Jordan Hinojosa - What's going on here?

No, he didn't have to get it up to get admitted. He had already been admitted and was on campus when the NCAA let him know his score had been flagged. He was flagged b/c the NCAA thought his second attempt at the ACT had a score that was TOO GOOD. They forced him to withdraw from school and take it again to prove that it wasn't suspicious. The U didn't have any issues with his grades or scores which is why they had already admitted him. It wasn't a normal Clearinghouse issue.

You're right. What I was trying to state was that he needed to re-take his ACT and get another qualifying score as opposed to attending a JUCO. My hands weren't typing what my brain was telling me.

Yes, they did. The Gophers were not recruiting them to transfer here, however. That would be impossible. The Gophers recruited players like Boddy, Shabazz, Johnson, etc. to transfer here, because they actually could transfer here.


I was quite aware that they transferred in to Miami Central. That has no bearing whatsoever on saying the Gophers were "recruiting transfers", which is not at all laden with innuendo and agenda-driven. Nope, not at all.

Which do you enjoy more:

A. Following and discussing Gopher Sports.


B. Pointing out everyone's mistakes(no matter how minor they are) and being an argumentative jack-wagon.

Which do you enjoy more:

A. Following and discussing Gopher Sports.


B. Pointing out everyone's mistakes(no matter how minor they are) and being an argumentative jack-wagon.

The answer is C. Both equally. I also will not allow people to push their agendas, which is what is clearly happening here. All of the Miami Central players who were recruited by the Gophers were transfers in, so that means they were complete dullards and all had grade problems, right? I mean, only total idiots transfer high schools. No one ever transfers to play for a better team, to get better visibility and have a better chance at a college scholarship, to play with friends, etc. None of that stuff ever happens.

The answer is B. TOTALLY. I also will not allow people to push their agendas, which is what is clearly happening here. All of the Miami Central players who were recruited by the Gophers were transfers in, so that means they were complete dullards and all had grade problems, right? I mean, only total idiots transfer high schools. No one ever transfers to play for a better team, to get better visibility and have a better chance at a college scholarship, to play with friends, etc. None of that stuff ever happens.


Yes - I clearly don't love the Gophers, which is why I've watched every second of every game since 1998 either live, on TV, or tape/DVR, why I've spent thousands of dollars on Gophers season tickets (student or regular) almost every season since 1998, why I am an alumnus (and employee) of the University, why my wife has her undergrad and master's degrees from the U, why each of my children will be attending the U if I have anything to say about it, and why I have over 6,500 posts on a Gophers-themed college football message board. Yup, good call.

Yes - I clearly don't love the Gophers, which is why I've watched every second of every game since 1998 either live, on TV, or tape/DVR, why I've spent thousands of dollars on Gophers season tickets (student or regular) almost every season since 1998, why I am an alumnus (and employee) of the University, why my wife has her undergrad and master's degrees from the U, why each of my children will be attending the U if I have anything to say about it, and why I have over 6,500 posts on a Gophers-themed college football message board. Yup, good call.


I was looking forward to seeing this guy in maroon and gold. Hopefully that'll still happen some day.

And on the side pissing match, I don't doubt dpo loves talking Gopher football. He also loves jumping on any post that either has a grammatical error, or appears to have some type of hidden agenda. That's just his deal, I don't think it's that big a deal really. I usually find it hilarious when he does the point by point breakdown of what he finds wrong with a post.

Another scholly to give next year. I liked this kid due to his attitude and size but on film he wasn't overly impressive and didn't put up eye popping stats either. That said DTs are at a premium so its a blow to lose him but I don't think we're losing someone that would've made a real difference in the next 2 years

I'm in no position to question anyone's intelligence, as I'd need two or three promtions to attain the rank of "Dullard", but wasn't the initial talk that he was going to graduate early and enroll in the Carlson School? Now he can't qualify? Something's missing.

I'd guess there's a huge difference between someone saying they want to get into Carlson, and then someone actually getting into Carlson. Failing to get into Carlson doesn't mean a kid is a poor student, but neither does saying they want to get into Carlson guarantee they're a good one (student), I'd guess.

Unfortunately, it has been all too common an occurrence, throughout the blogospere, forums and comment sections on the internet for participants to use grammar and spelling mistakes to belittle other users with ad hominum attacks or argue that their point is wrong simply because they can't use English correctly. While I agree that this is cruel and leads to off topic arguments I also feel that the writer shouldn't get away scot free for using the language incorrectly. If it can be gently pointed out that the usage or spelling is incorrect without assuming that the author is stupid we can take advantage of a teachable moment. Show some respect. Lots of people misspell words they have only heard and never seen in print or maybe didn't have time to edit before posting. Many of us end sentences with prepositions and make other grammatical mistakes. Also we can include some on topic commentary so the post isn't totally critical.

