Jordan Hinojosa - What's going on here?

A Joke: A Louisianan shows up at Harvard to study. He asks a man, "Excuse me, do you know where the library is at?"

Shocked, the man replies, "Don't you know anything? Here at Harvard, we never end a sentence with a preposition!"

The Louisianan pauses for a moment and says, "Okay... do you know where the library is at, asshole?"

Here's a variation to that one...

One sister says to the other sister: "Hey, I'm going to the store to buy Mom a birthday card, you want to come with?"

The other sister says: “You should never end a sentence with a preposition!”

The first sister replies: “O.K. I’m going to the store to buy Mom a birthday card, you want to come with, bitch?”

A Harvardite and a Yaleite are standing next to each other at urinals.

They both step away. Harardite washes his hands, Yaleite doesn't.

Harvardite says, "At Hahvahd, we are taught to wash our hands after using the bathroom."

Yaleite says, "At Yale, we are taught to not piss on our fingers."

I might win the lottery tomorrow too. Get over it guys, Coffeyville ain't such a bad place for this kid to land for the next year or two.

There's a greater chance he'll qualify than you winning the lottery. I was merely pointing out that qualifying is more complex than overall gpa and test scores.

Jordan just tweeted this:

@JNHIO88 Coffeyville, Kansas Football... I'll be in Minnesota in December

Who knows what exactly is going on but I wish him the best.

Jordan just tweeted this:

@JNHIO88 Coffeyville, Kansas Football... I'll be in Minnesota in December

Who knows what exactly is going on but I wish him the best.

I have no idea what is happening in this case but, if you look at NCAA clearing house requirements, they go beyond grades and test scores to proscribing the courses you need to take. These can be different than what you need to graduate or to be admitted to a college. It would not be too tough to be shy the required number of credits in one subject or another which might require additional classes.

Briean Boddy played at Coffeyville and enrolled at the UofM after 1 season. Perhaps Hinojosa was encouraged to do the same?

20 Briean Boddy DB 5'11 175 FR Wilmington, Del./Delcastle Technical

Scholarship Count Alert

Jordan just tweeted this:

@JNHIO88 Coffeyville, Kansas Football... I'll be in Minnesota in December

Who knows what exactly is going on but I wish him the best.

Since counting scholarships seems to get the attention of both the "left" and the "right" on this board I am issuing this scholarship count alert: --- If Jordan starts school in January, there will then be one less scolarship available for signing 2013 recruits. But whose counting?:confused:

Briean Boddy played at Coffeyville and enrolled at the UofM after 1 season. Perhaps Hinojosa was encouraged to do the same?

20 Briean Boddy DB 5'11 175 FR Wilmington, Del./Delcastle Technical

I have no idea what is going on either, but this seems unlikely to me.

Boddy went JUCO because he wasn't getting attention out of HS it was not a grades issue. He didn't get the attention or offer that he wanted and thought JUCO was the best route for him to get exposure to D1 schools.

Hinojosa already has that exposure. He had several offers coming out of HS and his issue appears to be academic related. It would be bizarre for the U to want him to go to Coffeyville for a season when they could just redshirt him right now.

Generally, there are two kinds of JUCO players.

(1) Players who qaulify academically but want to get more exposure (Boddy).
(2) Players who didn't completely qualify academically.

In my loose understanding, every player in category (2) needs to complete their associates degree (two seasons) before they are eligible. I could certainly be wrong but I would be surprised to see Mr. Hinojosa here in January. I'm sure another poster can correct any of my understandings that might be false.

Perhaps Coffeyville also has a Prep program?

......seems like he ended up being a non qualifier
I have no idea what is going on either, but this seems unlikely to me.

Boddy went JUCO because he wasn't getting attention out of HS it was not a grades issue. He didn't get the attention or offer that he wanted and thought JUCO was the best route for him to get exposure to D1 schools.

Hinojosa already has that exposure. He had several offers coming out of HS and his issue appears to be academic related. It would be bizarre for the U to want him to go to Coffeyville for a season when they could just redshirt him right now.

Generally, there are two kinds of JUCO players.

(1) Players who qaulify academically but want to get more exposure (Boddy).
(2) Players who didn't completely qualify academically.

In my loose understanding, every player in category (2) needs to complete their associates degree (two seasons) before they are eligible. I could certainly be wrong but I would be surprised to see Mr. Hinojosa here in January. I'm sure another poster can correct any of my understandings that might be false.

Perhaps Coffeyville also has a Prep program?

