K-State student athletes are taking a stand against racism

No it was exactly correct.

Saying something offensive, delivers the damage. You can't take back the damage by pretending it was just a joke.
I laughed it was funny, caught me off guard. If you cannot find the humor in it too bad. A joke and physically harming someone are not the same thing.

You're clearly out of touch.
Another opinion based on emotion and post-modern relativism. You approach leads to the rule by social dominance and shaming. Throw out the rule of law because what I feel in my heart is right for me and since I feel I am right, I will use social networking to shame you in to compliance, or I will get you banned and segregated in society until you comply with my feelings.
Ah...the outcome of holding a post-modern ideology of complete relativism. Whoever wins the social networking war determines whose feelings are legitimate and whose feelings are evil and wrong. There are no values nor any morality, just mere feelings as our source of right and wrong.
Bravo, you are clearly ignorant.

"Put down"??? Wow. He was a HUMAN BEING, not an animal. Your racism just seeps out of every pore. You can't help it.

Yes, if I had a child that made mistakes, I wouldn't cast them off like a leper. Please don't procreate. We don't need more humans filled with your twisted bigoted perspective. The day will come when you royally fuck up. That day, you'll look back at the way you talked so badly about people and know that karma paid you a visit. Trust me, nobody gets through this journey without their own big mistakes.
People that hold guns to women’s pregnant stomachs are animals in my opinion. I don’t care about the race of whoever does it. I find it hard to believe you support a guy that would do such a thing. Pretty appalling actually. Not sure what race has to do with me not supporting shitty people. Floyd was a giant pile of shit, and I don’t care if he was black. He could be white and I’d be saying the EXACT same thing.
I’ll be having children, and hopefully I raise them well enough to not be a drug addicted piece of turd, that terrorizes pregnant women. Yeah I probably will make mistakes, but there is a huge difference between making mistakes and being a total fuck up. You call threatening a pregnant women with a gun a “mistake”? Man your kids must run circles around you if you have them. are your kids out making the world worse?

You'll do you, I know.

But if I were you, I would just Marie Kondo dipshits like felton. He lives to agitate and frustrate you on here. Nothing more. He's never had an honest discussion on GH since he joined, and does nothing but ruin threads and leave them worse off.
Never had an honest discussion? I’ve had plenty.

People that hold guns to women’s pregnant stomachs are animals in my opinion. I don’t care about the race of whoever does it. I find it hard to believe you support a guy that would do such a thing. Pretty appalling actually. Not sure what race has to do with me not supporting shitty people. Floyd was a giant pile of shit, and I don’t care if he was black. He could be white and I’d be saying the EXACT same thing.
I’ll be having children, and hopefully I raise them well enough to not be a drug addicted piece of turd, that terrorizes pregnant women. Yeah I probably will make mistakes, but there is a huge difference between making mistakes and being a total fuck up. You call threatening a pregnant women with a gun a “mistake”? Man your kids must run circles around you if you have them. are your kids out making the world worse?

Welcome to the ignore list, tool.

"Put down"??? Wow. He was a HUMAN BEING, not an animal. Your racism just seeps out of every pore. You can't help it.

Yes, if I had a child that made mistakes, I wouldn't cast them off like a leper. Please don't procreate. We don't need more humans filled with your twisted bigoted perspective. The day will come when you royally fuck up. That day, you'll look back at the way you talked so badly about people and know that karma paid you a visit. Trust me, nobody gets through this journey without their own big mistakes.
Everybody makes mistakes, not every addict is a criminal. There is no way Floyd should have been murdered even though he was was not a good person. He had been a terrible person for a very long time. Still did not deserve to die. Fyi, humans are animals. Through a highly evolved ability to communicate we have managed to often get along in groups that are larger than what our closest relatives can manage. We do just ok but have the ability to do so much better. Ours is compassionate compared to others, we improve by the exchange of differing ideas. We have rules and laws that have been fought and died over and how we apply them in substantial fairness is complicated. Most people are good people and believe that no matter what color they are that the law should be the same for everyone. Our life experiences will never be the same or equal or fair. Hell, supporting Gopher sports has not been fair, paying for poorly performing coaches is not fair.

