Hilarious SCum rumor on the MSU board

Here is the counterpoints to your point.

The type of player that Mason recruits and uses in his system (outside runningback) are not the high level recruits you speak of. Mason has never shown an ability to recruit or coach up the defensive side of the ball, which is Michigan's current problem.

I understand your point. It is interesting, but wrong.

Tyrone Carter never amounted to anything. Silvio, what ever happened to him?

Am I the only one that thinks Mason could do some damage at Michigan? He would develop a run game and cram it down our throats when we play against Michigan.

He absolutely could do that, but then his defense wouldn't be able to hold a lead.

Right, because Kill's offense is exclusively spread option. Way to pay attention.

Yep. I started laughing my a** off when I read that line. Let's let FBT break it down for our negative friend:
Lots of stuff going on in the Limegrover offense for defenses (and me!) to dissect. QB under center and in the pistol, jet sweeps, motion, pistol play-action fakes, zone-read and midline option, bubble screens, I-Form, multiple personnel packages. This is an example of what Kill means when he stated in the press conference that he likes his offenses to be multiple and put pressure on a defense.

Nothing says full spread option offense like the I formation. :rolleyes:

With the kind of atheletes he could recruit to Michigan? Yes, he would actually.

Minnesota has had one good coach in the last 40 years and his name is Glen Mason. And he is the reason we now have one of the best stadiums in the country on our campus. The hatred for him on this board is beyond bizarre.

Yes, the wing helmets will do everything for him. That's why RichRod, a much better recruiter than Glen, was able to bring in the talent that filled up his dominating defense.

Also, how does Glen's last in the league academic credentials fit with the Michigan image or with their admission standards. They don't have a General College to hide his players in like the U used to.

It appears that DMB also subscribes to the Underpants Gnome theory of Michigan success. Their tradition is part of what makes it easier to win there. But it is not a pancea.

Yep. I started laughing my a** off when I read that line. Let's let FBT break it down for our negative friend:

Nothing says full spread option offense like the I formation. :rolleyes:

And I still do not understand the the fear of the spread option or variations of the spread option in the Big Ten. It boggles my mind. Just take a sample of the NC game on Monday night and look at the offenses being used.

That mentality is one thing that really bothers me about some Big Ten fans. "You have to be smashmouth to be successful" "only tough guy football works in the Big Ten." Blah, Blah, Blah. It is a bunch of ignorant crap. There are numerous was to succeed.

You have the Oregon and Auburn attacks. You have Wisconsin and Stanford. They all work with quality players, if properly executed, good coaching, etc..

Anyway, anybody who thinks Kill runs exclusivley a spread option attack simply is not paying attention and they clearly are not a die hard Gopher fan because as we all know Kill and crew were here this year and with my own two eyes I certainly did not see exclusively spread option.

He absolutely could do that, but then his defense wouldn't be able to hold a lead.

Like that game at Ohio St. which was their Homecoming and they were ranked #2 in the nation. You don't generalize much in your posts. What is your beef with Mason --- I don't get it.

A bunch of you also had beefs with the latest Jerry Kill hire. You all wanted Mike Leach. I doubt your ability to know what is a good coaching hire. Many of you thought Jim Harbaugh was attainable for the U of Minnesota job. How laughable was that nonsense?

I believe that Glen Mason did more for the TCF stadium becoming a reality than anyone else. He was a good coach in my opinion and if Michigan selects him now, he will do a good job there as well.

I am excited about the Jerry Kill hire and see no reason to keep piling on Glen Mason.

Tyrone Carter never amounted to anything. Silvio, what ever happened to him?

He was a real nice player. However he wasn't recruited by Mason. I'm sure the coaching staff did a real nice job helping him develop, but you also found the exception to the rule.

Like that game at Ohio St. which was their Homecoming and they were ranked #2 in the nation. You don't generalize much in your posts. What is your beef with Mason --- I don't get it.

My Beef with Mason is once it became apparant he wouldn't be able to climb the ladder higher than the U he quit trying. OSU selecting a divison 1AA coach over a mediocre bigten coach broke his heart and caused him to give up on caring about his current team. He was here for a pay check only at the end. Why do you think that game was their Homecoming? Over a decade you can make some accurate generalizations about a coach and his program, no?

