his table.

He's a top notch recruiter, and as much as I hate to say it he'll probably do well at Wisconsin. My ending thought is that he can go suck a bag full of d's.

Hard to argue with any of that.

The Badgers had three coaches leave this year. One to a head job and two to the NFL. What are you going to do? Just hire new ones and move on.

Assistant coaching is certainly unstable, which is why it's such a slap in the face to Coach Kill and Minnesota for him to take a job after a transition only to spit in our face when anyone especially our blood rivals come calling.

As for B squad coach or whatever, the poster clearly has something against Dan O' Brian, no doubt Hammock left for other reasons, if not why would he go to wisky? Can't get much more B squad than their classless dbag coach considering he's pretty much coddled and propped up by their hall of fame coach now AD.

Remember even ron zook lost a rose bowl game.
Hammock can choke on a skunk wearing a popcorn box in my book.

I get a kick out of the pure hatred for Bielema. Especially from a reasonable guy like Ole, who probably never says a bad word about anyone.

I don't remember there being so much hatred for Don Morton. I wonder why?

I get a kick out of the pure hatred for Bielema. Especially from a reasonable guy like Ole, who probably never says a bad word about anyone.

I don't remember there being so much hatred for Don Morton. I wonder why?

I like to think I'm reasonable, I also hate the badgers.
I also can respect a good football coach or a classy one, BB is neither.
He's the perfect fit for your drunken idiot fanbase, congrats he's yours to defend and celebrate.

Pretty simple. ENTERTAINMENT.

I have come to the conclusion BADger and Packer fans need a hobby. What would they do without their teams? It would be the end of the world and I feel fine. :D

some of this stuff you can't make up. first all happy the guy was retained by Kill and everyone singing the guy's praises now he leaves and he is the worst human ever. might be the funniest thread ever.

mad at a guy for taking a job he views as a better opportunity for advancement. what a dick. yea, no one on this board would do something like that. hilarious.

Is it a better job? Probably not. Does the new job give him a chance to be an OC at Wisconsin? You bet.

some of this stuff you can't make up. first all happy the guy was retained by Kill and everyone singing the guy's praises now he leaves and he is the worst human ever. might be the funniest thread ever.

mad at a guy for taking a job he views as a better opportunity for advancement. what a dick. yea, no one on this board would do something like that. hilarious.

Yeah, it's the fact that he left. Not the fact that he left for Wisconsin. Nope, that's not it at all.

I am a University of Minnesota employee. If I got a call right now saying, "Come work for us at the University of Wisconsin. We'll double your paycheck", do you think I would take it? Not a chance in hell. Sure, I'd be making a lot more money, but I'd have to look myself in the mirror every night and be reminded that I voluntarily moved myself and my family to the anus of the universe and chose to be employed by the Axis of Evil.

I hated Brett Favre with a fiery passion when he played for Green Bay. I loved him when he joined the Vikings. I mean, do you get how being a sports fan works?

this pi$$e$ me off. Hammock knew that the OC had been with Kill for a long time. Seems he was just making sure he had a job until he could find another job. now he has been with Kill, seen his system, how he recruites and who he recuites. It wouldnt suprise me to see Bucky steal a recruit or two.

Remember before National Signing Day how none of the recruits had Hammock listed as their recruiter? I don't remember who pointed it out at the time, but right there I was figuring that Hammock was a short timer. I kind of think Kill never wanted him to stay on long term and only kept him around to keep some sense of continuity with recruits until they were signed. Now that they're signed he leaves - I don't think it's a coincedence. I think this has been in the works for a while. I'd be surprised if Hammock was ever really "in" the coaching scheme, so probably has little to no inside knowledge.

I'm disappointed he's going to Becky, but I don't blame him. He's not a UMN grad, he worked for Becky before, why wouldn't he? I'm more surprised that Becky wanted him with our "dominant" run game the last few years...

Besides, it's not like he has a tatoo of one of Wisconsin's hated rivals on his leg - no coach who did that would ever work there...;)

I get a kick out of the pure hatred for Bielema. Especially from a reasonable guy like Ole, who probably never says a bad word about anyone.

I don't remember there being so much hatred for Don Morton. I wonder why?

There was also not this much hatred for Ferentz or Alvarez, so maybe it is more than just his winning percentage?

Yeah, it's the fact that he left. Not the fact that he left for Wisconsin. Nope, that's not it at all.

I am a University of Minnesota employee. If I got a call right now saying, "Come work for us at the University of Wisconsin. We'll double your paycheck", do you think I would take it? Not a chance in hell. Sure, I'd be making a lot more money, but I'd have to look myself in the mirror every night and be reminded that I voluntarily moved myself and my family to the anus of the universe and chose to be employed by the Axis of Evil.

I hated Brett Favre with a fiery passion when he played for Green Bay. I loved him when he joined the Vikings. I mean, do you get how being a sports fan works?

I love this post. I could have gone to Wisconsin for college for free...instead I am paying to attend Minnesota. Obviously my decision wasn't just based on being a sports fan (Carlson is a good school, everything about the city of Madison and state of Wisconsin blows, I am not attracted to dead animals, etc)....but I pretty much would have made the decision I made at any price within reason.