Regarding Jordan H. these things happen all the time at all schools (well, maybe not Duke or Stanford) and speculating on why someone winds up at a JC doesn't change things. Whether he comes back here or goes elsewhere involves lots of factors. He is a young human being and hopefully he can get himself an education and become a productive member of society. To me that is far more important than whether or not he helps the Gophers win football games. Even thought I am a Gopher (fan)atic I try to keep things in perspective.

Well, even if he does goto JUCO at Coffeyville, I am sure that we still have the best chance of picking him up when he is eligible. We picked up a wide receiver (Fruchte, sorry if I misspelled the name) this year that we recruited under Brewster when he was a HS student by telling him to attend JUCO in Rochester and keeping in touch. And apparently Kill wanted Gillum out of high school while at Northern Illinois.

Usually, with last year as an exception, Freshmen don't play the d-line. So as of right now, I don't see much for the team to worry about. It's all on Mr. Jordan Hinohosa to work on his game and his class work if he wants to be a Gopher. Lets hope he does. And we'll see him in a year or two. Maybe he'll bring some friends. :D

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And we'll see him in a year or two. Maybe he'll bring some friends.

We'll see him in 2 (assuming that qualifying is the issue). If you go JUCO b/c you don't qualify then you have to go for 2 years. If you go for other reasons while still passing the NCAA Clearinghouse (i.e. you were eligible for D1 ball but didn't like your offers, etc) then you can come out after a year. At least, that's how I recall it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

Unfortunately, it has been all too common an occurrence, throughout the blogospere, forums and comment sections on the internet for participants to use grammar and spelling mistakes to belittle other users with ad hominum attacks or argue that their point is wrong simply because they can't use English correctly. While I agree that this is cruel and leads to off topic arguments I also feel that the writer shouldn't get away scot free for using the language incorrectly. If it can be gently pointed out that the usage or spelling is incorrect without assuming that the author is stupid we can take advantage of a teachable moment. Show some respect. Lots of people misspell words they have only heard and never seen in print or maybe didn't have time to edit before posting. Many of us end sentences with prepositions and make other grammatical mistakes. Also we can include some on topic commentary so the post isn't totally critical.

Rough edit: "Unfortunately, it has been all too common an occurrence throughout the blogospere, forums and comment sections on the internet, for participants to use grammar and spelling mistakes to belittle other users. These participants use ad hominem attacks or argue that their point is wrong simply because they can't correctly use the English language. While I agree that this is cruel and leads to off topic arguments, I also feel that the writer shouldn't get away scot free for incorrectly using the language. Without assuming that the author is stupid, it can be gently pointed out that usage or spelling is incorrect. We can take advantage of a teachable moment. Show some respect. Lots of people misspell words that they have only heard and never seen in print-- or maybe didn't have time to edit before posting. Many of us end sentences with prepositions and make other grammatical mistakes. Also we can include some on topic commentary so that the post isn't totally critical." ;)

A Joke: A Louisianan shows up at Harvard to study. He asks a man, "Excuse me, do you know where the library is at?"

Shocked, the man replies, "Don't you know anything? Here at Harvard, we never end a sentence with a preposition!"

The Louisianan pauses for a moment and says, "Okay... do you know where the library is at, asshole?"

We'll see him in 2 (assuming that qualifying is the issue). If you go JUCO b/c you don't qualify then you have to go for 2 years. If you go for other reasons while still passing the NCAA Clearinghouse (i.e. you were eligible for D1 ball but didn't like your offers, etc) then you can come out after a year. At least, that's how I recall it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.


If you are now in a two-year school and have never previously attended a four-year school…
If you are now in a two-year school, never previously attended a four-year school, and want to transfer to a four-year school, we sometimes refer to you as a 2-4 transfer. Here are the rules that generally apply to you.

If you are a qualifier…
At the two-year school, did you:
-Complete at least one semester or quarter as a full-time student? (Summer school does not count.)
-Earn an average of 12-semester or 12-quarter transferable-degree credit hours for each term you started full time at the two-year school?
-Earn a grade-point average (GPA) of 2.000 in those transferable credit hours?

If Yes to all:
You can practice.
You can receive athletically related financial aid.
You can play right away during the first year after you transfer.

