Hallman: Black coaches' shelf life is much shorter & benefit of the doubt much less practiced as opposed to their White counterpart

Maybe black coaches are fired quicker maybe not. But when people continually make everything about race the public soon begin to just hear noise and tune out. An audience is lost that may have been willing to at least listen.

What a joke. CBJ skipped the line to become coach here. Whether it was because he was African American, from Minnesota or went to school here, he certainly didn't earn this opportunity. He was given 4 years, the worst 4 year stretch in the programs history. I don't mean to shit on CBJ, because I genuinely like him and he did things the right way. He just couldn't get it done. The evidence was overwhelming.
Exactly correct.

He knowingly cheated. I believe he got frustrated knowing what other programs were getting away with and feeling like he was fighting with one hand tied behind his back. When he lost Webber to Michigan, who was very dirty--and everyone knew they were dirty and looked the other way because the Fab Five was too good a story for anyone to rain on their parade--I feel like something snapped inside him. He went into fuck-it mode when it came to propriety.
Very much like Barry Bonds. Bonds decided to say fuck it and juice like crazy because he saw everyone else doing it and figured he may as well too.

I loved Clem and can't stand Bonds. But both got caught and had to pay for it. Clem got fired and we took the banner down. Bonds is villainized and can't sniff the HOF.

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