The guy's tweet was insensitive and in poor taste. It was a terrible joke. But he absolutely cannot and will not get expelled because of it. There are already court cases that set precedence for this type of thing at a public institution.

Tinker v. Des Moines says students have a right to free speech in public schools.

Teachers nor students shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate

School officials who wish to regulate student expression must be able to demonstrate that student expressive activities would result in material and substantial interference with the operations of the school or invade the rights of others.

If this was a private college, sure they could kick him out for this. But a government funded school would see a huge lawsuit if they tried to do the same thing. The KSU football team is doing more harm than good by giving more attention to this guy - this is exactly what he wanted.

The guy's tweet was insensitive and in poor taste. It was a terrible joke. But he absolutely cannot and will not get expelled because of it. There are already court cases that set precedence for this type of thing at a public institution.

Tinker v. Des Moines says students have a right to free speech in public schools.

If this was a private college, sure they could kick him out for this. But a government funded school would see a huge lawsuit if they tried to do the same thing. The KSU football team is doing more harm than good by giving more attention to this guy - this is exactly what he wanted.
Highly misguided and incorrect post.

Public vs private has nothing to do with first amendment rights or being able to expel someone. The school is private property and is allowed to create rules limiting the conduct of their students.

Highly misguided and incorrect post.

Public vs private has nothing to do with first amendment rights or being able to expel someone. The school is private property and is allowed to create rules limiting the conduct of their students.

You have a source for any of this or are you just making it up as you go? I already provided one court case that is relevant to this situation. Here's three more sources that agree that the first amendment applies to public universities. As long as someone is not inciting violence, they can say what they want.


I think there's always a bit of confusion when it comes to public schools vs private schools and first amendment (and other) rights.

It's not black and white in that if it was a public school you can't be otherwise 'punished' (i'm just going to say punished for lack of a better word) for what you say ... and private you can be punished for anything.

What is said does matter, as does the process to hand out 'punishment', even what you say, and they can matter in both situations.

There are differences between what might happen, but it's not a binary situation where it is absolute 1 or 0 as far as who can do what or what you can face consequences for.
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The first amendment just says that laws can’t be created to outlaw the expression of ideas in public places.

A university, no matter if it receives funding from a state government (a “public” school), or the federal government (almost all do, via tuition assistance FAFSA), is not a public place. It is private property.

And, being expelled from a university isn’t a criminal punishment.

No argument can ever change these facts. Go ahead, let’s see how fast you can waive your hands.

this was one of those twitter jokes that unoriginal people repost as their own. Shame on him for regurgitating that joke!!!!

I don't support expulsion for this but he is certainly hurting himself by not apologizing. His name is now linked with an awful joke for eternity, good luck getting a job, especially with a KSU degree!

Are university students schooled in the US Constitution? Based on some comments here and elsewhere from purported students and graduates...seems not. Honestly would rather see the thought police kicked off campus than the jerk who made a too soon “joke” at a murder victim’s (who happened to have three illegal or controlled substances in his blood) expense.

Are university students schooled in the US Constitution? Based on some comments here and elsewhere from purported students and graduates...seems not. Honestly would rather see the thought police kicked off campus than the jerk who made a too soon “joke” at a murder victim’s (who happened to have three illegal or controlled substances in his blood) expense.

You know it's not illegal to be on drugs, right? It's illegal to possess (some), sell them or operate a vehicle, but you can literally be as high as you want and it's not a crime. I love how people are justifying this crass joke because a guy had drugs in his system. I did 4 illegal substances just last weekend for my birthday. All with other 40-somethings who make close to six figures and all who have graduate degrees. So go ahead and continue to make generalizations about people who enjoy recreational drugs. It's hilarious. Do we all deserve to die and have some racist cunt kid make jokes about us on Twitter??

Dude, that dumbass goes to Kansas State. THAT is the fucking true punch line here. Jesus.

You know it's not illegal to be on drugs, right? It's illegal to possess (some), sell them or operate a vehicle, but you can literally be as high as you want and it's not a crime. I love how people are justifying this crass joke because a guy had drugs in his system. I did 4 illegal substances just last weekend for my birthday. All with other 40-somethings who make close to six figures and all who have graduate degrees. So go ahead and continue to make generalizations about people who enjoy recreational drugs. It's hilarious. Do we all deserve to die and have some racist cunt kid make jokes about us on Twitter??

