Jaylen Waters Hit


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Nov 20, 2008
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Was it a cheapshot? Or just a cheapshot because it was against the kicker? The kicker who has made a name for himself with his tackling this season. Personally, it didn't upset me too much.

It was a legitimate hit. The kicker comes down the field like a gunner...then take him out. High five to Waters for doing his job. Just one of a handful of poor calls by the officials.

Not sure it was worth kicking him out. It was dirty, but not targeting. DBs and LBs take cheap shots like that on offensive players all the time.

Not sure it was worth kicking him out. It was dirty, but not targeting. DBs and LBs take cheap shots like that on offensive players all the time.

Agree. Probably deserved a late hit, but he should not have been ejected. He did not go after his head, and the kicker could see him coming. Also agree with the other poster that when he runs down like a gunner he is making himself a legit player who need to be accounted for.

It was the best part of my day.

1. I thought it was a late hit and deserved the penalty.
2. The ejection part was ridiculous. It only happened because he was a kicker. He likes to hit others but when he gets hit, they treated him like a defenseless itty bitty kicker.
3. He should be a soccer player because he really exaggerated the injury. It was shoulder to shoulder and he laid there like he got hit in the head.

Agree. Probably deserved a late hit, but he should not have been ejected. He did not go after his head, and the kicker could see him coming. Also agree with the other poster that when he runs down like a gunner he is making himself a legit player who need to be accounted for.

Assuming the play was still happening (which the replay doesn't really show us), it was a perfectly clean, legit hit. If he doesn't want to get hit, then don't run down the field looking to make a tackle.

it was dirty but not vicious - would definitely put it on the lower end of the spectrum for 'cheap' shots.

this is my opinion not knowing if the whistle blew or not

Here are the highlights, so you can make your own decision: http://www.espn.com/college-football/video?gameId=400869666

I think Waters probably deserved to be kicked out, but I also don't mind what he did. Julius (the kicker) has to decide if he's a kicker or a football player. He sprints down the field at 270lbs looking for action, but then on this play he's in the process of taking his mouthpiece out while still jogging down the field.

Is there a special rule about not hitting the kicker? Assuming the play was still happening, no whistle blown, kicker (who has made several tackles this year) running down the field...how do you not block him?

Is there a special rule about not hitting the kicker? Assuming the play was still happening, no whistle blown, kicker (who has made several tackles this year) running down the field...how do you not block him?

I don't know if I would assume that.

It was a bad play that hurt the team, and it was a play worthy of a penalty but not an ejection. If that happens to any other player on PSU's special teams it's an unnecessary roughness personal foul, but not flagrant. I didn't like it because it hurt the team, but on an emotional level I loved that the guy finally got some dished back at him after his play in recent games.

It was late and was unnecessary. People are mixing different rules on this. It has nothing to do with helmet or targeting. It was deemed late and flagrant. It would have been called against any player on the field. What would we be saying if it were one of our players on the other end? The ball was 8 yards deep in the end zone. Everyone knew it was a touchback.

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It was late and was unnecessary. People are mixing different rules on this. It has nothing to do with helmet or targeting. It was deemed late and flagrant. It would have been called against any player on the field. What would we be saying if it were one of our players on the other end? The ball was 8 yards deep in the end zone. Everyone knew it was a touchback.

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Are the blockers told to look at where the ball lands before they start blocking?

It was late and was unnecessary. People are mixing different rules on this. It has nothing to do with helmet or targeting. It was deemed late and flagrant. It would have been called against any player on the field. What would we be saying if it were one of our players on the other end? The ball was 8 yards deep in the end zone. Everyone knew it was a touchback.

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I don't agree at all. I've seen late hits like that plenty of times without ejection. I can't even remember ever seeing a player ejected for this reason.

It was late and was unnecessary. People are mixing different rules on this. It has nothing to do with helmet or targeting. It was deemed late and flagrant. It would have been called against any player on the field. What would we be saying if it were one of our players on the other end? The ball was 8 yards deep in the end zone. Everyone knew it was a touchback.

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I just said targeting because that's what I think of when ejections are mentioned. QBs get hammered on cheap shots all the time. I can't recall the last time someone got booted for that if it wasn't targeting.

Are the blockers told to look at where the ball lands before they start blocking?
Let's not kid ourselves, that was not a block. The intent was to put a hurt on the guy.

It was not a cheep shot imo cause it was in the front of player and the punter did a good flop...

The ESPN highlight doesn't show where the ball was. Was the play over? They PSU guy in the background was running downfield


Just watched it on tape. Cheap hit.

Its funny I was making fun of my Michigan fan who was complaining about Julius trying to take out of the Michigan players. But this week I saw what he meant, Joey flings himself at returners with what looks like no real tackle form.

When the announcers were describing the hit I thought it was something awful but when they showed the replay it wasn't helmet to helmet or that malicious. That was also one heck of a flop by Joey and I hope next week he thinks twice about throwing himself at returners.

Soccer players are asking the kicker for acting lessons.

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Late hit, barely, but not that egregious as far as these things go. We've all seen much worse.

That kicker has been headhunting all season, doesn't know how to tackle, and was looking for action. Not sure why there was an ejection.

It was dirty but I'm glad he did it. If they want to put 11 guys in coverage to give us something to thing about, I think it's fine to beat up on the guy to give them something to think about - like losing a skill player who you need to win games for a dumb reason.

Tell me which part of the kicker's body made him basically LIE unconscious for 10+ seconds? There was nothing vicious about the hit. It was a really good acting job in my opinion. And it worked. Was it late? Maybe. Should he have done it? No. But other than maybe being late, tell me what's wrong with that hit? Even if it was late, it doesn't warrant an ejection. I think his acting job and the crowd just made it seem worse. And if he really did get hurt, well then don't be hunting anymore if you have a glass jaw!

Seems like none of the officials saw the actual block/hit, just Porky lying in the grass motionless and jumped to conclusions he speared him.

Watch carefully and you can see the kicker already starting to brace himself. So he knew the hit was coming, and once he got hit, he instantly "flipped" over and laid motionless. His head never bounced around, nor hit the ground. If anything was hurt, it was his pride. He'll win an oscar for sure!


I'm with those that think it was dirty and unnecessary but also not really worth of an ejection. Waters needs to be smarter then that and not let his emotions get the better of him in that situation.

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