Remember before National Signing Day how none of the recruits had Hammock listed as their recruiter? I don't remember who pointed it out at the time, but right there I was figuring that Hammock was a short timer. I kind of think Kill never wanted him to stay on long term and only kept him around to keep some sense of continuity with recruits until they were signed. Now that they're signed he leaves - I don't think it's a coincedence. I think this has been in the works for a while. I'd be surprised if Hammock was ever really "in" the coaching scheme, so probably has little to no inside knowledge.

I'm disappointed he's going to Becky, but I don't blame him. He's not a UMN grad, he worked for Becky before, why wouldn't he? I'm more surprised that Becky wanted him with our "dominant" run game the last few years...

Besides, it's not like he has a tatoo of one of Wisconsin's hated rivals on his leg - no coach who did that would ever work there...;)


I don't get the move, but it is his life. There is no way his leaving hurts us tactically, he knows Wisconsin's offense better than he knows ours. If he wants to ba an OC, I am surprised he did not want to learn something new.
He is a good coach and a very good recruiter, next man up

Maybe after two months Coach Kill decided that he was not worth keeping around for all the 4-5 star Florida recruits he had been hauling in and felt it would be better with his own guys. Time will tell.

I like to think I'm reasonable, I also hate the badgers.
I also can respect a good football coach or a classy one, BB is neither.
He's the perfect fit for your drunken idiot fanbase, congrats he's yours to defend and celebrate.

If the Gophers ever had a coach that was 49-16, he would be immortalized forever. The Gophers have not had a coach near that level in 50 years.

Drunken, idiot fan base? No prob. Hating the Badgers? Why wouldn't you. Hating Bielema because he is 5-0 against the Gophers and hurt Timmy's feelings, perfectly reasonable.

Not calling him a good coach is silly. Some sports fans are not reasonable because of such blind hatred. You may be one of those. All fan bases have them.

If the Gophers ever had a coach that was 49-16, he would be immortalized forever. The Gophers have not had a coach near that level in 50 years.

Drunken, idiot fan base? No prob. Hating the Badgers? Why wouldn't you. Hating Bielema because he is 5-0 against the Gophers and hurt Timmy's feelings, perfectly reasonable.

Not calling him a good coach is silly. Some sports fans are not reasonable because of such blind hatred. You may be one of those. All fan bases have them.

Not to pick a fight or anything but I do have one honest question, GV.

Success aside, regardless of wins and losses, are you telling us, going on record, that you are proud of Bret Bielema as a representative of your university as well as being your football coach?

I'm just asking, I won't criticize your answer one way or the other.

Not to pick a fight or anything but I do have one honest question, GV.

Success aside, regardless of wins and losses, are you telling us, going on record, that you are proud of Bret Bielema as a representative of your university as well as being your football coach?

I'm just asking, I won't criticize your answer one way or the other.

I am very proud that he us a representative of the University and the football coach.

He was 38 when he was hired and he was in a really difficult position following Alvarez. If he was not successful it would be all his fault and if he was it would only be because of what Alvarez did. Not an easy position to walk in to.

He made some difficult decisions right away and got rid of some dead weight from the Alvarez staff and he moved on with his guys. He has built and maintained a very good staff. He has also improved the discipline off the field by leaps and bounds. He is much tougher then Alvarez was in that area. Has kicked multiple players off the team for rules violations.

He has also made mistakes and earlier in his career he came off as unpolished and very cocky. He was humbled a lot by the 7-6 season and admitted as much. He is much more comfortable in the spotlight and doing media things and booster things around Madison. I have heard great things about him from people very close to the team. He has raised the profile of the program since he was hired and you can't ask for more then that.

Unlike some people, I don't believe everything I read on the internet and I am certainly in no position to judge others. I will leave that to higher powers. He clearly had a personality conflict with Brewster and those two simply did not get along. I think he thought Brewster was a wind bag who should prove something before running his mouth, but who knows. The "in state" recruiting stuff comments and some other things he has said were just shots at Brewster. Brewster took plenty of shots at him as well. Stuff like that happens all the time in sports.

I had zero problem with the running up the score stuff. Wisconsin is not allowed to run the score up because they are just little old Wisconsin and they have to know their place in college football. Whatever. Florida, Alabama, USC, Texas run up scores all day long when they are good and nobody says boo. It was all a bunch of garbage.

I had zero problem with the 2 point thing as well. Brewster and his team had far bigger problems then that meaningless play.

I don't expect Gophers fans or many other fans to like Bielema. I don't like many coaches of opposing teams. The idea that he is this classless a**hole that is the worst thing in the history of college football is ridiculous.

Assistant coaching is certainly unstable, which is why it's such a slap in the face to Coach Kill and Minnesota for him to take a job after a transition only to spit in our face when anyone especially our blood rivals come calling.

As for B squad coach or whatever, the poster clearly has something against Dan O' Brian, no doubt Hammock left for other reasons, if not why would he go to wisky? Can't get much more B squad than their classless dbag coach considering he's pretty much coddled and propped up by their hall of fame coach now AD.

