How serious of a canidate will Glen Mason be for OSU?


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Nov 20, 2008
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He was a finalist last time and he's available right now. His style fits with Ohio State and he could do very well with a school that recruits itself. However, there are plenty of negatives. He was fired from Minnesota, which is enough to piss off an already pissed off fan base right away. He isn't an up and comer and isn't a spring chicken. He is a Buckeye Man however. Thoughts?

I'm sure he'll apply, but I'd be extremely surprised if he gets the job.

Mason will be a very serious candidate in his own mind. And every OSU fan in the world will double over laughing at the mere thought of Mason coaching the Buckeyes.

There is zero chance of it happening. What college program in the country is going to hire someone in his 60's with an extremely mediocre overall coaching record?

Mason will be a very serious candidate in his own mind. And every OSU fan in the world will double over laughing at the mere thought of Mason coaching the Buckeyes.

There is zero chance of it happening. What college program in the country is going to hire someone in his 60's with an extremely mediocre overall coaching record?


1. A college program that is looking for an Ahia State football letterman who has a historically clean NCAA compliance track record, and bleeds scarlet and gray.

2 It will be most interesting to see who #45 backs this time around. He could be the king maker this time.

3. We will just have to wait and see.

Only chance Mase has at this position is if they want to go in opposite direction and make a point to hire someone with clean record. I am guessing they will ask Urban how much money it will cost for him to take the job.

I think the bigger question would be, "How much would OSU and its fans want and tolerate a coach who's main concern is keeping his job by playing non conference cupcakes and mediocre mid level bowls?"

Forget Mase...

Think Chucky:

They need someone willing to work through whatever sanctions the NCAA will pop them with...Mason would actually be a descent candidate to get them through that. Otherwise not really concerned one way or another. If he does become there HC, no reason not to think his teams will not be similar to what he ran in MN. Maybe a little better athletes, but run game with porous defense.

Who's gonna want this job with huge NCAA sanctions on the way? I think Mase is a great candidate because he'd practically coach for free and retire around the time probation ended.

The only way Mase is a candidate for this is if he is willing to act like Dan Monson. Lose a ton of games, clean up the damage, and leave some pieces for the next coach to do something with.

think it is funny people actually think that Mason teams at OSU would resemble the Minnesota teams. Gopher fans need to take the blinders off and realize OSU has way more resources than Ohio State and a better tradition.

In regards to the noncon schedule pretty sure it would stay similar to how it is today for Ohio St if he was the coach. Not like they play a world beater non conference schedule. If there is money in a prime time game for the school pretty sure it would be on the schedule whether he wants it or not.

think it is funny people actually think that Mason teams at OSU would resemble the Minnesota teams. Gopher fans need to take the blinders off and realize OSU has way more resources than Ohio State and a better tradition.

In regards to the noncon schedule pretty sure it would stay similar to how it is today for Ohio St if he was the coach. Not like they play a world beater non conference schedule. If there is money in a prime time game for the school pretty sure it would be on the schedule whether he wants it or not.

Exactly. OSU will have enough money around to pay for top notch coordinators who will be eyeing the job once the next coach is gone (and Mase wouldn't be around for mroe than 10 years). So I think he'd have excellent coordinators and top talent. And his coaching style would win lots and lots of games there. Plus he's squeaky clean. OSU would be silly not to consider him, but I still don't think he'll be the choice.

Even during probation, OSU will field a pretty darn good team. All they have to do is run the ball and stop the run. Even if they lose some scholarships, they have got enough talent stockpiled to beat most teams in the Big Ten and around the country. If they ditch Pryor, they will probably replace him with a better throwing qb and one who will be more consistant than Pryor. IF you watched any of their spring game, they have a lot of decent qbacks waiting for their chance. OSU will be NO pushover in the 2011 seson. Any coach who comes in and takes pretty much what they have in place will have a lot more success than some of you think.