This is my beef mainly with the diehard defenders of Mason. You can point to one game over a ten year period to show he is strong the defensive side of the ball. I could show you multiple games from each season that would indicate otherwise. He coached here for almost a decade. If we look we can find an example of anything.

The reality was Mason was a decent coach who had a great offensive system. He wasn't a good enough in game coach to win the games that truely mattered to the U(I dont' count his upsets as being meaningful to the U). In the seasons his teams had real chance to be great, he found ways to loss games that should have won. He thought that best that the U deserved was to be in the 6th-8th place slot in the conference with an occasional shot at being 3rd or 4th.

Mason breathing some life back into the program did help generate the stadium. He wasn't the sole reason that the stadium was built.

Glen Mason 123-121-1. I hope he goes to michigan so they can have the inconsistency the Gophers had under Mason. Beat osu and then lose to indiana the next week.

When Mason had the athletes on defense he did fine, like his early teams at Minnesota. However, he was convinced that he couldn't recruit enough talent for both sides of the ball and so he focused on offense, and thus he had some great offenses and mediocre defenses.

When Mason had the athletes on defense he did fine, like his early teams at Minnesota. However, he was convinced that he couldn't recruit enough talent for both sides of the ball and so he focused on offense, and thus he had some great offenses and mediocre defenses.

I don't think that attitude would be accepted in Ann Arbor as easily as it was by many here.

Am I the only one that thinks Mason could do some damage at Michigan? He would develop a run game and cram it down our throats when we play against Michigan.

He could damage Michigan's program. I would love it if the Gophers came back from being down 31 points to beat Michigan at Ann Arbor. :D

When Mason had the athletes on defense he did fine, like his early teams at Minnesota.

Interestingly, this was when his defense consisted exclusively of Wacker recruits, many of whom went on to the NFL.

And I still do not understand the the fear of the spread option or variations of the spread option in the Big Ten. It boggles my mind. Just take a sample of the NC game on Monday night and look at the offenses being used.

That mentality is one thing that really bothers me about some Big Ten fans. "You have to be smashmouth to be successful" "only tough guy football works in the Big Ten." Blah, Blah, Blah. It is a bunch of ignorant crap. There are numerous was to succeed.

You have the Oregon and Auburn attacks. You have Wisconsin and Stanford. They all work with quality players, if properly executed, good coaching, etc..

Anyway, anybody who thinks Kill runs exclusivley a spread option attack simply is not paying attention and they clearly are not a die hard Gopher fan because as we all know Kill and crew were here this year and with my own two eyes I certainly did not see exclusively spread option.

No one said you couldn't be successfull with the spread option. My concern with it in the Big Ten has to do with recruiting local kids. Being honest, we can agree the local kids the SEC is picking up are, in general, better than the local kids being picked up in the Big Ten. If you disagree with that assertion, then quit reading.

I believe good coaches can tailor their schemes to the talent they have around them and can adjust as the talent pool changes. So that would be a good thing if Kill varies his attack. Which really is a no brainer, because every coah has wrinkles in their offense. Well maybe Paul Johnson uses the same formation on every play, but not many others.

I would expect, however, that we will run the vast majority of our plays out of the shotgun and the running plays will almost all be spread option plays. That's the personnel we have and that's what we'll be doing. How well we are able to compete is yet to be seen. There is no doubt it can be successfull, as Northwestern has shown. What any of this has to do with Mase and Michigan, I'm not sure...

I would expect, however, that we will run the vast majority of our plays out of the shotgun and the running plays will almost all be spread option plays. That's the personnel we have and that's what we'll be doing. How well we are able to compete is yet to be seen. There is no doubt it can be successfull, as Northwestern has shown. What any of this has to do with Mase and Michigan, I'm not sure...

Maybe. If there is anything to take away from Kill's teams at NIU its that they don't like to be pigeonholed. I wouldn't be surprised if we ran similar plays from a variety of formations. There may be an emphasis towards spread elements because, as you said, the personal favors it. But I doubt it makes up "the vast majority of our plays." Besides isn't that what we want our coach to do? Do his best to run his system in a way that fits his personal? As for how we'll do, we wouldn't have any clue how we'd do under any new coach.

