And I still do not understand the the fear of the spread option or variations of the spread option in the Big Ten. It boggles my mind. Just take a sample of the NC game on Monday night and look at the offenses being used.
That mentality is one thing that really bothers me about some Big Ten fans. "You have to be smashmouth to be successful" "only tough guy football works in the Big Ten." Blah, Blah, Blah. It is a bunch of ignorant crap. There are numerous was to succeed.
You have the Oregon and Auburn attacks. You have Wisconsin and Stanford. They all work with quality players, if properly executed, good coaching, etc..
Anyway, anybody who thinks Kill runs exclusivley a spread option attack simply is not paying attention and they clearly are not a die hard Gopher fan because as we all know Kill and crew were here this year and with my own two eyes I certainly did not see exclusively spread option.