KFAN is a joke

So the Hurricane fan base doesn't have an inferiority complex like many in Gopher nation? Perish the thought.

It's now 2 and 1 half hours into the LeBatard show and they're finally talking about the Hurricanes. The talk is about signs being Miami fans were holding up at the Pro Bowl. Still nothing about recruiting.

I'm starting to enjoy this though, Demi would be ticked-off that they weren't ripping Brewster. :cool:

As a believer in free enterprise, I have to think that if there was a huge, unmet need in the MSP market for more pro-gopher coverage, it would have been met by now.

Most of the in-town stations have their 10-15 minute Gopher segments from time-to-time. AM830, AM1500, etc, etc...

By the way, I am a Gopher fan and I would love to listen to a 24-7 pro-Gopher radio station, but I think I/we are in the minority. Everyone thinks this is such a conspiracy. The market tends to work itself out with things like this. The market has spoken.

If the market has spoken, I don't think it has said what you think it has said. The question isn't whether or not there is a market for better coverage of the Gophers, it's a question of whether or not there is a market for a second sports station. People aren't demanding to listen to KFAN dump on the Gophers. People will put up with an inferior product if it is the only thing on the market. There's a high barrier to entry in the radio market, as there are a limited number of stations, and it's quite expensive to start one. If there isn't sufficient demand to support a second sports station, then it's Hobson's choice, take it or do without. It's not the KFAN is giving the public what they want, they are simply not displeasing the public sufficiently to leave room for a competitor to drive them out of the market. KFAN is a dog in the manger.

And of course in order to get any sanity out of this discussion one must wade through a mountain of intellectual dishonesty. Who ever said he or she wanted a 24/7 pro-Gopher radio station? There's a bit of a difference between that wild extreme (obviously crafted in order to make a ridiculous argument look almost reasonable) and just wanting to turn the radio on without enduring a string of insults tossed out by a bunch of second-rate talking heads. 24/7? Whichever one of you geniuses injected that into the debate needs a week of quiet time.

Listened to the BS that PA and Phil Mackey were talking about this am on the way to the lake this am. It was horrible, basically a trach job on Brewster and the U. Personally I think the guy is one of the bigest pricks alive and i ever saw him i would tell him so. But anyways.... Best way to make them shut up is to show something on the field. But since that is not going to happen for a few years, what is a person to do? It might be a little extreme, but PA/KFAN makes alot of money on their advertisements. What better way to "punish" PA/KFAN than to call everyone that advertises on KFAN and tell them what u think of PA and that you will never buy any thing they may sell.

I listened to Barriero this afternoon a bit, and I just had to laugh. I can recall him saying during this time a couple of years ago how the recruiting rankings mean absolutely nothing. Today, though, apparently they aren't totally meaningless as he went on and on about where our class was ranked.

PA is NOT the problem. He admits he doesnt know much. Barreiro was the problem. according to him we didnt get "one 4-star" and his cohost said the best players on the team were Mason recruits Weber and Decker. Then went Barreiro went on to say Weber isnt good, the cohost said "he was before Brewster got there"

WTF he didnt play before Brewster got here. Then they went on to talk about how Brew hasnt developed players. KFAN is garbage.

I actually emailed PA today calling him out about not be capable or prepared to seriously talk about the college football equilavent to the NFL draft.
I said it was unprofessional and pathetic.

He actually wrote me back a few hours later. He said that he agrees and that he needs to take the team more seriously.
What a smartass.

I actually emailed PA today calling him out about not be capable or prepared to seriously talk about the college football equilavent to the NFL draft.
I said it was unprofessional and pathetic.

He actually wrote me back a few hours later. He said that he agrees and that he needs to take the team more seriously.
What a smartass.


The above radio station does not carry Wolves, Wild, Twins, or Gopher games. The Vikings are all they have. The Gophers are a direct competitor to the Vikings - they play the same sport at the same time of year. The more people that listen and follow the Vikings, the greater the chance that they will not support Gopher football. As long as people perceive the Gophers as not relavent, they are more likely to follow the Vikings. It is business, pure and simple.

Look at the Common Man. If you listen closely he is not a fan of the Vikings or cares about pro football in general. But because the Vikings are the main revenue source of the station it is HIS JOB to know the team and be able to discuss it with some intelligence on the air. It is not their job to know the Gophers. And until they are gone and the Gophers are carried on KFAN it won't change.

