Is it time to admit PJ (and staff) can coach?

What a gopher thread.

We looked good in the second half of a loss to MI; extend Fleck. We are undefeated in moral victories!😂😂

PJ won 13 games with a lower tier MAC team and had 3 9+ win seasons in a 4 year stretch here, of course he can coach.

Odd time to be making this statement though.

If we didn't get jobbed by the poor onsides kick call we may have had a legit shot to beat the defending national champions.
Or OT, but I think we would have continued to shred them to win. They are not anyway near their ranking. Poor discipline in the first half lost it today. Gritty and competitive. put 2 halves together and next week will be fun. I will not admit to a falsehood. He and his staff are not great.

Is it time to admit PJ (and staff) can coach? I think so.
It's time to admit that Moore can't out PJ, PJ.

Closer than it should have been. Michigan let up and we took advantage of it.

This type of game only serves to further the myth of PJ Fleck's "ability".

We were totally unprepared for today's game. If we showed up in the first half, we might have won this game.

If Fleck didn't figure he had nothing to lose and try something different 3/4 of the way through a game against a Michigan team that clearly was in trouble with injuries and bad QB play. We should have tried to mix up the offense a lot earlier than we did, and we might have won.

What I learned is PJ shot ourselves in the foot again, and that Moore won't be coaching Michigan for long. Michigan doesn't tolerate poor coaching for long.


Poor clock management in both halves and it mattered today

Poor special teams in the first half

Poor play calling until the last two drives.

Yes we should have had a chance to win on the offsides call, but we pissed a lot of opportunities down our leg AND got a few calls go our way in the comeback that were egregious (the full DL takedown was on a pivotal gain for us).

This is a better team than the final results of the season will show, unless PJ can get out of his own way.

After watching, besides a new OL coach, maybe PJ look at your strength and conditioning coach. How many times were we in position to make the tackle but didn’t have the strength to finish? To many to count.

After watching, besides a new OL coach, maybe PJ look at your strength and conditioning coach. How many times were we in position to make the tackle but didn’t have the strength to finish? To many to count.
Maybe it was watching on TV today vs the rest in person but I saw less of this today than in the earlier games. Seems like most of the issues were due to Michigan having more guys near the ball blocking than we had defenders and a few defenders taking bad routes.

It's time to admit that Moore can't out PJ, PJ.

Closer than it should have been. Michigan let up and we took advantage of it.

Actually, Minnesota began to surge when Orji threw an INT on a deep pass. Michigan was up 24-3, then inexplicably threw a deep pass. Minnesota intercepted, the Gopher offense marched down the field and scored to make it 24-10, and the Gophers began to roll.


LOL. Coming from the moral victory king. I can’t wait for more of your profound “every team we play is good” lectures. I usually skip over your posts but I’d bet my house you said it about RI and NV 🤡

You keep saying you skip my posts, yet you keep responding to them.

How much money did you lose betting against your own team?

Karma is a bitch.

Dear Coach some fucking tape of your team...the offense only works when you hurry up and throw the ball...ffs it isn't that complicated you pussy.
A little harsher than I would say it, but your profound statement is not wrong. We have needed a higher tempo offense since beginning of second half against NC.

Or OT, but I think we would have continued to shred them to win. They are not anyway near their ranking. Poor discipline in the first half lost it today. Gritty and competitive. put 2 halves together and next week will be fun. I will not admit to a falsehood. He and his staff are not great.
Fair. Any coach that can keep his team fighting when down three TD's and position them to win deserves some credit. The team is still hungry. I think they have some surprises coming up.

You keep saying you skip my posts, yet you keep responding to them.
Do I “keep saying it” Murray. 🙄. This may also be the first post of yours I have responded to in months, but whatever makes you feel better about yourself. 🤡
How much money did you lose betting against your own team?
Why do you care? A significant amount. Funny thing with gambling - sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.
Karma is a bitch.
Hate to break this to you Murray - but my bet didn’t change the outcome of the game at all. Seemed like a good bet to me. Looked great entering the 4th. Ended up a loser. I’ll try to survive.

Actually, Minnesota began to surge when Orji threw an INT on a deep pass. Michigan was up 24-3, then inexplicably threw a deep pass. Minnesota intercepted, the Gopher offense marched down the field and scored to make it 24-10, and the Gophers began to roll.

Hence the comment Moore couldn't out PJ PJ.

When did that drive happen? Roughly 3/4 of the way through the game, right?

And that drive to go to 24-10. That drive was 14 plays 76 yards took about 5 minutes, right? We used a little tempo on this drive.

Then held them, figured out a few key players on the Oline were hurt (took awhile). Nice stop.

Big punt Return which was awesome. We should try on special teams more often.

Then played quick and scored quickly 3 plays 17 yds :47 seconds. They're a bit tired, we actually pressed it and scored quickly.

Then Michigan had a sustained drive but we held them to a field goal.

Then we used tempo and really moved down the field - 14 plays, 78 yards 3 minutes. Better. Urgency. Stick with what was working.

Then didn't get it done.

Maybe if we didn't burn time outs in the first half when we had the ball on the one we could have called a timeout and tush pushed a yard for the TD. But we did burn time outs.

Could have used another one in the 2nd half at the end as well.

But in the end, I just want to make sure I have this right since you responded to let me know you don't think I had it right:

By playing one quarter and 2 minutes of competent football wasn't enough to beat a not very good Michigan team, Right?

We pissed the opportunity to grab a win 10 years, almost to the day, the last time we went to the BiG house and came up with a win with inferior players and incompetent coaches - am I correct on that? Or am I mistaken and we won?

If we'd showed up at the kick-off, we might have won. That first half made the Iowa game look like we were defending national champions in comparison to our effort in the first half of this game. Failure on all three phases of the game.

That does not show that PJ Fleck is a great coach.

PJ is not the worst coach out there, but he a rehashed, less interesting, more bombastic version of the coaches we've had for decades (excluding the Wacker and Brewster fiascos). He has more slogans, and fewer big wins than any other coach during that time.

In 2019 he was able to coach around the failures and find wins with the help of playing 5 backup QBs, but when presented he took advantage.

In 2019 he still failed to beat Iowa. Failed to beat Wisconsin and failed to make the conf title game.

He then failed to win the west in 21, 22, and 23 - the weakest division in the then P5, even though we controlled our own destiny at some meaningful point all three years, in all three losing badly to bad football teams based primarily on shooting himself in the foot.

This is not the mark of a great coach.

I'm not going to change your mind. I won't be on the board again this week. Your confused and pedantic demands that we need to recognize "greatness" in mediocre performances is exhausting.

If your take away from this game is that PJ is a great coach, so be it.

He may be, but I saw two football teams playing mostly bad, boring football that at times bordered on absurdity in it's ineptness (mostly us), and even rarer bordered on competent. And I won't celebrate a moral victory or believe the hype when I continue to see more of the same that I've seen regardless of who the coach is.

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