Kilgore >>>>>>> Weber


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Nov 20, 2008
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This Kilgore kid, the BACKUP for MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE, looks so much better than the totally inept, bumbling Weber that it's not even funny. The Gophers don't have one QB on their roster that is even close to the talent and ability of MTSU's backup? You gotta be kidding me.

If the Gophers ever score over 20 points in a Big Ten game this year, it will be a miracle. And Adam Weber will cost Brewster his job. Deservedly so.

You heard it here.

This Kilgore kid, the BACKUP for MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE, looks so much better than the totally inept, bumbling Weber that it's not even funny. The Gophers don't have one QB on their roster that is even close to the talent and ability of MTSU's backup? You gotta be kidding me.

If the Gophers ever score over 20 points in a Big Ten game this year, it will be a miracle. And Adam Weber will cost Brewster his job. Deservedly so.

You heard it here.


Can't possibly stomach another season of #8 under center.

Weber needs to calm the bleep down for starters. He has set his feet exactly twice all night.

Our defensive backfield also needs to calm the bleep down. They're running around with their hair on fire.

Weber needs to calm the bleep down for starters. He has set his feet exactly twice all night.

Our defensive backfield also needs to calm the bleep down. They're running around with their hair on fire.

Lewis so far looks pretty overmatched out there.

Why are people surprised when weber stinks? He's a below avg quarterback always has been

This Kilgore kid, the BACKUP for MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE, looks so much better than the totally inept, bumbling Weber that it's not even funny. The Gophers don't have one QB on their roster that is even close to the talent and ability of MTSU's backup? You gotta be kidding me.

If the Gophers ever score over 20 points in a Big Ten game this year, it will be a miracle. And Adam Weber will cost Brewster his job. Deservedly so.

You heard it here.

your an idiot!

I agree you cant throw passes when your dancing when you should be planting.....

FG kicker

Nothing like missing two and then let them score 2 TDs! How many years have we seen this????

Why are people surprised when weber stinks? He's a below avg quarterback always has been

Exactly. Even at his best (which was more than two years ago), he was never anything special. He's never going to be anything more than average and most of the time, he's not even close to that. Weber isn't a good quarterback. It's really as simple as that.

MTS's Frickin backup is paying better than are starter...

ESPN online says Weber 4 for 8 at halftime, but it seemed he had at least six or seven incompletes. Whatever, he doesn't look good in there, despite the big improvement in the running game. You have to pass and run to win in the Big Ten. Plus the defense is now collapsing. We could lose this one, even with Dasher out...

If Brewster and his staff don't make adjustments in the 2nd half, I'm done with Brew. 2nd half adjustments are the signs of good coaching. If this doesn't happen, Brew is just another coach we got that proves year after year he doesn't have the ability to actually COACH! Brew, PROVE YOURSELF NOW!!!!

Why are people surprised when weber stinks? He's a below avg quarterback always has been

I think the only surprise is that Brewster is stupid enough to keep putting him out there. I'm quite sure you saw a huge ticket sales spike the day this spring that Brewster declared Weber this year's starter! *sarcasm alert* Probably the worst D-1 QB I've ever seen. I don't think that he could start for most of the nation's high school varsity teams at this point.

I say we give Weber the second half to prove himself. It looks like they are going to continue to blitz and stack the box, seeing as our running game has been very effective. We will need the pass game to show itself. If Weber cannot handle it, we crucify him (figuratively of course).

If Brewster and his staff don't make adjustments in the 2nd half, I'm done with Brew. 2nd half adjustments are the signs of good coaching. If this doesn't happen, Brew is just another coach we got that proves year after year he doesn't have the ability to actually COACH! Brew, PROVE YOURSELF NOW!!!!

I have given Brew the benefit of the doubt up until now. Again, if he doesn't change something, crucify him.

we gave him all of last year and so far happy feet, sacks and poor passing against a team from a division that is "beneath" us.

I say we give Weber the second half to prove himself. It looks like they are going to continue to blitz and stack the box, seeing as our running game has been very effective. We will need the pass game to show itself. If Weber cannot handle it, we crucify him (figuratively of course).

Is it worth an opening-season loss just to prove (yet again) that Weber is terrible? I say not.

Not possible

I think the only surprise is that Brewster is stupid enough to keep putting him out there. I'm quite sure you saw a huge ticket sales spike the day this spring that Brewster declared Weber this year's starter! *sarcasm alert* Probably the worst D-1 QB I've ever seen. I don't think that he could start for most of the nation's high school varsity teams at this point.

It is a demonstrable, physical, axiomatic fundamental truism of our universe. It is not possible to be surprised by Brewster's stupidity. His ineptness is an immutable constant. Sort of like absolute zero. It's the kind of thing you can measure other forms of relative stupidity from.

Is it worth an opening-season loss just to prove (yet again) that Weber is terrible? I say not.

It has been only one half. We haven't really thrown the ball much yet. What has Weber thrown yet? 8 passes? Give him the half. This will prove everything we need to know.

We are tied to a team from the sun belt conference with a back up quaterback....ponder that for a moment...

Can we get some pressure on that lil pipsqueek?? Collado had a nice sack but too little too late.

Originally Posted by cncmin View Post
I think the only surprise is that Brewster is stupid enough to keep putting him out there. I'm quite sure you saw a huge ticket sales spike the day this spring that Brewster declared Weber this year's starter! *sarcasm alert* Probably the worst D-1 QB I've ever seen. I don't think that he could start for most of the nation's high school varsity teams at this point.

It is a demonstrable, physical, axiomatic fundamental truism of our universe. It is not possible to be surprised by Brewster's stupidity. His ineptness is an immutable constant. Sort of like absolute zero. It's the kind of thing you can measure other forms of relative stupidity from.

Totally agree...only it's worse than that.

Weber is a bumbling, stumbling, can't pass DIII qb

Brewster is an absolute idiot. I can't believe I'm even on here I'm so fed up with U of M

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you guys are funny. Your families must love holidays with you.

ok frozen idiot, ride brewster into the dumpster

you guys are wacked. The stats between the two qb's are pretty similar. Weber kept the drives alive with some nice 3rd D passes, no INT's and we won.

Somehow out of that you think Kilgore is pretty good and Weber sucks.

Get a grip.

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