> WTF he didnt play before Brewster got here.

Man - I am glad I wasn't listening at the time to hear that; what a joke. Their constant Brewster bashing is really too much sometimes. They've always referred to Decker as a 'Mason recruit', giving apparently all of his success to Mason, yet when Weber struggles then it is Brewster's/coaching staff's fault, conveniently omitting that Weber has never taken a snap in a game for any coach besides Brewster and ignoring any success as such.


The above radio station does not carry Wolves, Wild, Twins, or Gopher games. The Vikings are all they have. The Gophers are a direct competitor to the Vikings - they play the same sport at the same time of year. The more people that listen and follow the Vikings, the greater the chance that they will not support Gopher football. As long as people perceive the Gophers as not relavent, they are more likely to follow the Vikings. It is business, pure and simple.

Look at the Common Man. If you listen closely he is not a fan of the Vikings or cares about pro football in general. But because the Vikings are the main revenue source of the station it is HIS JOB to know the team and be able to discuss it with some intelligence on the air. It is not their job to know the Gophers. And until they are gone and the Gophers are carried on KFAN it won't change.

Check again. The Wolves games are on KFAN and they get ripped constantly, and deservedly so.

I am friends and grew up with a few people who have interned or worked for Clear Channel and both of them have said that PA is just a complete jerk. One went so far as say that if he saw PA walking down the street and no one was around he would jump him. He was kidding of course

Instead of trusting someone you talked to, I'll chime in as someone who is extremely close to PA ... the man is a big brother to me ... If you knew the stuff he has done for me and many others, I guarantee you would feel differently.
On his college football knowledge, it's lacking ... I have offered to help, so we'll see if he/they take me up on that ... that being said, I, as many know, will not always be positive. But my passion for the Gophers is right up there with anyone's.

Instead of trusting someone you talked to, I'll chime in as someone who is extremely close to PA ... the man is a big brother to me ... If you knew the stuff he has done for me and many others, I guarantee you would feel differently.
On his college football knowledge, it's lacking ... I have offered to help, so we'll see if he/they take me up on that ... that being said, I, as many know, will not always be positive. But my passion for the Gophers is right up there with anyone's.

It is understandable that you would come to the defense of PA, but even complete a-holes have people that are in the inner circle. For being a self proclaimed "great football mind" (self proclaimed about 30 times a show I might add) he doesn't know what he is talking about. And he makes bad TV commercials. Daunte Culpepper's UPS add thinks that PA's commercials could use work.

A great football mind? He didnt know who Percy Harvin was until 2 weeks before the draft.

Joe Anderson 'Phun' has been doing a great job on 1500am. Caught the tailend the other night with Doogie and hopefully this station can develop into a sports competitor with KFAN. 1500am should go and grab Sludge and Lake, two guys that really can talk sports, and put them into the lineup somewhere as well.

Doogie, why did you guys get let go while the Iowa tool sidekick of Barreiro get to stay? He's horrible.

Joe Anderson 'Phun' has been doing a great job on 1500am. Caught the tailend the other night with Doogie and hopefully this station can develop into a sports competitor with KFAN. 1500am should go and grab Sludge and Lake, two guys that really can talk sports, and put them into the lineup somewhere as well.

Doogie, why did you guys get let go while the Iowa tool sidekick of Barreiro get to stay? He's horrible.

Doesnt 1500 have FAt pat?? Anyways agree this market needs something else. I think Phil Mackey (sp) also is a guy to look at

Does Pfun have his own show on KSTP? I'd love to listen to that. Always thought he was a good foil to Barreiro.

Doogie, I hear what you're saying about PA. I met him just after he and Dubay got their full-time gig and found him to be a nice enough guy. What I don't think people realize is that media personalities can often be different from their on-air personas. I wish PA would just drop the Jim Rome-wannabe schtick that he's been pushing from the beginning. Of course, I'm an old man and I don't know what sells anymore and I realize I am well outside the target demographic. Guess I'll have to listen to KLBB and "the music of my life."

I do agree that there's a chicken-and-egg thing going on here. There needs to be some warmth toward the Gopher program somewhere and it is so scattered right now that it's hard for the program to get much traction in the market.