Dude, that dumbass goes to Kansas State. THAT is the fucking true punch line here. Jesus.

Cunt, dumbass and fuck all in one posting. That's some good writin', right there.

Have a drink. Might bring you down a bit.

Cunt, dumbass and fuck all in one posting. That's some good writin', right there.

Have a drink. Might bring you down a bit.

If swearing makes you blush, but not people making fun of a dude who got straight murdered by a cop, something is off on your moral compass.

If swearing makes you blush, but not people making fun of a dude who got straight murdered by a cop, something is off on your moral compass.
Doesn't make me blush at all, actually. I just find the fact that you get bent out of shape so easily based on someone else's comment rather funny.

You know it's not illegal to be on drugs, right? It's illegal to possess (some), sell them or operate a vehicle, but you can literally be as high as you want and it's not a crime. I love how people are justifying this crass joke because a guy had drugs in his system. I did 4 illegal substances just last weekend for my birthday. All with other 40-somethings who make close to six figures and all who have graduate degrees. So go ahead and continue to make generalizations about people who enjoy recreational drugs. It's hilarious. Do we all deserve to die and have some racist cunt kid make jokes about us on Twitter??

Dude, that dumbass goes to Kansas State. THAT is the fucking true punch line here. Jesus.

Haha. Could be a top 5 douchiest post in GH history. Well done, douche.


Haha. Could be a top 5 douchiest post in GH history. Well done, douche.

View attachment 8597

Bro, coming from you, this is lovely. Nobody is better qualified to be able to identify their own kind. You've been a pile of trash on this board for more than a decade. At least I have some positions that I always stand up for in life and on this board. You basically just go around calling people douches or popping your head out when something negative happens with the Gophers.

So again, you calling me a douche means I just won in life. It doesn't get much better than being considered a polar opposite by Less Bolstad.

Doesn't make me blush at all, actually. I just find the fact that you get bent out of shape so easily based on someone else's comment rather funny.

It's actually the cumulative effect of many comments in this thread. The fact that some are justifying George Floyd's death or judging a person because he had drugs in his system is so freaking Nancy Reagan antiquated and sad that it makes my blood boil.

You know it's not illegal to be on drugs, right? It's illegal to possess (some), sell them or operate a vehicle, but you can literally be as high as you want and it's not a crime. I love how people are justifying this crass joke because a guy had drugs in his system. I did 4 illegal substances just last weekend for my birthday. All with other 40-somethings who make close to six figures and all who have graduate degrees. So go ahead and continue to make generalizations about people who enjoy recreational drugs. It's hilarious. Do we all deserve to die and have some racist cunt kid make jokes about us on Twitter??

Dude, that dumbass goes to Kansas State. THAT is the fucking true punch line here. Jesus.

Pot/ kettle. Get a grip. How old are you?

Did I say any of that?
Didn’t do that either. It’s also not illegal. Are you aware of that?
Yes, we are aware of your mind-altering habits from (if I recall correctly) prior posts. The drugs are working.
I did not do this
I did not insinuate or say that
It depends
Now that’s a funny line
I’m glad you are above generalizations, stereotypes, and prejudice

It's actually the cumulative effect of many comments in this thread. The fact that some are justifying George Floyd's death or judging a person because he had drugs in his system is so freaking Nancy Reagan antiquated and sad that it makes my blood boil.
Fair enough, but you really shouldn’t let it bother you. Life’s too short. It’s an internet forum and you won’t be fixing anything you are passionate about by posting here.

Pot/ kettle. Get a grip. How old are you?

Did I say any of that?
Didn’t do that either. It’s also not illegal. Are you aware of that?
Yes, we are aware of your mind-altering habits from (if I recall correctly) prior posts. The drugs are working.
I did not do this
I did not insinuate or say that
It depends
Now that’s a funny line
I’m glad you are above generalizations, stereotypes, and prejudice

You took the brunt because I replied to yours - which was not fair - for a bunch of other things posted in this thread. Sorry. I still have traces of mjfelton in my system. Its gonna take some time to flush that crap.

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