Jerry Kill's Press Conference Notes: We took a step back on Saturday, but now we...

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You really lead a pretty sad life over analyzing every word a coach says in a press conference. You need to realize the press conference is only so long so he is generalizing things greatly. He'd be there for hours if he really told you everything. Quit nit picking every word.

I've been on a conference call all afternoon, so I did spend more time than normal breaking it down. I tire of accepting mediocrity and I don't understand why so many other fans are so willing to accept this garbage, and then attack me and others for pointing this stuff out.

"This was the worst Gopher experience I've had. The Iowa fans in our section were so obnoxious."

We've had 2 and a half days now of "you should cut them some slack" posts. Here's mine; you should cut Halsey Hall some slack. He was saying that it was the worst experience he had had because the "Iowa fans in our section were so obnoxious". Anybody who can't relate to that hasn't attended a lot of Iowa and/or Wisconsin games in Minnesota over the last 15 years.

Oddly enough, while the UR(&^ED%$S#$!! to ZERO, final game at the Dome WAS one the 3rd Worst game (Friday Night with MI and F-ing meltdown with Sconies) we attended the Iowa fans sitting around us for that colossal lose were downright sympathetic. :eek: They kept talking about how injuries had decimated the Gophers on Defense, had killed the O-Line and how much we obviously missed Decker.

Gave the horrible loss an almost surreal quality.

Get more than 20 against Michigan!

Actually you can control a lot of things against Iowa. You can control who you start at qb (don't let a Sophomore tell you who your qb will be). You can call better plays on offense and defense. You can stop trying to avoid losing and start trying to win.
And what about Eric Klein and how strong he has made everyone? Where is this strength? I need to be talked off the ledge by someone (or else pushed). This was the worst Gopher experience I've had. The Iowa fans in our section were so obnoxious.

I'm willing to give you a push.

I tire of accepting mediocrity and I don't understand why so many other fans are so willing to accept this garbage...

Then stop bringing up Glen Mason. That is the definition of accepting mediocrity.

I've been on a conference call all afternoon, so I did spend more time than normal breaking it down. I tire of accepting mediocrity and I don't understand why so many other fans are so willing to accept this garbage, and then attack me and others for pointing this stuff out.

Maybe, just maybe, they don't like you and it has nothing to do with your lazy posts or pointless hyperbole filled rants. I know, you are going to say you don't make lazy posts or pointless hyperbole filled rants. So I guess it is the first thing...they don't like you.

Worse experiences than the Iowa disaster include

Michigan 4th quarter nightmare
Blocked Punt debacle
Texas Tech meltdown
The Purdue FG game in 2001 -- this is a very underrated gopher tradegy
The Wisky beatdown at the TCF B1G home opener
The fiasco in Bloomington after the big win at tOSU
NW hail mary
NW last minute Pick 6

Worse experiences than the Iowa disaster include

Michigan 4th quarter nightmare
Blocked Punt debacle
Texas Tech meltdown
The Purdue FG game in 2001 -- this is a very underrated gopher tradegy
The Wisky beatdown at the TCF B1G home opener
The fiasco in Bloomington after the big win at tOSU
NW hail mary
NW last minute Pick 6

Hell, I go back to the roughing call on Bobby Bell against the Badgers. Kicked a hole in the living room wall.

I've been on a conference call all afternoon, so I did spend more time than normal breaking it down. I tire of accepting mediocrity and I don't understand why so many other fans are so willing to accept this garbage, and then attack me and others for pointing this stuff out.

I'd quit if you were my boss. I don't think I could handle being told to do a project and given a timeline to do it only to be told when I am only part way done it's due immediately well before the deadline I had been given and it's a half a**ed job too.

I've been on a conference call all afternoon, so I did spend more time than normal breaking it down. I tire of accepting mediocrity and I don't understand why so many other fans are so willing to accept this garbage, and then attack me and others for pointing this stuff out.

Nothing in your post was analytical, it was pure venom towards a program trying to find it's way. You're pissed, we are too.
You want Nick Saban to walk in here and deliver a 6* QB from fantasyland and fix everything forever and we'll never lose another game, EVER.
Oh and he better not take more than 3 years, because year 4 we'll throw his ass out too!

This is a 200% honest, genuine and sincere question. I'm awed at how much you can see/take away from watching a game. I'm barely able to watch who has the ball. How are you able to see all this? How are you able to watch/assess all these different players at one time? When I read your comments I think: "man, this guy must really know football". I'm impressed. Tell the rest of us how to do this. (Btw, I realize most guys on here don't have the courage to give you so much praise, but trust me, I'm not yanking your chain. I'm being sincere.)


