Gophers get commitment from Wayzata TE Brandon Lingen

No thanks. I even specified that it has nothing to do with the kid himself. If he's an in-state player with offers from FAU and Air Force, it's questionable recruiting strategy to offer him in October. He's basically a Ben Lauer-level recruit, and the Gophers wisely held out on Lauer and offered him just before signing day. That doesn't mean Lingen can't and won't be an impact player, as evidenced by Lauer starting in his 2nd year. It just means that the recruiting strategy is very peculiar.

I don't care about Brandon Lingen outside of his potential ability to play for the Gophers. I'm sorry if that offends anyone. If he were just some random kid from Wayzata and not a Division I football prospect, he wouldn't be discussed here. I care about the Gophers, not about Brandon Lingen. Scholarships are like gold, especially for a program trying to dig out of the bottom quartile of the Big Ten. If they like him a lot, great, but I'm pretty sure an offer could've waited until January or February after other options were exhausted. Maybe they got wind of a forthcoming offer from Iowa or Wisconsin, but I doubt it.

Now, does anyone else feel the need to chirp away at an honest opinion because someone's feelings might get hurt?

I agree the offer seems somewhat odd, but is it possible that he's playing extremely well and is all of a sudden drawing a lot of interest from other schools? I honestly don't know much about Lingen so I could be way off. Just a thought.

I agree the offer seems somewhat odd, but is it possible that he's playing extremely well and is all of a sudden drawing a lot of interest from other schools? I honestly don't know much about Lingen so I could be way off. Just a thought.

Could be

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Appears as though newest <a href="">#Gophers</a> commit played only 2 games as a Jr. & gained 35 lbs. in a year. Obviously camp, Sr film important.</p>— Matt H. (@MVofDT) <a href="">October 3, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Interesting that Rivals initial rank for him is 3 stars.

Can we all stop hyperventilating now?

Kill did say on his radio show today that they are having a great week recruiting.

Very few on here defend the importance of the star system as much as dpodoll68. Now that Lingren is a 3-star commit, I would hope he apologizes for his temper tantrum he threw on this thread.

Very few on here defend the importance of the star system as much as dpodoll68. Now that Lingren is a 3-star commit, I would hope he apologizes for his temper tantrum he threw on this thread.

Please dont poke the bear, I dont enjoy the pissing matches.

Please dont poke the bear, I dont enjoy the pissing matches.

Shouldn't be much of an issue. dpodoll68 says stars matter, the newest Gopher commit is a 3-star. End of story. Welcome aboard Brandon!!

the 4 TE set cannot be stopped!

The staff has been holding onto scholarships in this class like they are gold. Out of 8 commits, 3 are big-time recruits that could go practically anywhere they wanted (Jones, Mayes, Elmore), two are midwestern kids with good offer lists (McKinzy, Stelter), and 2 were lightly recruited but the staff made them a high priority and offered last spring (Richardson, Williams). The Lingen offer/commitment means one of 3 things:

1. The staff liked him a lot at camp, was very impressed with his senior film, and decided they couldn't let the #7 ranked player in the state get away.
2. All of the above, but they see him at a different position (OL, DE).
3. Another development has taken place (potential transfer, etc.) that we don't know about yet.

The staff also closely watch George Behr and Zach Hovey, and decided that out of the 3 they wanted Lingen. Even though it's somewhat of a head-scratcher, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt since they have been very selective so far.

Why give someone the benefit of the doubt when it's so much easier to just be an internet d1ck?

Dippity-do needs some more pop rocks in his lip gloss.

I totally agree with lakesgopher and DP on this one as well. Am I Dp's alter ego or lap dog too?

If you blindly agreed with dp about 1,000 more times, but I don't see you as a lap dog, maybe more like a dingleberry.

Very few on here defend the importance of the star system as much as dpodoll68. Now that Lingren is a 3-star commit, I would hope he apologizes for his temper tantrum he threw on this thread.

This is why I come to the hole...Thanks El for the chuckle.

Didn't mean to start the pissing match but after watching the video someone posted, I would guess he will be a tackle before long.

Welcome aboard!

Can we all stop hyperventilating now?

Kill did say on his radio show today that they are having a great week recruiting.

Out of curiosity have you ever heard a coach say they were having a bad week of recruiting or be anything less then thrilled about the prospects of any kid that commits?

If you listen to coaches (on any staff across the country) recruiting is always going great and they are getting exactly the players they wanted for their system. Then 2-3 years later we get to find out if they were telling the truth or just blowing smoke.

Didn't mean to start the pissing match but after watching the video someone posted, I would guess he will be a tackle before long.