Remember even ron zook lost a rose bowl game.
Hammock can choke on a skunk wearing a popcorn box in my book.

Love your fire Ole! I can't wait to come watch my alma-mater smoke the competition on the track this spring with you leading the way!

I am very proud that he us a representative of the University and the football coach.

He was 38 when he was hired and he was in a really difficult position following Alvarez. If he was not successful it would be all his fault and if he was it would only be because of what Alvarez did. Not an easy position to walk in to.

Unlike some people, I don't believe everything I read on the internet and I am certainly in no position to judge others. I will leave that to higher powers. He clearly had a personality conflict with Brewster and those two simply did not get along. I think he thought Brewster was a wind bag who should prove something before running his mouth, but who knows. The "in state" recruiting stuff comments and some other things he has said were just shots at Brewster. Brewster took plenty of shots at him as well. Stuff like that happens all the time in sports.

I had zero problem with the 2 point thing as well. Brewster and his team had far bigger problems then that meaningless play.

I don't expect Gophers fans or many other fans to like Bielema. I don't like many coaches of opposing teams. The idea that he is this classless a**hole that is the worst thing in the history of college football is ridiculous.

My honest, impartial take on BB:

> The 2-point thing against MN was fine, he just should have owned up to it instead of attributing it to "the card".

> Could care less about running up the score. Some coaches do, some don't

> I won't defend Brewster, and yes, maybe some of the things he said were just to take a shot at him. I can understand that. No big deal.

First off, I'll never say he is not a good coach. Truth be told though, he was put in a position in which it just plain would have been difficult NOT to be successful. A program was built up, system put in place. He took over the wheel of a boat and has basically kept it on course.

I'll admit though, I just plain perceive him as somebody that is not of integrity and character.

The "in-state recruiting" comment, true or not, funny or not, is not a comment made by an adult individual in a position that he holds. Name a single coach that most think of when they think of "class" and they would never ever ever think of saying something so childish in a television interview.

I was not a fan (and apparently many BT coaches were not either) of the stunt he pulled near half time of the Penn State game a few years back with the kickoffs/offsides. Again, I thought that was ridiculous.

His actions and comments just indicate to me that he's not a man of character. I could be wrong, no doubt about it.

I know one thing; We've been exposed to Jerry Kill for a couple months now and whether he's successful or not, I would take Jerry Kill as a representative of my school/program over BB without even thinking about it. He's a grown-up, he's honest, and by all accounts a genuine man.

That's my two cents, take it or leave it.

The idea that he is this classless a**hole that is the worst thing in the history of college football is ridiculous.

There are many, many people associated with the game of college football that would disagree. Sorry if you don't like it because of your fandom, but it is widely accepted around the sport. Doesn't mean he is a bad coach, or the "worst thing in the history of college football" (don't think anyone on GH ever tried to prove that point - seems like you just were trying to make our argument seem silly by inventing a fake title of what we were trying to prove). But he is a piece of S@#% as a person.

Wisconsin is not allowed to run the score up because they are just little old Wisconsin and they have to know their place in college football.

I am glad we agree little Wisconsin should know their place in college football..

I was not a fan (and apparently many BT coaches were not either) of the stunt he pulled near half time of the Penn State game a few years back with the kickoffs/offsides. Again, I thought that was ridiculous.

I didn't mind the kickoff thing at all. BB saw a loophole in the rules and used it to his advantage. He wasn't displaying poor sportsmanship or disrespect to the other team. Yeah, it was kind of cheap, but it was within the rules. It's not like he took a 3 point lead with 13 minutes left in the 3rd quarter and proceeded to kickoff out of bounds the rest of the game. I didn't really get how the other coaches thought it was disrespectful to them. It wasn't like JoPa invented the new rule and BB was rubbing it in his face. The only entity that could have felt disrespected by the act was the NCAA, but they thought of the stupid thing, and realized they had to change it as a result.

I'm on record as not liking the 2-point conversion decision because it was totally unnecessary, which I see as an exhibit of poor sportsmanship. It was a "thumb in the eye" move. I further realize that in the modern era, I am probably in the minority on that one.

I don't care about what the final score is provided the last few scores are made with substitutes on the field.

But Bielema does a good job at Wisconsin. I don't particularly care for the guy, but most college football head coaches are total control-freak chuckleheads so he has a lot of company.

I love teams 'running up' the score. (well, except against my teams, obviously) The 2-point conversion was ok in my book. I hated it, and I loved how it was stuffed.. But the call itself? 100% ok. What I didn't like about that whole ordeal was BB's 'excuse'. Seriously? What a f&%kin' tool and a liar. The reason it became such a national story was because no other freakin' coach has called that play in that situation before. And instead of just saying the truth (which would sound more like, "I dislike Brewster, he's a windbag and a poor coach. I wanted to shut his trap so we decided to run the damn score up."), he gave a BS line. Burt, c'mon man!

Bielema probably has changed since I formulated my opinion on the guy, which is great and dandy if he did.. But that's not gonna stop me viewing him as the world's biggest toolbag.

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