Jordan Hinojosa - What's going on here?

I don't believe the Hun School is a prep school in the same sense as Valley Forge. I have always been under the impression that the Hun School has a much better academic reputation that places like Valley Forge and Hargraves. I could be wrong on that.

I actually think you're right and that's why I used Ferguson as an example. I thought that Ferguson going Prep was probably a matter of him not getting offers out of HS. I hold that belief because he was eligible to come to the U in December (he didn't have to finish up school at a JuCo), and he wasn't gone for two years.

His situation seemed similar Boddy's. Boddy qualified academically out of HS, he didn't have to go JuCo academically, he went JuCo to make a name for himself and get a good offer. That is why he has three years (I think he even has 4 years to play 3).

So I was wondering why Boddy had to go JuCo and burn a year of eligibility while simply making a name for himself and why Ferguson went Prep for a year while simply making a name for himself.

It might come down to something as simple as economics but I really doubt that. I know the Cretins, SSM, Benilde's, De La Salle's, etc. essentially give athletic scholarships based on need to kids. So I would think that Prep Schools would/could give scholarships to help kids pay for prep. So that's why I dismissed it as purely economic. But I really have no idea.

He just tweeted: Got my Test Scores in and I'm officially going to the University of Minnesota in December of 2012.... I'm BACK!!!!*&^!##SKIUMAH

He just tweeted: Got my Test Scores in and I'm officially going to the University of Minnesota in December of 2012.... I'm BACK!!!!*&^!##SKIUMAH

That's fantastic. Right from the get-go, he seemed really excited to be here.

Maybe this will turn out for the best

Sounds good, too bad he can't play this year.

If he is actually coming in December (?) for the spring semester this could be in the long run better for him and the program. He will be able to train and go through spring football during the 2013 spring semester. Then when the fall semester begins in 2013 he will have five years to play four.

I have often wondered why don't more players and their teams do this. I am sure they want to get on with their lives and football careers sooner than later but with an extra year they have to let their bodies mature and the additional practice time they would have, who knows how much better they could become. Maybe we will find out. But for that to happen he needs to first show up.

He just tweeted: Got my Test Scores in and I'm officially going to the University of Minnesota in December of 2012.... I'm BACK!!!!*&^!##SKIUMAH
I'll believe it when I see it. I hope it's true though.

This is really interesting.

I wonder if he is essentially gray-shirting this season, like if he already has improved scores, couldn't he just not enroll in JuCo and keep his 5 years to play 4?

Furthermore, if he already has his grades, why wouldn't he come to the U right now? Fall semester hasn't started, he could still enroll, be part of camp and redshirt this season (all while getting accustomed to the U and the playbook).

This is really a curious case of eligibility. I am not doubting what anyone is saying because it's almost impossible to get a firm grasp on how players are eligible and all of that. But I am definitely curious on how all of this works out.

If he enrolled in a Juco he would have 4 to complete 4 because the clock would start. Also he would need to be cleared by the NCAA clearing house before he's considered a qualifier. I'm betting that enrolling in December is the safest choice.

I'll believe it when I see it. I hope it's true though.

This. Based on all the drama, don't put any stock in it. When I see him at Bierman wearing a maroon practice jersey, I'll believe it.

If he enrolled in a Juco he would have 4 to complete 4 because the clock would start. Also he would need to be cleared by the NCAA clearing house before he's considered a qualifier. I'm betting that enrolling in December is the safest choice.

But that's where it gets interesting. The general rule of thumb is that you are either a qualifier or a non-qualifier out of HS. If he did not qualify, if he had to enroll in a JuCo in order to qualify under the clearinghouse, it seems like he should have to get his AA. Now, if he was a qualifier (like Boddy), he could leave whenever.

Oh well, we'll find out.

I think the reason Hinjosa isn't here is that he applied and didn't get cleared. It seems that he retook the test, and now qualifies, but can he reapply and get cleared before the start of practice? If he enrolls in a JUCO, and isn't cleared in time, does that mean he has to graduate from JUCO before he can transfer? That's why I said waiting until December might be safest, there is enough time to get cleared and be sure of having 5 yrs to play 4 yrs.

I don't know if this question has been asked, but does "qualifier" mean qualified under NCAA or U of M admission requirements and would going to a JUCO have a different effect if it was a U of M (or Big 10) requirement that kept him from getting in?

Thanks nsmike

I think the reason Hinjosa isn't here is that he applied and didn't get cleared. It seems that he retook the test, and now qualifies, but can he reapply and get cleared before the start of practice? If he enrolls in a JUCO, and isn't cleared in time, does that mean he has to graduate from JUCO before he can transfer? That's why I said waiting until December might be safest, there is enough time to get cleared and be sure of having 5 yrs to play 4 yrs.

That is what I was trying to suggest earlier. If he is now cleared and waits to make sure everything is okay and then starts spring quarter he will be more mature both physically and mentally. He also will have an extra spring practice before his first fall camp. The problem is that it is hard to know what really going on here. I am not sure we are getting the real story.

I think the reason Hinjosa isn't here is that he applied and didn't get cleared. It seems that he retook the test, and now qualifies, but can he reapply and get cleared before the start of practice? If he enrolls in a JUCO, and isn't cleared in time, does that mean he has to graduate from JUCO before he can transfer? That's why I said waiting until December might be safest, there is enough time to get cleared and be sure of having 5 yrs to play 4 yrs.

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. That's why I was wondering if it is a possibility for him to essentially gray-shirt this season. If he sits out until December and never enrolls, his eligibility clock should not start running until he enrolls here.

rivals now has him listed as a 2013 commit and showing offers from Penn State and Miami (FL)!

I just seen that


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