I frankly don't know what the media in this town wants when it comes to coaches as it seems they don't really like anyone. Brewster's too energetic and ebullient. Childress is too cold and calculating. It seems the only guys in this town who have ever gotten a walk are Bud Grant (who didn't care about the media in the slightest), Tom Kelly (who was an absolute prick to the media), Ron Gardenhire, and Tubby Smith (who probably shouldn't be getting walk he's getting right now, but hey "He's Tubby!"). I've never heard a good word about Mason from anyone who's dealt with him, including those in the media and he and Brewster appear to be just about polar opposites when it comes to their personalities.

It would just be nice to have an hour or two somewhere in the market where there could be objective and insightful coverage of the Gophers. That wouldn't mean mindless "rah-rah" ala Sid, but simply more solid reporting instead of uninformed opinion. Justin Conzemius has done a real good job in his role on KFAN. Maybe that's a place to start.

Does Pfun have his own show on KSTP? I'd love to listen to that. Always thought he was a good foil to Barreiro.

Doogie, I hear what you're saying about PA. I met him just after he and Dubay got their full-time gig and found him to be a nice enough guy. What I don't think people realize is that media personalities can often be different from their on-air personas. I wish PA would just drop the Jim Rome-wannabe schtick that he's been pushing from the beginning. Of course, I'm an old man and I don't know what sells anymore and I realize I am well outside the target demographic. Guess I'll have to listen to KLBB and "the music of my life."

I do agree that there's a chicken-and-egg thing going on here. There needs to be some warmth toward the Gopher program somewhere and it is so scattered right now that it's hard for the program to get much traction in the market.

I frankly don't know what the media in this town wants when it comes to coaches as it seems they don't really like anyone. Brewster's too energetic and ebullient. Childress is too cold and calculating. It seems the only guys in this town who have ever gotten a walk are Bud Grant (who didn't care about the media in the slightest), Tom Kelly (who was an absolute prick to the media), Ron Gardenhire, and Tubby Smith (who probably shouldn't be getting walk he's getting right now, but hey "He's Tubby!"). I've never heard a good word about Mason from anyone who's dealt with him, including those in the media and he and Brewster appear to be just about polar opposites when it comes to their personalities.

It would just be nice to have an hour or two somewhere in the market where there could be objective and insightful coverage of the Gophers. That wouldn't mean mindless "rah-rah" ala Sid, but simply more solid reporting instead of uninformed opinion. Justin Conzemius has done a real good job in his role on KFAN. Maybe that's a place to start.

Well reasoned post; kind of a rarity around here the last 24 hours. Thanks!

I'm late to the party I know, but today is the last time I give KFAN a listen.

I hated Hartman with a passion and was thrilled when he was canned, but the station has gotten worse. PA is a moron simply put. Know-nothing at best. I actually like Danny B. for the most part, but the blatant lying yesterday was enough for me to stop listening. The Common Man lost me a while ago, but no biggie there.

The only real fans of Gopher sports in my mind was the morning show. Not anymore. When Hawkey (sp?) asked, "should I get season tickets for football gain?" he received a big NO from Sludge and Morris. They then went on to spew more lies about the recruiting class. Last in the Big Ten-Worst in the Big Ten... They have to know there are more than one recrutiing service out there, but they follow PA's lead and only go with one that rates us 10th (not last).

O.K., I'm done-had to vent. KFAN sucks. Sorry Doogie, but it is true.

Joe Anderson has his own show now on AM-1500 ... 530p-8p ... some sports and some pop culture, but he plans on doing Gophers stuff a lot, using me to hopefully inform.
No need to say "sorry" to me for your dislike for KFAN ... I have friends there, but they let me go ... As I have said numerous times, I hope someone creates a "true" all-sports station in town, something that can make $$, (It's a format that sells. Doesn't always drive great numbers, but the bottom-line is revenue.), and we can get good college football/basketball talk in this town.
I swapped emails with PA and he respectfully declined my offer to help.

Doogie, hope you didn't think I was trashing KFAN. I rarely listen anymore, but they are a business and as you say, businesses are in the business of making money. It's all about getting listeners and if they tell the on-air personalities to start speaking Greek for half of their air-time, that's what's going to happen.

There's an element of theater to all media and I think people need to step back and appreciate that fact. It's "talk" radio. Not "sit and nod your head" radio. It's supposed to be provocative and elicit the kind of responses we're seeing here today. I just try to separate what's being said from those who are saying it.

