As to the four court cases that are cited in school speech -- which has already been discussed earlier in the thread

-- as I correctly said then, and am still correct now, they don't apply here. But for posterity:
Tinker v. Des Moines -- does not apply because this was not a protest
Bethel School District v. Fraser -- does not apply because this was not sexually vulgar
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier -- does not apply because this was not a case of the school trying to censor content (in a school sponsored publication)
Morse v. Frederick -- does not apply because this was not promoting illegal activity at a school sponsored event
None of these come close to applying. The school would've had a great case for upholding expulsion.
Simply, all this proves is that the K-State president didn't have the nutsack to do what was right. He wanted to avoid a lawsuit. Pathetic