Here's a variation to that one...

One sister says to the other sister: "Hey, I'm going to the store to buy Mom a birthday card, you want to come with?"

The other sister says: “You should never end a sentence with a preposition!”

The first sister replies: “O.K. I’m going to the store to buy Mom a birthday card, you want to come with, bitch?”

"Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put." ~ WSC

Here's a variation to that one...

One sister says to the other sister: "Hey, I'm going to the store to buy Mom a birthday card, you want to come with?"

The other sister says: “You should never end a sentence with a preposition!”

The first sister replies: “O.K. I’m going to the store to buy Mom a birthday card, you want to come with, bitch?”

This all taken from the movie 'With Honors'. With Brendan Frazier and Joe Pesci with Joe Pesci's character using this line against a Harvard professor.

Gopher028 said:
This all taken from the movie 'With Honors'. With Brendan Frazier and Joe Pesci with Joe Pesci's character using this line against a Harvard professor.

With Honors was at least partially filmed on the U campus. The outside of the library in the movie was actually Northrop.

Since counting scholarships seems to get the attention of both the "left" and the "right" on this board I am issuing this scholarship count alert: --- If Jordan starts school in January, there will then be one less scolarship available for signing 2013 recruits. But whose counting?:confused:

Not really - by the last count I saw the U had 12 scholarships for next year (was 13 -1 for Bobek) assuming Hinojosa signs this year. If Hinojosa doesn't sign this year they'd have 13 available, one of which could still go to Hinojosa, assuming he's eligible. The only way it would impact is if they give Hinojosa's scholarship to someone else who has more than 1 year of eligibility, which if the U knows Hinojosa is coming next December I'd highly doubt.

I have no idea what is going on either, but this seems unlikely to me.

Boddy went JUCO because he wasn't getting attention out of HS it was not a grades issue. He didn't get the attention or offer that he wanted and thought JUCO was the best route for him to get exposure to D1 schools.

Hinojosa already has that exposure. He had several offers coming out of HS and his issue appears to be academic related. It would be bizarre for the U to want him to go to Coffeyville for a season when they could just redshirt him right now.

Generally, there are two kinds of JUCO players.

(1) Players who qaulify academically but want to get more exposure (Boddy).
(2) Players who didn't completely qualify academically.

In my loose understanding, every player in category (2) needs to complete their associates degree (two seasons) before they are eligible. I could certainly be wrong but I would be surprised to see Mr. Hinojosa here in January. I'm sure another poster can correct any of my understandings that might be false.

There are two other ideas I came up with that may or may not be truly possible. One is that the U wants him to Gray Shirt and he chose to go to a CC during that time (I don't know why this would happen unless they want to give a walk on senior the scholarship). The other is that he may be going to CC to finish something from high school. I think a couple guys I "graduated" with had this happen. Basically, when a kid only needs one class to graduate, it doesn't make sense to go back to HS for that one class, so they enroll at a CC to complete the requirement. I guess that kind of fits category 2, but might explain why he wouldn't need to get an AA if it's in pursuit of his HS Diploma.

Again, I don't know if those are real possibilities in the NCAA, just alternative explanations I dreamed up.

Lakeville Goldy

Right or wrong, I think most people here were thinking that Jordan Hinojosa wouldn't be here for two years if ever. Therefore the math becomes quite simple, i.e. if shows up before 2014 we will have one less scholarship available to give during this period to someone else. That is the only point I was trying to make.

I'll believe it when I see it...he has been a huge tool time and time again with his "I'll be here in a few days" or "Me and Nicholson will for sure be there at the start of summer" etc etc etc. I think he can be a great player for the U if he ever comes here but for now I'm not gunna believe anything until he is actually suited up and on the field at TCF.

I'll believe it when I see it...he has been a huge tool time and time again with his "I'll be here in a few days" or "Me and Nicholson will for sure be there at the start of summer" etc etc etc. I think he can be a great player for the U if he ever comes here but for now I'm not gunna believe anything until he is actually suited up and on the field at TCF.

It's kinda absurd to call an 18 year old a tool, isn't it?

And as far as the number of scholarships go, isn't it the same scholarship he would be using from last year? I mean if he doesn't enroll it would open one up, and if he does enroll the number doesn't change. Correct me if I am wrong here, but I thought if a scholarship slot is not used one year, it can be used in the next year.

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It's kinda absurd to call an 18 year old a tool, isn't it?

