My take: until the U hires a new AD, a "name" coach will not touch this job with a 10-foot pole (or a 10-foot swede....).
So - assuming they need to make a decision on a coach before hiring the new AD - the U has two choices. 1. Keep Claeys and staff in place. 2. Hire some young, up-and-coming type coach who is willing to take the job without a permanent AD in place.
Of those choices, #1 is far less risky. Keeping Claeys provides continuity, and hopefully salvages most of the current recruiting season. going to door #2 runs the risk of losing a big chunk of the recruiting class, while taking a chance that a young coach can come in, hit the ground running and be successful in the B1G.
Of course, being the cluster that is the U of M, they could announce that they're going to wait on the FB coaching decision until they hire a new AD next year, which is essentially like telling the recruits, "so long, it's been nice to not know you."