Jaylen Waters Hit

I don't know how you define "killshot", but my definition would not include a shoulder to shoulder hit.
People need to relax on this topic. I have seen tougher picks set in pick up basketball.

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Here is a fan video. Pretty clear he initiated the hit about 1 second after the whistle.


So, yeah late hit. Not three seconds, or eight seconds. But definitely a bit late and callable but still not to the level of ejection IMO. How many times have we seen defenseless QBs, running backs (usually)thrown violently to the ground, oftentimes backwards in a scrum of defenders, well after the whistle blows? Dangerous to knees, ligaments, brains yet I can only recall seeing that called once and that happened to be on Epping during the 2012 bowl game.
Pretty clear from this that it should have been a personal foul and no ejection. The whistle was still blowing when he initiated contact.

Can see why the refs ejected him especially if they only saw the end of it. But I think ejection was a bad call.

Agreed, hate to say it, but sometimes you have to send a message.

A lot of people in 1980 agree with you.

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A lot of people in 1980 agree with you.

I hear what you are saying about potentially dangerous hits. If Waters makes that same hit about 2 or 3 seconds earlier, it wouldn't have even been a penalty. Not sure if MKAZ was suggesting sending a message via late hits, but I think it's perfectly ok to block the kicker aggressively if he's going to regularly make tackles. I think a message can be sent legally and I'm guessing that's what MKAZ was implying.

On college sports radio this morning Rick Nuhiesel (sp?) said the refs clearly got this call wrong in his opinion. Said the Big 10 refs should
be ashamed for kicking Waters out.

I don't think Clayes should issue any discipline for this.

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I hear what you are saying about potentially dangerous hits. If Waters makes that same hit about 2 or 3 seconds earlier, it wouldn't have even been a penalty. Not sure if MKAZ was suggesting sending a message via late hits, but I think it's perfectly ok to block the kicker aggressively if he's going to regularly make tackles. I think a message can be sent legally and I'm guessing that's what MKAZ was implying.
Correct, I'm not a fan of late, cheapshots. I'm ok with hard legal hits on someone racing down field with a history of cheapshots.

So Claeys apologized to the Big Ten office. Ridiculous.

As coach Brew would say to that kicker dont bring a pellet gun to a bear fight

As coach Brew would say to that kicker dont bring a pellet gun to a bear fight

You really want to get Julius?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xPZ6eaL3S2E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Judging by the other players movement... that one was late too?

Pretty sure he has his mouthguard in his right hand too. Everyone knows that the play is over when a player takes out his mouthguard. It's like a proxy for a whistle.

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