Jerry Kill's Press Conference Notes: We took a step back on Saturday, but now we...

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I've been on a conference call all afternoon, so I did spend more time than normal breaking it down. I tire of accepting mediocrity and I don't understand why so many other fans are so willing to accept this garbage, and then attack me and others for pointing this stuff out.

You have now switched your message. I don't think people are attacking you for the team's perceived mediocrity. They're attacking you for the wretched analsys of Kill's press conference.

I think people should take it a little easy on you since it's so obvious that you've never heard a coach answer questions from the media. Here's a heads-up for next time:

All coaches talk in cliches. They sometimes try to protect their players (and themselves) publicly. They sometimes are willing to acknowledge that their team and coaches did not peform well, but you will not hear them say, "God, we suck. I can't believe anybody wants to play for us." Also, from a consistency standpoint on your part, you lose a little credibility when you criticize the coach for not taking enough responsibility and then, when the coach does accept some responsibility, criticize him for that, too.

Be patient with yourself; it takes practice.

Wow...saying the defeat was due to "fundamental hand" play is a new one on me. "Hand play" could have averted a woodshed whupping???

Its pretty obvious Kill will be here (sans health related resignation) for at least a few more years, based solely on his big ass K not his production.
I am lamenting this fact, but am realistic as to the fact we are stuck with this bum. I would love to be wrong about him but I just don't think I will be. The hyperbole over what would happen if he left is hilarious though. We are as bad as we've been since before Mason, so what, 20 years? At this point Brewster's 3 B1G wins a year don't appear so horrible. Imagine that, Kill, the great "coach" hasn't been able to produce results that separate him from Brew.

......... Where you at now, punk? =D

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