I learned from my dad. He is an ex-coach and member of the 67 Big 10 Championship team.

After I (we) get back from the game and after the wife and kids go to bed, (because they can’t stand it), I rev up the DVR and go through the game (each play 3-5 times). If my Dad comes in for the game we do it together. We don’t grade out the players, positions, or chart plays, that takes too long. We just do it for fun.

• Looking forward to getting back on the practice field today and getting our kids on track and get better. You have to have short term memory, we've taken care of everything we needed to on Sunday. He wants us to forget that a week ago this time, we were all really excited for the Iowa game. I think he is trying to ignore the massive let down that game was for the fan base. It was arguably the biggest build up to a game of the Kill era and we laid a massive egg. Of course he would want us to forget

I stopped reading after this. You really believe this comment from Kill was about the fans? Really? We get it, you don't like him. But this is so far off base I find it impossible to take anything else you say seriously.

Actually you can control a lot of things against Iowa. You can control who you start at qb (don't let a Sophomore tell you who your qb will be). You can call better plays on offense and defense. You can stop trying to avoid losing and start trying to win.
And what about Eric Klein and how strong he has made everyone? Where is this strength? I need to be talked off the ledge by someone (or else pushed). This was the worst Gopher experience I've had. The Iowa fans in our section were so obnoxious.
I feel the same way - something especially deflating about this loss (especially the awful first half). It was worst than being blown out, as so many times in the past. There was a sense of no effort being made on offense, of a lack of intelligence there, of the wrong QB in the game. Obviously a win at Ann Arbor would erase all this! But it won't happen.

I watched the replay today and one thing that Coach Kill talked about in his press conference is how hard our guys played. I'm paraphrasing but he said that they maybe didn't play smart or well, but they played hard and wanted to put on a good showing. The replay confirmed that for me and I'm going to look at it glass is half full and that our kids are going to come out smoking on Saturday as they'll want to put last weekend behind them.

You are correct that Hill maintaining man coverage on his receiver was the correct

NO! Every man coverage there is you play your man and are taught to catch up and be in good position before looking for a thrown ball or in the backfield!!! Secondary contain comes from the backer whose man is not running a route or a spy (if applicable).

Hill played the correct coverage and technique, the lineman #98 lost containment when they looped around the QB on the right side, lost there rush lane, Wilson looked like he was blitzing on that play as it looked like the Gophers brought five.
I thought I saw a safety thompson, trying to signal to him Hill 57 at the game who could not Shed away(safety) from his block, I thought he hand signaled or waved at Hill to turn a lot sooner to pursue the QB, Hill played his technique correctly, but sometimes you have to have your head on a bit of a swivel or looking for your teamates reactions. I thought he could have reacted sooner to make a tackle sooner with his experience and shut down the run quicker from Ruckmon. The crowd was very loud on the play third down, At least from over the top it looked that way with binoculars. The Safety's were taken very deep in there drops, so once the lineman and the blitzing linebacker lost containment the play completely broke down. IT was a big play in the game. The Iowa QB he seemed to be able to slide nicely away from pressure and once he cut back and nobody was there it was free sailing. Gophers used a lot of three and four man fronts, and the secondary coverd for long periods of time,
this was one of the few times I thought they brought five. I'm a fan of Hill #57, the guy usually plays his position about as well as anybody, he had some difficulty until the fourth quarter on Saturday. With a little better execution on third down by the defensive line on third down and long, and with a few less drops or overthrows on the offense(Phillip Nelson well get there, the guy has skills) who knows the Gophers might have actually had a chance to win. It was not the dominating get your butts kicked game by Iowa that the media or some fans make it out to be. Yes Iowa controlled the line of scrimmage but the Gophers had opportunity's on a lot of plays.

The Gophers were a lot closer to having success Saturday then what is being painted or the perception of the game. Re-watch some of the key plays on DVR, or slow them down by frame, our guy's sturggled but they were not that far off from making some really good plays. We were fractions late on hitting the QB before he completed some of those throws, and he the Iowa QB even made a play while getting hit. Overall for how much they played I thought the Defense had really good effort, they were working pretty damn hard out there.


I learned from my dad. He is an ex-coach and member of the 67 Big 10 Championship team.

