Jace Frederick: Gophers football team plays in Big Ten’s JV division

Folks who want to turn CFB into the NFL will find not much left after a while.

CFB thrives off of regional and historical rivalries and traditions.

I would be okay with going into one division WITHOUT a conference championship game and just make co-champs great again.
That would make it extremely unlikely for schools like MN, Indiana, Rutgers etc. to ever win a conference championship. You're essentially turning it into MLB pre-1968.

That would make it extremely unlikely for schools like MN, Indiana, Rutgers etc. to ever win a conference championship. You're essentially turning it into MLB pre-1968.

I disagree. The West Division would have had at least 3 champions or co-champions if not for the conference championship game (Iowa 2015, Wis 2017, NW 2018 : 2020 could possibly have been NW but it was an unbalanced COVID schedule). With a dominant team in the conference like OSU, championship games make it one step harder to win it all.

If you are judging based on the conference championship game winner, you can't have a balanced divisions in the Big 10 because one division will have OSU and one won't. Pretty much the only differentiator.

That would make it extremely unlikely for schools like MN, Indiana, Rutgers etc. to ever win a conference championship. You're essentially turning it into MLB pre-1968.
Not at all. Wisconsins first big ten title under Alvarez they didn’t beat either of the other two teams in the top 3 with them

I disagree. The West Division would have had at least 3 champions or co-champions if not for the conference championship game (Iowa 2015, Wis 2017, NW 2018 : 2020 could possibly have been NW but it was an unbalanced COVID schedule). With a dominant team in the conference like OSU, championship games make it one step harder to win it all.

People correctly think the divisions make it easier to avoid Ohio state and Michigan in the same year.
People incorrectly think championship games make it easier to win the conference.

Championship games guarantee that you’re going to have to beat a good team to end the year AND eliminate the possibility of claiming a title by tying in the standings.

Joe Tiller won a big ten title and made a rose bowl with 3 losses.
alvarez gets his first by tying one good team and missing the other.
it is so much harder to win one now.

In the year 2000 4 teams in an 11 team conference got to claim a title.
in 2022 1/14 will get to


People correctly think the divisions make it easier to avoid Ohio state and Michigan in the same year.
People incorrectly think championship games make it easier to win the conference.

Championship games guarantee that you’re going to have to beat a good team to end the year AND eliminate the possibility of claiming a title by tying in the standings.

Joe Tiller won a big ten title and made a rose bowl with 3 losses.
alvarez gets his first by tying one good team and missing the other.
it is so much harder to win one now.

In the year 2000 4 teams in an 11 team conference got to claim a title.
in 2022 1/14 will get to

The way I see it, achieving a current divisional championship (9 conference games, 6 division games and 7 teams) is more similar to the old 10-team conference championship (7 to 8 conference games) than the current set up with 14 teams and a championship game.

The way I see it, achieving a current divisional championship (9 conference games, 6 division games and 7 teams) is more similar to the old 10-team conference championship (7 to 8 conference games) than the current set up with 14 teams and a championship game.
It’s close but not as impressive.

winning the current big ten west is probably as impressive or more impressive than winning the old big 8 though.

Jace writes for the JV paper in town.
He's got Reusse's "playbook" memorized because he wants to follow Pat over the river... Jace knows stirring up shit will get him noticed by the STrib.

Not at all. Wisconsins first big ten title under Alvarez they didn’t beat either of the other two teams in the top 3 with them
Ok, I see your point here. But at the same time, doesn't it hurt the B1G's chances to send a team to the CFP?

Yet another piece of garbage written to generate clicks and comments. Remember when writers used to respect themselves and actually publish something with some thought, integrity and an ounce of insight? It’s sad because you so much better commentary on message boards (big part of why I come on here) and these steaming piles of garbage go out in the paper. Just sad and part of why I’ll never be a paper subscriber

Remember when writers used to respect themselves and actually publish something with some thought, integrity and an ounce of insight?
Apparently, you never read Sid's column.

Ok, I see your point here. But at the same time, doesn't it hurt the B1G's chances to send a team to the CFP?
Which is why there is like a 99% chance they won’t change anything until playoff expansion is decided

Is anyone here old enough to remember when the conference was called "The Big Two and the Little Eight?"

Considering Strib being the varsity team, that is saying something...
They are that kind of varsity team full of kids who don't win often but sure try hard.

With a name like Jace, you can't be anything but a complete clown! What parent would do that to their child?

there is no mathematical way to guarantee there couldn’t be a 3 way tie at 9-0
a) not true, at all
b) tie-breakers are used every year, including this year if the Gophers would've "won" the West in a 4-way (!!) tie.

Yet you'd be telling anyone who listened how that was correct and worked fine. :sneaky:

The most talented Cities writers have mostly gone over to The Athletic, IMO.
This could be true.

But I won't pay money for opinions.

I can come on here for free and get my fill, of every which way.

As YouTube and many other platforms have proven, the modern (and not incorrect) way for creatives to monetize their content is:

- give your content away for free
- then get paid in some relation to how many people choose to consume it

Folks who want to turn CFB into the NFL will find not much left after a while.

CFB thrives off of regional and historical rivalries and traditions.
The very tip top programs would do fine in a national league. Talking like the top 8, 12, 16 or something like that.

Alabama fans will watch them play a Pop Warner 8th grade squad. Sure, beating Auburn is gravy. But they'll take beating USC, Texas, Notre Dame, and Ohio State, as well.

That would make it extremely unlikely for schools like MN, Indiana, Rutgers etc. to ever win a conference championship.
They're much more likely to beat Ohio State in a conf championship game. :sneaky:

I disagree. The West Division would have had at least 3 champions or co-champions if not for the conference championship game (Iowa 2015, Wis 2017, NW 2018 : 2020 could possibly have been NW but it was an unbalanced COVID schedule). With a dominant team in the conference like OSU, championship games make it one step harder to win it all.
NW (8-4 overall), Michigan (10-2 overall), and Ohio State (11-1 overall) in 2018 deserved to be a "co-champions"?

Not saying you're advocating for that, but the idea is preposterous and silly.

When you have a conference of 14, you can have two teams play 6 games that are completely non-overlapping. Out of 8 or 9, that's pretty silly to just look at the results of the games, without a direct match-up between the top two.

Never will be on the table, so it's of limited value in discussing it.

Confs make way too much TV money off their conf champ games. They aren't going away.

I'll do the PP writer a favor and provide some research (you know, something "reporters" do). Here's a chart of East vs. West by school by year. It's all about Ohio State.

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Bravo, sir. Unfortunately we live in a time when people will believe whatever they want...and facts do nothing to change that. But this is super work.

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