Barriero yesterday really made a fool of himself, but he doesn't know it because he knows so little about what he was talking about; and he really doesn't care if he makes a fool of himself. As Steve Cannon used to say - "he got the money."
Dan B yesterday said after Henderson announced for USC. "I thought they told us the contract extension was going to be the key to landing Henderson? You can't even make this stuff up."
Uh, there was NO ONE who said a contract extension would lock up Henderson. NO ONE. It was possibly going to provide stability, maybe help in general terms, but anyone who thought it would "lock" up SH was nuts. But, yet, that's the approach Dan B took. What an absolute ass clown.
I had Barreiro on for about 4 minutes yesterday and turned him off immediately. It was at the point when he was bashing the U and Coach Brewster for not landing Henderson. Then he went on to point out how a few of the "big name" schools like USC and Florida had x amount of ESPN 150 guys while the U had none. How school X had X amount of 5 stars. How school X had X amount of 4 stars. All the while pointing out that the U had none. Claiming Brewster is a fraud because he is not a Super recruiter. I was done with him then and am really starting to wear thin on his patronizing and demeaning ways. Don't even get me started about Gardsie.