50PoundHead -- You can slam KFAN ... I will defend certain individuals who are good friends, but you can slam the brand ... I, too, think they need to do a much better job of talking Gophers/college football ... it would only benefit them ... Again, I wish they had some legit competition.

Barriero yesterday really made a fool of himself, but he doesn't know it because he knows so little about what he was talking about; and he really doesn't care if he makes a fool of himself. As Steve Cannon used to say - "he got the money."

Dan B yesterday said after Henderson announced for USC. "I thought they told us the contract extension was going to be the key to landing Henderson? You can't even make this stuff up."

Uh, there was NO ONE who said a contract extension would lock up Henderson. NO ONE. It was possibly going to provide stability, maybe help in general terms, but anyone who thought it would "lock" up SH was nuts. But, yet, that's the approach Dan B took. What an absolute ass clown.

Doogie, I totally agree about an all-sports station. This market is starving for a "true one." KFAN does what they do and they do it well - they do talk radio and call it sports - so they get sports fans and some non-sports fans. They can do this because there isn't a competitor. If there was, they'd be in trouble. WCCO/KSTP/MPR/KTLK would take their "casual" talk listeners and the new all-sports station (if done right) would take their sports fans.

This has to be the largest market in the country that has only one local all-sports station. Heck, there are smaller markets with 3 or 4 all-sports stations. MSP is ripe for a second. All kinds of underutilized resources in this town, too.

There's an element of theater to all media and I think people need to step back and appreciate that fact.

I get that and most do I would assume. I can even deal with the hate for the U of M, but at least try and know something about the program before spewing the hate. Little knowledge and BIG statements don't mix.

There's an element of theater to all media and I think people need to step back and appreciate that fact. It's "talk" radio. Not "sit and nod your head" radio. It's supposed to be provocative and elicit the kind of responses we're seeing here today. I just try to separate what's being said from those who are saying it.

It's sports talk radio. It's supposed to provide sports information and honest, informed opinions about sports. It doesn't do that, but it's the only game in town. It's like being handed a stale bologna sandwhich, and your told to eat it because it's either that or nothing.

Joe Anderson has his own show now on AM-1500 ... 530p-8p ... some sports and some pop culture, but he plans on doing Gophers stuff a lot, using me to hopefully inform.
No need to say "sorry" to me for your dislike for KFAN ... I have friends there, but they let me go ... As I have said numerous times, I hope someone creates a "true" all-sports station in town, something that can make $$, (It's a format that sells. Doesn't always drive great numbers, but the bottom-line is revenue.), and we can get good college football/basketball talk in this town.
I swapped emails with PA and he respectfully declined my offer to help.

Sorry to interject Doogie, but this last line tells me everything I need to know about KFAN's feelings regarding the Gophers. It tells me that not only do they consistently get facts wrong regarding the Gophers, they really have no interest in getthing facts right. In other words, they only mention the Gophers because they absolutely half to to appear to be "interested" in what's going on with University of Minnesota athletics.

I'm not really disappointed or angry because it's what I've come to expect from them. The bottom line is this is a corporate driven bias towards the Vikings with mentions of the Twins, Timberwolves, Wild and Gophers sprinkled to appear to be a "sports leader." As such, I would simply sayd it is important for listeners to understand such facts when taking in account anything that is said on KFAN regarding each of these teams.

Dan B is horrible. I used to listen to hear what I disagreed with, now I can't even do that. PA reminds me a lot of Lane Kiffin in that he somehow convinces the huddled masses that he knows what he is talking about despite all the evidense to the contrary.

Both are far bigger blow-hards than Brewster, who they both criticize for being a blow-hard.

Some people think that the Vikings leaving would help Gopher football, I desagree and want the Vikes to stay, but at least if they left that would be the end of KFAN. The 'sports station' never talks gopher sports, rarely talks wolves, rarely talks wild, and even in the summer they don't do a good job of talking twins. Considering the number of WCHA school grads in the listening area (in Metro and affiliates) you would think that they would have some good WCHA hockey talk at least, but again, sadly, no.

Thankfully there is the GopherHole, GPL, the Stribs twins page, Russo, and the local watering holes.

After Barrerio spent 10 years complaining in print and over the air about "Grinnin' Glenn Mason", he now reveres him on his show as though he were Ara Parseghian.

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