And as far as the number of scholarships go, isn't it the same scholarship he would be using from last year? I mean if he doesn't enroll it would open one up, and if he does enroll the number doesn't change. Correct me if I am wrong here, but I thought if a scholarship slot is not used one year, it can be used in the next year.

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Scholarships numbers are always in flux. It appears that Dwayne Mitchell's and Jordan Hinojosa's scholarships are now going to be used by Duke Anyanwu and Ben Lauer this fall. The original plan was to “grey shirt” Duke and Ben this fall and then enrolls them in January using two 2013 scholarships but when the two scholarships opened up, they did not have to do that. Again the point is and only is, that there will be x number of scholarships available for the 2013 class. If Jordan Hinojosa happened to enroll this coming January then there would be one less scholarship available for somebody else.

If people don't qualify academically, why don't they go the route of Larry Fitzgerald, who went to Valley Forge Military Academy. He essentially had a fifth-year of prep school and didn't lose any eligibility on the way to qualifying academically.

Is that a loophole that has since been closed or am I missing something obvious?

If people don't qualify academically, why don't they go the route of Larry Fitzgerald, who went to Valley Forge Military Academy. He essentially had a fifth-year of prep school and didn't lose any eligibility on the way to qualifying academically.

Is that a loophole that has since been closed or am I missing something obvious?

Great question. That is what Joshua Campion did but I am not sure if his situation was exactly the same.

The difference is he'd have to pay for prep school, which is can be pricey.

If people don't qualify academically, why don't they go the route of Larry Fitzgerald, who went to Valley Forge Military Academy. He essentially had a fifth-year of prep school and didn't lose any eligibility on the way to qualifying academically.

Is that a loophole that has since been closed or am I missing something obvious?

There have been changes made by the NCAA since Fitzgerald's time. Long story short, in many circumstances where a year of prep school was an answer, revisions to regulations 5 years ago effectively took away that option for many kids.

There have been changes made by the NCAA since Fitzgerald's time. Long story short, in many circumstances where a year of prep school was an answer, revisions to regulations 5 years ago effectively took away that option for many kids.

OK - good deal. I figured that NCAA regulations had changed in that regard (similar to the way the NCAA closed the correspondence credits back door).

So what about guys like Sean Ferguson?

He was an 09 graduate from HS and then he went to Prep School (Hun School in NJ) for a half a year (December grad from prep school). He's a guy who still had 5 to play 4. He's now a RS SO.

I assume he qualified academically out of HS, so that's one difference. However, he still seemed to be able to take advantage of an eligibility loophole that wasn't available to Brien Boddy (who went JuCo but also qualified academically out of HS).

So what about guys like Sean Ferguson?

He was an 09 graduate from HS and then he went to Prep School (Hun School in NJ) for a half a year (December grad from prep school). He's a guy who still had 5 to play 4. He's now a RS SO.

I assume he qualified academically out of HS, so that's one difference. However, he still seemed to be able to take advantage of an eligibility loophole that wasn't available to Brien Boddy (who went JuCo but also qualified academically out of HS).

Also, how did it work with Josh Campion who went to Fork Union (Va.) Military Academy after Fergus Falls High School. He then enrolled at U and has five years to play four.

Guys - it complete depends on the circumstances of the specific student-athlete... but, think of it this way,... up until 5 years ago, there were more lenient rules with respect to what you could accomplish in a fifth year of 'high school / prep school' (and even in 4 years of 'regular high school').. rules were changed such that, generally, you needed to be in much better shape after four years (additional core classes were required; certain of these class scores need to be completed in your first 7 semesters of high school; certain of those scores are 'locked in' / can't be re-taken to improve your score; generally only one additional core class can be taken for eligibility credit after your fourth year, etc).

So, can you attend a 5th year of high school before college and still be a qualifier with 5 years to compete in 4 once you begin college? Absolutely, happens often. The opportunities to do so are less now than they were 5 years ago, however... (and they are scheduled to change in another ~4 years.. big time).

So what about guys like Sean Ferguson?

He was an 09 graduate from HS and then he went to Prep School (Hun School in NJ) for a half a year (December grad from prep school). He's a guy who still had 5 to play 4. He's now a RS SO.

I assume he qualified academically out of HS, so that's one difference. However, he still seemed to be able to take advantage of an eligibility loophole that wasn't available to Brien Boddy (who went JuCo but also qualified academically out of HS).

I don't believe the Hun School is a prep school in the same sense as Valley Forge. I have always been under the impression that the Hun School has a much better academic reputation that places like Valley Forge and Hargraves. I could be wrong on that.

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