After I (we) get back from the game and after the wife and kids go to bed, (because they can’t stand it), I rev up the DVR and go through the game (each play 3-5 times). If my Dad comes in for the game we do it together. We don’t grade out the players, positions, or chart plays, that takes too long. We just do it for fun.

That's really cool. I, for one, would love it if you would provide an in-depth analysis like this for every game so we could understand the very specifics of what took place. I don't know where else to find such interesting info. For example, as we were getting stuffed on runs off center, guard and tackle vs. Iowa, a simpleton like me was thinking "let's run some sweeps or the option, or a reverse". But, after your review, you may have insight as to why they weren't running those plays. Maybe you could tell that Iowa's speed would've beat Minnesota to the edge all day. That information would be really interesting. Anyways, thanks for replying.

Its pretty obvious Kill will be here (sans health related resignation) for at least a few more years, based solely on his big ass K not his production.
I am lamenting this fact, but am realistic as to the fact we are stuck with this bum. I would love to be wrong about him but I just don't think I will be. The hyperbole over what would happen if he left is hilarious though. We are as bad as we've been since before Mason, so what, 20 years? At this point Brewster's 3 B1G wins a year don't appear so horrible. Imagine that, Kill, the great "coach" hasn't been able to produce results that separate him from Brew.

Edma, do you need an enema?

It's really funny. I'm sort of a cynic myself at times, and I thought Coach Kill gave wonderful, honest answers. It's all fundamentals and technique in his mind. And he and his staff admit they need to teach/coach better. I believe him 100%. However, I do believe the play calling is odd given that he admits that the O/L is young, smaller than he would like and not strong enough. But, he wants to refine the running game at any cost. I give him credit for sticking to what he believes. He obviously thinks it will pay dividends in the long run. Need to trust him. Nothing else we can do.

I think most of us want Kill around at least a couple more years, but if he has disastrous losing seasons this year and next (say, 4-8), Teague might pull the plug. Problem is that Teague's BB pick was so weird, who has confidence in him?

Worse experiences than the Iowa disaster include

Michigan 4th quarter nightmare
Blocked Punt debacle
Texas Tech meltdown
The Purdue FG game in 2001 -- this is a very underrated gopher tradegy
The Wisky beatdown at the TCF B1G home opener
The fiasco in Bloomington after the big win at tOSU
NW hail mary
NW last minute Pick 6[/QUOTE

Ah yes, I remember every one of them!

Hell, I go back to the roughing call on Bobby Bell against the Badgers. Kicked a hole in the living room wall.
Right - that was worse. Bell made a clean tackle and Vanderkelen's pass went up in the air and was snagged by a Gopher defensive player on the Wisconsin side of the line of scrimmage. The call for roughness cost us the Big Ten championship and was written up in Sports Illustrated as a HUGE official's error. That was the all-time worst if you don't count the Homecoming loss to Purdue in '49, which cost us the title and Rose Bowl (Purdue finished 4-5, Gophers 7-2, top ten).

Worse experiences than the Iowa disaster include

Michigan 4th quarter nightmare
Blocked Punt debacle
Texas Tech meltdown
The Purdue FG game in 2001 -- this is a very underrated gopher tradegy
The Wisky beatdown at the TCF B1G home opener
The fiasco in Bloomington after the big win at tOSU
NW hail mary
NW last minute Pick 6[/QUOTE

Ah yes, I remember every one of them!

1989 tOSU meltdown still haunts me to this day too

No you are not. Man, talk about a routine edma0012's pathetic outburst takes the cake. Turning a program like Minnesota's takes time and that requires patience, not angry outbursts.

You have to look at it with a positive spin like I do. For example, you and Dr. Don are both old so you won't have many more years where you have to read these posts.

You have to look at it with a positive spin like I do. For example, you and Dr. Don are both older and wiser so you won't have many more years where you have to read these posts.

FIFY GopherGod.