Welcome aboard!

In our offense guys like Plsek and Goodger are basically glorified tackles since we run the ball so much. This kid will probably be Plsek's replacement. He'll be a redshirt freshman when Lincoln is a senior.

I agree that it is questionable to offer someone who has already committed elsewhere. Probably why it doesn't happen often.

HAHA has there ever been a more false statement ever made... seriously

If you blindly agreed with dp about 1,000 more times, but I don't see you as a lap dog, maybe more like a dingleberry.

Just curious were you one of they guys who booed and then threw snowballs at Santa Claus?

I know I'm beating an old dead horse but gotta love the Minnesota recruits; wouldn't Billy Turner (LT), Grant Olson and AJ Tarpley (LB) and Zach Vraa fill some gaping holes on our squad. Ugh, makes me a bit queasy just thinking about it. I think that is probably Brewster's biggest kick in the nuts; out recruiting the hinterlands for morons like Jew Jew Edwards and for kids who can't play (see his last two recruiting classes) while we let more than a handful of really good players get away. Anyway, bring the kid on board whether he's a TE/DE/OT he looks like he has some skills.

I know I'm beating an old dead horse but gotta love the Minnesota recruits; wouldn't Billy Turner (LT), Grant Olson and AJ Tarpley (LB) and Zach Vraa fill some gaping holes on our squad. Ugh, makes me a bit queasy just thinking about it. I think that is probably Brewster's biggest kick in the nuts; out recruiting the hinterlands for morons like Jew Jew Edwards and for kids who can't play (see his last two recruiting classes) while we let more than a handful of really good players get away. Anyway, bring the kid on board whether he's a TE/DE/OT he looks like he has some skills.

Hindsight is fun isn't it? Maybe u can rehash these thoughts for the next crop of Minnesota kids that go to the Dakotas and have success.

Hindsight is fun isn't it? Maybe u can rehash these thoughts for the next crop of Minnesota kids that go to the Dakotas and have success.
you'll second guess Kill's recruits before ever seeing them play, but won't second guess Brewster's failures?

Hindsight is fun isn't it? Maybe u can rehash these thoughts for the next crop of Minnesota kids that go to the Dakotas and have success.

That's the thing, though. It's not really hindsight these kids ripped it up during their HS careers and were deserving an offer of their hometown team. I believe that while Brewster that year was focused on renting a helicopter to try and impress Seantreall, had Kill been here then he would have offered and gotten these kids; perhaps Tarpley notwithstanding with his Stanford offer. There were a good crop of Minnesota players around that year and Brew wasn't paying attention. These kids aren't just having success they're dominant players and would be difference makers here. If I put Zenner on this list then it would be hindsight. I don't think anyone really saw his absurd level of success coming but the four mentioned have "it" and i saw them all play in person and it was hard to miss; unless again you were up in the clouds in your helicopter or flying to the hinterlands to recruit marginal players with marginal character as our boy Brew was.

you'll second guess Kill's recruits before ever seeing them play, but won't second guess Brewster's failures?

Show me where I said an individual recruit wasn't going to make it?

That's the thing, though. It's not really hindsight these kids ripped it up during their HS careers and were deserving an offer of their hometown team. I believe that while Brewster that year was focused on renting a helicopter to try and impress Seantreall, had Kill been here then he would have offered and gotten these kids; perhaps Tarpley notwithstanding with his Stanford offer. There were a good crop of Minnesota players around that year and Brew wasn't paying attention. These kids aren't having just having success they're dominant players and would be difference makers here. If I put Zenner on this list then it would be hindsight. I don't think anyone really saw his absurd level of success coming but the four mentioned have "it" and i saw them all play in person and it was hard to miss; unless again you were up in the clouds in your helicopter or flying to the hinterlands to recruit marginal players with marginal character as our boy Brew was.

Why didn't Iowa or wisky offer them if they were such studs?

you'll second guess Kill's recruits before ever seeing them play, but won't second guess Brewster's failures?

Brew failed no doubt. He took the risk of talented kids that were borderline to be admitted into the U. He brought some talent here but his problem was the actual coaching part. Kill is a good coach but he's dealing with kids considered low talent in big ten standards.

Pretty strange offer this early in the recruiting cycle and in what will be a small class. He might turn out to be the next Ben Utecht, but the strategy is totally messed up. Color me unimpressed.
He was injured his junior year.His film is pretty impressive. Rivals just graded him out at 3 stars. Hope that enlightens you.

Congrats to him. Let's hope that passion for being a Gopher breeds success.

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