I Boycott Renewing or Donating to the University of Minnesota

Let's try this one more time. I have posted it in every thread today. The police were trying to determine whether the players committed a crime beyond a reasonable double. The U used the police evidence and any new evidence they could find to determine if the players violated the Student Code of Conduct based on a preponderance of the evidence. The two investigations were not even close to the same thing.

I made that clear as well. The EOAA investigation needs little or no evidence. That is what a Kangaroo Court is.

First off, I have no clue what happened or not. I think the university is doing what it needs to do. They are enforcing some code (even though as an outsider I am confused over not being prosecuted and the university saying they are to be expelled), but it is something every athlete and student signed up for to be at the University of Minnesota.

IMO, the players need to avoid these situations, but I can understand that is asking a lot of a college student. However, they represent the University and to an extent the state of Minnesota. It sucks, but that is why they get an awesome opportunity to play Big10 ball. There are situations and decisions they have to make to be able to play on a national stage.

The players put themselves in a horrible position and now their football careers are over at the U. Unfortunately, it is against a team I love to watch and I'm angry at the administration for ruining a shot just as we are seeing this team be competitive and win games. Now, it seems like we are back at square one. At the end of the day it is a game. I'll get over it. I'll watch this program rebuild yet again and patiently wait to see what happens. Hoping we can beat Wisconsin and begin challenging for titles and great bowl games in the future.

I think the administration is not handling it well. But in all honesty, my view is skewed. Maybe they are and I can't see past my maroon and gold glasses right now. I don't get why they can't be more transparent, but I get it that it is not pro sports. Heck, if this was pro sports, these players may have been cut/suspended even if they weren't convicted. They wouldn't wait for a trial.

If anything, this is a wake-up call for our Gopher athletes. Don't put yourself in this situation. Don't film yourself, make sure you have full consent and not make someone feel like they need to report something. People will make mistakes, but I'd rather see mistakes on the field versus on OTL or Star Tribune talking about an alleged assault. I don't want to see that.

This will pass. We'll find new players to root for. I'll still take my family to the game. I still love this university.

But dang...it's hard to be positive when this program seems to have a cloud over it.

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No, for participating in a gang bang without the affirmative consent of the victim.


University of Minnesota Policy - Affirmative Consent (For Sex)

A determination about the existence of consent is a critical element in the investigation of a sexual assault. University policy requires affirmative consent between individuals engaging in sexual activity.

Affirmative consent is defined as “informed, freely and affirmatively communicated willingness to participate in sexual activity that is expressed by clear and unambiguous words or actions.”

Clear and unambiguous words or actions are those that are freely and actively given by informed individuals that a reasonable person in the circumstances would believe communicate a willingness to participate in a mutually agreed upon sexual activity.

The following factors will be considered when determining consent:

It is the responsibility of each person who wishes to engage in the sexual activity to obtain consent.

A lack of protest, the absence of resistance and silence do not indicate consent.

The existence of a present or past dating or romantic relationship does not imply consent to future sexual activity.

Consent must be present throughout the sexual activity and may be initially given, but withdrawn at any time.

When consent is withdrawn all sexual activity must stop. Likewise, where there is confusion about the state of consent, sexual activity must stop until both parties consent again.

Consent to one form of sexual activity does not imply consent to other forms of sexual activity.

Consent is not obtained where:

There is physical force, threats, intimidation or coercion.

There is incapacitation due to the influence of drugs or alcohol.

There is the inability to communicate because of a physical or mental condition

An individual is asleep, unconscious or involuntarily physically restrained.

An individual is unable to understand the nature or extent of the sexual situation because of mental or physical incapacitation or impairment.

One party is not of legal age to give consent pursuant to Minnesota state law.

After reading this, you get a sense of how insane the regulation of private conduct is under PC domination. Better to just ban sex for students.

I think that was the best think Djram did was video her having sex with him. The police saw consent on video with him. This probably saved jail time for him. Alot of people are told to record one night stands. Every professional athlete is told to do this so they don't come after them.

A good AD would have gotten ahead of the story. This moron let the story hit the public and didn't say anything for a couple days. Coyle is sinking and its his own fault.

Where is Chris Werle when you need him? He cleaned up messes during the Teague years.

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