I intended to post on this a while ago - but I see this thread has exploded. I'm kind of surprised at the backlash you've received for saying what thousands have obviously been thinking, as season ticket sales are not good. The good news about that, is we have a ton of die-hards on this board, that nothing will make them sway.
As for me, I will get ripped for this, but I completely see where you're coming from. I would say I'm extremely frustrated, probably moreso than I have as my time as a fan. Does that mean I won't attend and watch every game? No. I still revolve my schedule and even vacations around the Gopher basketball team (as crazy as my friends think I am). But I think I too, have lost some love. Losses used to hurt me, a lot, they don't hurt as much anymore. I don't know if that's a loss of love, or just getting used to constantly losing, and knowing I can't sulk for 2 days after a game...because I'd pretty much be sulking everyday. The fans frustrate me to - the Barn isn't what it used to be, and I'm not talking Musselman times...I'm talking during a lot of Monson seasons. I have friends dropping tickets like crazy - and it makes me sad, but at the same time, I can't blame them. Buying season tickets is paying about double what you would buying tickets individually.
I still love The Barn, I love walking in there, I want our team to win so very badly...but I'm at the point where I'm not expecting a lot. Perhaps that's more apathy than loss of love?