I don’t fully disagree with your statements but I generally take issue with the sentiment. Black people (and non black allies) have fought tooth and nail to get every right/concession, the whole while being shouted down by huge segments of the population. The Jussie Smollets of the world only do damage in the minds of those who were opposed in the first place. For every Jussie Smollet situation there are dozens more where black people were physically harmed at the hands of racists and uncountable situations where people were harmed by systemic racism. How many black men are dead today because of a false accusation made by a white person? Its in the thousands. But Jussie Smollet is damaging the cause? No, that situation simply helps reinforce the opinions of those who were and remain enemies of black people and harmony in general. Most people all hot and bothered here by the allusion to racism have nowhere near that level of vitriol for blatant racism when it’s presented to them. I can say that confidently because plenty of people have disagreed without getting stark raving mad about it. And if it IS so harmful, wouldn’t actual black people who don’t agree with that (and there are many), actually get upset about it? But they don’t, because the only people that get mad about it are the same folks that get mad whenever race is brought up.