I don't think you have really followed my posts. This thread started off about Mase:
First, a bit of background knowledge; there has been much debate about if Mich changes the O philosophy it will set back the rebuilding process because of the type of athlete that RR recruited.
So with that in mind I stated that Mase would make sense because the O-lineman for both systems are similar, a bit on the small side, but athletic.
I also stated that they would be able to recruit 5 star athletes to come in and start immediately. the 5 star point I have conceded, due to lack of reserach, but I maintained that I still felt that Michigan, being the best program in college football history, would still be able to recruit great athletes to step in immediately.
You said something about Miles, which is completely beside the point because this whole thread is about Mase, and then proclaimed that high schoolers don't care that Mich is a powerhouse because they haven't done anything lately.
To this I suggested that lately is a relative term and considering that Wolverines continue to dominate the NFL, they probably maintain more relevence than other programs who have not been elite for awhile.
At this point, and for no apparent reason, you bring up Penn State. Which contrary to the programs I brought up, have not had a coaching change in the last, well, its been awhile.