If No to at least one:
You can practice.
You can receive athletically related financial aid.
You cannot play until you complete one full academic year of residence.

Yes - I clearly don't love the Gophers, which is why I've watched every second of every game since 1998 either live, on TV, or tape/DVR, why I've spent thousands of dollars on Gophers season tickets (student or regular) almost every season since 1998, why I am an alumnus (and employee) of the University, why my wife has her undergrad and master's degrees from the U, why each of my children will be attending the U if I have anything to say about it, and why I have over 6,500 posts on a Gophers-themed college football message board.
Yup, good call.

You must be a riot around the dinner table telling everybody to use the short fork for their salad
You should have your own personnal * in Webster's New World under the word "tool"

You must be a riot around the dinner table telling everybody to use the short fork for their salad
You should have your own personnal * in Webster's New World under the word "tool"

Do you deny that you were implying Hinojosa is an idiot because he transferred in to Miami Central?

Do you deny that you were implying Hinojosa is an idiot because he transferred in to Miami Central?

Yes. Where did I say he was an idiot? Pure conjecture on your part. All I said was the 4 players the Gophers were recruiting at Miami Central had transferred from other HS's and had academic issues. Jordan being one of them. I have no idea what those issues are. It could be transfer of credits, not enough credits, transcript problems, etc. Quit trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Bottom line, he is not here.

Yes. Where did I say he was an idiot? Pure conjecture on your part. All I said was the 4 players the Gophers were recruiting at Miami Central had transferred from other HS's and had academic issues. Jordan being one of them. I have no idea what those issues are. It could be transfer of credits, not enough credits, transcript problems, etc. Quit trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Bottom line, he is not here.

I never said that you said he was an idiot. I said that you implied he is an idiot. Your bizarre use of the Gophers "recruiting transfers" followed by "all of them transferred in and had academic issues" is all that needs to be said. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to follow it through to its conclusion.

Yes - I clearly don't love the Gophers, which is why I've watched every second of every game since 1998 either live, on TV, or tape/DVR, why I've spent thousands of dollars on Gophers season tickets (student or regular) almost every season since 1998, why I am an alumnus (and employee) of the University, why my wife has her undergrad and master's degrees from the U, why each of my children will be attending the U if I have anything to say about it, and why I have over 6,500 posts on a Gophers-themed college football message board. Yup, good call.

A convenient cover...

I never said that you said he was an idiot. I said that you implied he is an idiot. Your bizarre use of the Gophers "recruiting transfers" followed by "all of them transferred in and had academic issues" is all that needs to be said. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to follow it through to its conclusion.

Perhaps we can start a Pissing Contest board some of these posts can be moved to?

Perhaps we can start a Pissing Contest board some of these posts can be moved to?

I'm with dpodoll68 on this one. Unless ruppert can prove all four kids had academic issues, and transferred to Miami Central because of those issues, he probably shouldn't state such accusations. It really isn't fair to the student-athletes if they are, in fact, good students.

dpodoll68 said:
We all get it, you don't like me. Try posting something of substance for once.

Just anther thread that shows you fight with everybody in Gopherhole. It's starting to become a waste of time to read anything you post. Bitching about the small things - I guess some people get off on that though - Just saying.

There's still a chance the Hinojosa gets here in time for Fall camp. What might have gone wrong is he is missing a core class or something along those lines. He could have a 4.0 and 31 ACT but if he never took geometry he can't enroll. Coffeyville's summer session one will be over before fall camp.

There's still a chance the Hinojosa gets here in time for Fall camp. What might have gone wrong is he is missing a core class or something along those lines. He could have a 4.0 and 31 ACT but if he never took geometry he can't enroll. Coffeyville's summer session one will be over before fall camp.
I might win the lottery tomorrow too. Get over it guys, Coffeyville ain't such a bad place for this kid to land for the next year or two.

Check the facts

I'm with dpodoll68 on this one. Unless ruppert can prove all four kids had academic issues, and transferred to Miami Central because of those issues, he probably shouldn't state such accusations. It really isn't fair to the student-athletes if they are, in fact, good students.

Somebody might not like dpod but he is not wrong too often. He has corrected me a couple times. He was accurate in his criticisms. I have grown to appreciate dpod.
Is he annoying sometimes? Yup. Aren't we all? Especially if we challenge somebody's assertions or correct their errors?

I don't want to get too into this pissing contest, but if he does end up staying at Coffeyville it could be a great pipeline school for us. They usually have some pretty good talent if I am not mistaken.

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