Oh, and I have no idea what this has to do with Mase and Michigan. After all, you were the one who brought up the erroneous assertion that Kill runs an entirely spread option attack.

He could damage Michigan's program. I would love it if the Gophers came back from being down 31 points to beat Michigan at Ann Arbor. :D

It was only a 21-point lead, although it felt like 31.

Yes, the wing helmets will do everything for him. That's why RichRod, a much better recruiter than Glen, was able to bring in the talent that filled up his dominating defense.

Also, how does Glen's last in the league academic credentials fit with the Michigan image or with their admission standards. They don't have a General College to hide his players in like the U used to.

It appears that DMB also subscribes to the Underpants Gnome theory of Michigan success. Their tradition is part of what makes it easier to win there. But it is not a pancea.

Are you kidding about michigan's academic standards? The first big blow up between scUM and Harbaugh was three or four years ago when he made the crack about scUm's sports managment program that scUM used to get kids into school, and graduate them, but no one would hire them.
That program was well known for years for getting kids in that would not get through Michigan any other way. Every BigTen university is a good school, and everyone of them have ways to get athletes in and keep them in. The difference now is they have to really get some kind of education along the way. NW is the only school that has admission standards for athletes above the rest of the conference, but they accept athletes who would not get in just as "regular students" for sure. So does Stanford, but they are higher admissions standards than at most other good schools, (I am not counting most of the SEC in that category).

Doubtful Michigan would hire a coach who has been out of the game for the past 4 years. Interesting topic for a gopher board to talk about, but pretty unlikely. Seems like a reason to just bring up smiling Glenn.
Does Glenn coach at all for the t-wolves (asst)?

Are you kidding about michigan's academic standards? The first big blow up between scUM and Harbaugh was three or four years ago when he made the crack about scUm's sports managment program that scUM used to get kids into school, and graduate them, but no one would hire them.
That program was well known for years for getting kids in that would not get through Michigan any other way. Every BigTen university is a good school, and everyone of them have ways to get athletes in and keep them in. The difference now is they have to really get some kind of education along the way. NW is the only school that has admission standards for athletes above the rest of the conference, but they accept athletes who would not get in just as "regular students" for sure. So does Stanford, but they are higher admissions standards than at most other good schools, (I am not counting most of the SEC in that category).

While this is true to a point, you should ask RichRod how he feels about their admissions. His best 5 star stud defensive recruits never got in. Mason's other big problem was that he didn't care about whether his kids graduated which is why our APR score sucked big time. That also wouldn't fly at Michigan.

While this is true to a point, you should ask RichRod how he feels about their admissions. His best 5 star stud defensive recruits never got in. Mason's other big problem was that he didn't care about whether his kids graduated which is why our APR score sucked big time. That also wouldn't fly at Michigan.

Now, that is totally a crock of crap. Graduation rates started improving with Mason over what they were with Wacker and Gutty. I credit Wacker for starting the upward trend and also credit the University for finally waking up to help provide some adequate support. Mason carried on what Wacker started. Now, the haskins fifedom within the athletic department took academic achievement to totally new lows at the University of Minnesota. Mason's tenure saw an improvement in graduation rates for football players. When the fhit hit the san in 1999 about haskins, the University of Minnesota academic reputation hit a new, all-time low. haskins hurt EVERY men's revenue sport team's academic reputation. It was a bad mark on the administration and even on some of the professors at the U of M who had been bilked by the jg "papers..."

I still recall seeing a game day program with the graduating seniors and those who had already started work on their masters degrees standing with Mason. Things got better academically under Mason. Still not good enough...just as it is no where NEAR good enough today, in 2011 in any of the men's reveue sport programs. Take the administration to task for their failure to insure enough progress and positive improvement in that area. macturi has failed there too, as did prex b.

IF anything...watch these rates closely. They are lagging indicators. The brewster mess with all the players who have left early, flunked out or are no longer with the program will have a terribly negative impact on the academic rating of this program.

You try to bash Mason for too many things that Mason had a positive impact on in this football program. I credit Wacker and Mason for starting to make improvements in academic achievement. In the end, sudent athletes who have a chance to and want to succeed academically are what is really needed. School first...football second. That MUST be the formula for academic success within the football program

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