OSU with a GREAT running game would be a really tough foe for any and every Big Ten Program. So, who ever takes over that program IF they have a brain in their head and the smarts to not try to go to an offense or defense that is not too different from what they run should be fired if they win less than 9 games...or maybe even 10 games in 2011. I really wouldn't be surprised if they turn it over to an assistant coach as an interm coach. I think that was part of getting Tressel out of their RIGHT NOW. They will hope to not have any of their assistant coaches contaminated. However, you KNOW that some of the assistants are just as guilty as Tressel himself. So, I hope the NCAA won't fall for that one. However, it will be a number of years before we have the final NCAA killer penalty handed down. Remember how long it took them to hit the penalty phase with the haskin's scandal here. So, OSU will be playing under a "cloud" in 2011. The penalty phase probably won't hit until the 2013 season. Look at how long that USC deal dragged out.

However, since they did "hit" USC...they WILL have to "hit" OSU... ; 0 )

Do you think that their 3 and 4 deeps at Ohio State are chopped liver????? They will win fairly big in 2011. They probably won't get to play in the Conference championship game though. ; 0 )

Do you think that their 3 and 4 deeps at Ohio State are chopped liver????? They will win fairly big in 2011. They probably won't get to play in the Conference championship game though. ; 0 )

Please define "fairly big".

9...maybe even 10 wins in 2011 for Ohio...

State. That is unless they name a new coach who totally takes them into a totally new offense and or defense. Their fans will back them like never before. The Horseshoe will be an impossible place for visiting teams to journey to. The only two teams that really stand a chance to beat them in Columbus MIGHT be wisky OR PSU In their ooc schedule they play Akron & Toledo at home, go on the road to Miami, FL and then entertain Colorado at home. (I don't see them losing any of those 4 games. They open the Big Ten schedule with MSU at home. That might be a tough IS in Columbus in the Horseshoe. They have to play at Nebraska...that may very well be a LOSS. Next they play at Illinois. Then, they have a bye week. wisky comes into the Horseshoe next. Then they play Indiana at home. They travel to Purdue. Then PSU comes into Columbus. Then this year they play THE GAME with Michigan in the Big House in Ann Arbor. I really think they will be 9-3 or possibly even 10-2 with that schedule. THE GAME may be their bowl game this year...and I look for them to beat Michigan.

Time will tell, but I just have a hunch this will be a pretty darn tough OSU team in 2011 regardless of the coach and regardless of the situation and circumstances. Maybe I'll be totally wrong and they will totally tank it...but... I doubt it very much. Ohio State will have their backs against the wall and will come out swinging, I think...

Of course, I'm just going on a hunch here. But, I fear that OSU is so deep and based upon the number of decent quarter backs I saw them play during their spring game (Pryor didn't even play in the spring game...He wasn't going to be playing during the first five games in 2011 any way.

IF they run the ball with their great offensive line and their typical running backs...and...stop the run, they are going to be VERY tough.

But "hineygate" will rock as always and the Buckeye Faithful will just get their backs against the wall and blow off all the negative attention. They will probably have the time of their lives cussing out all the non-buckeye-faithful who are trying to attack their program.

The only real screw up that OSU could make would be to hire a new coach who pulls a "rich rod" and tries to totally change the OSU "system." Tressel wasn't a super coach...he was just a hell of a program corrupter. He could look the other way really well. He let the OSU boosters do all the rest.

The only way Mase is a candidate for this is if he is willing to act like Dan Monson. Lose a ton of games, clean up the damage, and leave some pieces for the next coach to do something with.

If theOSU feels they need some instant stability he might be a candidate. If they feel that this isn't going to have an impact then I doubt they look at Mason.

Any coach who takes the job on before the sanctions, recruiting restrictions, loss of scholarships, loss of post-season play, vacated wins, titles and all of that jazz had pretty much best demand a 12 year guaranteed contract for a lot of money( probably for MORE than tressel was making), because that poor sucker might disappear from the Division I coaching ranks when OSu decides to take their angst and hate and discontent out on him because of what tressel did. That's kind of how these things work. Once the extent of the penalty has been learned, they may be able to attract a big name. But I don't think that will happen until they get sentenced to what ever it is they are going to get sentenced to. It is going to take a LONG time for the university to complete their own investigation. Then, the NCAA will have to conduct their investigation. OSU will live with a very large cloud over their head for a LONG time.

I think they will do pretty well during the 2011 season, but, the unknown will draw out for a LONG time and will take a tole on their recruiting and their recruitment of a big-name coach.