Liking It

Hill played the correct coverage and technique, the lineman #98 lost containment when they looped around the QB on the right side, lost there rush lane, Wilson looked like he was blitzing on that play as it looked like the Gophers brought five.
I thought I saw a safety thompson, trying to signal to him Hill 57 at the game who could not Shed away(safety) from his block, I thought he hand signaled or waved at Hill to turn a lot sooner to pursue the QB, Hill played his technique correctly, but sometimes you have to have your head on a bit of a swivel or looking for your teamates reactions. I thought he could have reacted sooner to make a tackle sooner with his experience and shut down the run quicker from Ruckmon. The crowd was very loud on the play third down, At least from over the top it looked that way with binoculars. The Safety's were taken very deep in there drops, so once the lineman and the blitzing linebacker lost containment the play completely broke down. IT was a big play in the game. The Iowa QB he seemed to be able to slide nicely away from pressure and once he cut back and nobody was there it was free sailing. Gophers used a lot of three and four man fronts, and the secondary coverd for long periods of time,
this was one of the few times I thought they brought five. I'm a fan of Hill #57, the guy usually plays his position about as well as anybody, he had some difficulty until the fourth quarter on Saturday. With a little better execution on third down by the defensive line on third down and long, and with a few less drops or overthrows on the offense(Phillip Nelson well get there, the guy has skills) who knows the Gophers might have actually had a chance to win. It was not the dominating get your butts kicked game by Iowa that the media or some fans make it out to be. Yes Iowa controlled the line of scrimmage but the Gophers had opportunity's on a lot of plays.

The Gophers were a lot closer to having success Saturday then what is being painted or the perception of the game. Re-watch some of the key plays on DVR, or slow them down by frame, our guy's sturggled but they were not that far off from making some really good plays. We were fractions late on hitting the QB before he completed some of those throws, and he the Iowa QB even made a play while getting hit. Overall for how much they played I thought the Defense had really good effort, they were working pretty damn hard out there.

Some great level headed feedback right here. I thought the D played great for how much they were on the field. Our lack of running game is what killed us, and even with that being non existent we were simply a few plays away from making this past game very respectable, or even wining.

You got to give Iowa some credit, they are a physical and physically mature team, we are not there yet in the trenches. Say what you will, But kirk Frrenzt is a solid coach, discipline and straightforward hardwork. We are simply not there yet

Added to the list above, that about rounds it out.

Nothing really compares to Michigan. I thought at the time it would cost us a decade. I was wrong. More.

What the hell studwell? A couple years after that 2003 situation, The Gophers went into Ann Arbor and beat the CornBlues. Shortly after that they retained Coach Mason to help make the pitch for naming rights and also to the legislature to get the new stadium. Wasn't getting the new stadium in part made possible by being able to compete with Michigan...knocking off the Ohio State...holding a trophy once in a while, including the JUG, the AXE and the PIG? Some nice wins over PSU, Alabama, Arkansas and Oregon. So, I'd have to differ with your MORE than a decade argument. Actually, that 2003 through 2006 time frame had MANY positive things happening for the BUILDING of the Football Program. That 2003 Michigan loss actually was not an instant downer in the course of the history of POSITIVE things that had happened for that program during the past forty seasons. A LOT of really good things happened following THAT game. The dreary decade coincided with the dismal brewball mistake starting in 2007 which was accentuated and punctuated by the 0-8 Conference disaster. By 2010 he and prexy b and mature had driven the football program into the tank. They had done MUCH to blow the opening of the new stadium. Students didn't even show up to stand in their section. Coach Kill has a chance to utilize the New Stadium to rebuild from the failed brewball era that started in 2007 with a 1-11 record. That 0-8 conference mark was truly what launched the lost decade effect. Going winless in the conference is far more damaging than blowing a few games. A winless Conference Season is a program KILLER. Coach Kill has until 2017 to regain the ability of my Gophers to compete better in Conference Play. You are off by about four years studwell. A hell of a lot of good stuff happened between 2003 and the end of 2006...stuff that EVERY Coach from that time forward will have an opportunity to utilize with the on campus stadium to house Game Day Saturday and to recruit to.

Coach Kill will have to fight his way out of the mess that the brewball era ushered in. I figure that he has at least until 2017 should he desire to stay and fight! I'm hoping he will, because if he is replaced, you can add another decade to the basement and near basement finishes for my Golden Gopher Football Program. The key for Coach Kill will be to continue to win at least two and in most seasons more than two conference games and qualify for a bowl game. A zero win conference mark at any point in time would be too much for any MODERN ERA football coach at the U to overcome...

Worse experiences than the Iowa disaster include

Michigan 4th quarter nightmare
Blocked Punt debacle
Texas Tech meltdown
The Purdue FG game in 2001 -- this is a very underrated gopher tradegyii
The Wisky beatdown at the TCF B1G home opener
The fiasco in Bloomington after the big win at tOSU
NW hail mary
NW last minute Pick 6

I was at Colorado 1992 & Kansas State 1993... those hurt...

again, i read these posts and know my gopher fb pain is small/tiny compared to others. my worst is the sodak loss

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