Ken Evans Jr. campaign thread!

If your notion of “not so bad” is tenth place, I guess. My how our expectations have dwindled. Is this really what we were hoping for when we showed Pitino the door?
Five seasons in the last 20 had a better big ten record than last season. In historical context I would say yes it wasn't a bad season, and actually a pretty good season.

Five seasons in the last 20 had a better big ten record than last season. In historical context I would say yes it wasn't a bad season, and actually a pretty good season. depressing is that???? SMH

Five seasons in the last 20 had a better big ten record than last season. In historical context I would say yes it wasn't a bad season, and actually a pretty good season.
Coyle is waiting for the dust to settle in hopes that we might someday find harmony between athletics and academics. Winning is nowhere on the horizon or the list of goals. They refuse to even lie to us to discuss winning big- its just not part of the vernacular over there in Dinkytown.

Now back to topic: If Ben can get Ken Evans he may just spite the administration and win! :)

Coyle is waiting for the dust to settle in hopes that we might someday find harmony between athletics and academics. Winning is nowhere on the horizon or the list of goals. They refuse to even lie to us to discuss winning big- its just not part of the vernacular over there in Dinkytown.

Now back to topic: If Ben can get Ken Evans he may just spite the administration and win! :)
You're correct that winning is not a goal of the U of MN administration. But they do still lie about it how Coyle says they don't have any money and would want a big $25M donor.

They wouldn't use the $25M to help basketball. In fact, if Ben took $500K out of his own pocket and got Ken Evans and had a good team...the administration would look to suspend a key starter.

[QUOTE="EasyThere Pilgrim

They wouldn't use the $25M to help basketball. In fact, if Ben took $500K out of his own pocket and got Ken Evans and had a good team...the administration would look to suspend a key starter.
When has the administration ever done that? You are making up nonsense....

When has the administration ever done that? You are making up nonsense....

They ALWAYS do that.

They blew-up Haskins immediately after he made the Final Four.

Monson never had a good team.

But they suspended key players off of Tubby & Pitino's best teams.

When has the administration ever done that? You are making up nonsense....

They ALWAYS do that.

They blew-up Haskins immediately after he made the Final Four.

Monson never had a good team.

But they suspended key players off of Tubby & Pitino's best teams.
If that wasn't justified, then the lawyers would have gotten the suspensions overturned and financial restitution would have been received.

Let's get back to Ken Evans. He would be a perfect fit for this squad! Let's go!
How do I
This thread ranks 7th on Ken Evans google search- lets make it rise! Cmon Ken- Gophers need you!
How do I help make the thread ranking rise? I am not as tech savvy as many other gopherholers.

If that wasn't justified, then the lawyers would have gotten the suspensions overturned and financial restitution would have been received.

Wrong. Back then, the players & coaches had no recourse.

I DO like the fact that now players can appeal their suspensions. I'm totally against automatic guilt upon accusation.

Let's get back to Ken Evans. He would be a perfect fit for this squad! Let's go!
True. But I think it's okay to get a little off topic...because there's nothing that indicates we'd sign a $500K player.

Not every player sells himself to the highest bidder.
My first job after college was to sunny SoCal even though I was offered more money to go places that I didnt want to go to.

If your notion of “not so bad” is tenth place, I guess. My how our expectations have dwindled. Is this really what we were hoping for when we showed Pitino the door?

We were 9-11.

Not bottom-feeding. If you want to use spin...we were in contention for 3rd-place up until the last week.

And greatly improving, with no seniors. All the other teams had seniors.
Gophers lost 5 of last 6 in the b10. Not a good end to season. Have to think a lot of the end-of-the-season drop-off influenced players to enter the transfer portal.

Not every player sells himself to the highest bidder.
My first job after college was to sunny SoCal even though I was offered more money to go places that I didnt want to go to.
But this is 1 season of playing basketball...for either $500K+ or $250K-.

Gophers lost 5 of last 6 in the b10. Not a good end to season. Have to think a lot of the end-of-the-season drop-off influenced players to enter the transfer portal.
But they were on a winning streak right before that. And they had a nice win at Butler after that.

Payne & Hawkins left for the money.

So Evans may choose to take less money and go to Murderfreezenapolis- bolt strategy Ken.
My friends in Minnesota tell me that temperatures were warmer than ever this past winter. They were losing ice-fishing houses dropping through melting ice on the lakes.
Next year I may go back to Minnesota for my summer vacation in January!
And I remember you were a golf coach at U of M before you died, Les so you used to play 18 holes in the winter before the first blizzard!
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Gophers lost 5 of last 6 in the b10. Not a good end to season. Have to think a lot of the end-of-the-season drop-off influenced players to enter the transfer portal.
You think that had to do with Hawkins' decision? He said he was coming back well after the losing streak... Did he forget all about it and then suddenly remember it after after he announced he was returning? Maybe it factored into Payne's decision. Good riddance to the rest of them.

I'm just here to get this thread at #1 on Google search. Let me know if we need a sudden boost of interest in Gopher basketball from Moscow and St Petersberg.

I am afraid that the Gophers will try to save $$$ by going with Odukale and Rigsby at "big" wings.
Neither is a scorer and Rigsby is too small at 6'3".
Bad and cheap idea!

for Ken Evans to come to MN:
1. he has to want to come to MN.
2. MN has to want Evans to come to MN
3. IF NIL is involved, they have to be able to come to a mutually-satisfactory agreement
4. If NIL is not involved, then MN has to sell Evans on playing time, system, coaches, opportunity, etc. and Sane24 will promise to wash his car once a week year-round.

for Ken Evans to come to MN:
1. he has to want to come to MN.
2. MN has to want Evans to come to MN
3. IF NIL is involved, they have to be able to come to a mutually-satisfactory agreement
4. If NIL is not involved, then MN has to sell Evans on playing time, system, coaches, opportunity, etc. and Sane24 will promise to wash his car once a week year-round.
Not a problem.
I quit washing my own car due to old age.
Myself and the car aged out!
Playing time is guaranteed.
Nobody on the roster who plays wing is close to Evans' skill level.
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I am afraid that the Gophers will try to save $$$ by going with Odukale and Rigsby at "big" wings.
Neither is a scorer and Rigsby is too small at 6'3".
Bad and cheap idea!
Of course they will. We already know they're cheap.

for Ken Evans to come to MN:
1. he has to want to come to MN.
2. MN has to want Evans to come to MN
3. IF NIL is involved, they have to be able to come to a mutually-satisfactory agreement
4. If NIL is not involved, then MN has to sell Evans on playing time, system, coaches, opportunity, etc. and Sane24 will promise to wash his car once a week year-round.
Of course we'd WANT Evans. He'd be our best signing.

And of course NIL is involved. He's worth $500K.

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