Do you suppose Tubby Smith would have gone through the hell that Dan Monson went through for ANY amount of money? The funny thing is maybe Dan really didn't do so badly, compared to what Tubby has done so far, all things considered.

No "hot-shot-big-name" coach is going to want to risk the remaining years he has left as a coach until the extent of the punishment is made public. So in 2012 or 2013, it might be harder to win at OSU than it will be in 2011. The unknown is NOT a good thing when certain NCAA penalties are going to hammer down a scandal-ridden super-power. OSU has been on top for so long that it doesn't know what it looks like looking up at those who are currently on top. But, my hunch is that will happen later in the penalty process. Not in 2011.

Maybe the former Texas Tech coach might be you think prexy g at OSU might be interested in him. Maybe someone should contact the Ohio State prexy about that one...

; 0 )

I'm guessing the nature of the phone call Mason takes from the brass at OSU won't be about him as a potential coach, but rather for his opinion on the names of folks who are being considered for the job.

As for coaching to the OSU "style," I thought Tressel did a good job of re-fashioning OSU's offense to highlight Pryor's unique abilities. They were hardly "three yards and a cloud of dust" the last couple of seasons.

This will be a blip in the history of OSU football. They may trough for a year or two, but they'll be back. There's a reason that Ohio and western Pennsylvania are the northernmost recruiting hotbeds. The "average" kid coming out of this region compares extremely well to the "average" kid anywhere else north of the Mason-Dixon line.

I think it is highly unlikely that Mason would get the job. He's been out of coaching for the past four seasons, and schools haven't exactly been lining up to hire him. If firing him was such a mistake, then wouldn't some other school have taken advantage of our mistake, and snatched him up? Sure, he could have signed on with a non-BCS school and perhaps worked his way back up into the BCS ranks. But that BTN job is pretty cushy. The only way that I could see Mason getting the job is on a semi-interim basis, the season is three months away. They could hire him and then quietly plan the search for their next coach at their leisure.

Mason won't even be considered for the job.

They are either going to go big name (Gruden, Meyer, Pelini) or they will go young. You don't hire a guy like Mason. I think there was a better chance that Mason would have been rehired by the U than hired by tOSU.

Mason won't even be considered for the job.

They are either going to go big name (Gruden, Meyer, Pelini) or they will go young. You don't hire a guy like Mason. I think there was a better chance that Mason would have been rehired by the U than hired by tOSU.


Bob, how young do you believe they might look at? Someone in their 40's?

Mason wouldn't be a terrible choice at Ohio State. He doesn't break the rules, he's alumni, and being at Ohio State would cover his shortcoming that were exposed while he was here (Doesn't understand the concepts of "defense" and "special teams", no stomach for recruiting, having to attempt to connect with the troglodytes that buy tickets).

It still won't happen.

As I said in another thread, I think the big brass at OSU is going to go for a very "safe" choice for the next head coach.

I could see one of two scenarios:
1. A well-respected veteran coach who has never been touched by a hint of scandal. If they go
this way, it would be with the understanding that the veteran coach would ride out the tough years ahead with NCAA sanctions - basically a caretaker coach who could lend a touch of class or dignity to the program. I suppose Mason could be considered under this scenario, but I wonder if he would be willing to come in and bear the brunt of the sanctions just for a chance to add OSU to his resume.

2. A young up-and comer type - NOT one of the "big-name" coaches, but someone who has done well at a mid-major, or served time as a coordinator at a BCS school. Under this scenario, there would have to be an understanding that the new coach would have a VERY long leash - to deal with the inevitable repercussions and sanctions. He would also have to realize that he and his staff would have to be spotless in their recruiting - no high-risk kids - which could certainly impact the on-field success.

I just don't see them going for the big-name, big-time, big-money coach. I don't think one of those coaches will want to come in and clean up the mess that Tressel will leave behind. Now in 4 or 5 years, after the sanctions are over, then one of the big-name guys might be interested. But right now, they would under so much scrutiny that this job could become a real "hot potato."
(or "potatoe" if you're Dan Quayle)

Tressel is will be ready to coach in NCAA in about 2 yrs. Maroon and Gold sweater vest.

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