Gophers Fans: Help Us Identify Top 25 Reasons Why CollegeGameDay Should Come to the U

Jerry Kills former team (that he built) could be on the verge of crashing the BCS for a 2nd straight year by that time. Good side story.

People should be more specific by saying "major" college football, or even more specific and say "FBS" when claiming most played. But the fact is that stating it as has been done doesn't really confuse anything as the stat is true with the qualifier, and that's all that matters.

Yes, we have the most-played rivalry in major college football - that's probably the easiest way to say it. We also have the longest continual rivalry (again, with the "major" qualification) - we started playing Wisconsin in 1890 but missed the 1906 season (game was cancelled), so we've played every year since then starting in 1907. Nebraska/Kansas had been one year longer (from 1906 on) but when the Cornhuskers came to the Big Ten, that game stopped being played.

Do you think we'd have a better chance at winning if Gameday came? Do you think our guys would be better prepared to compete? Or do you think it might create a lot of pressure and distraction that we might do better without?

Those are the only questions I care about.

I'm conflicted.

I wouldn't worry about it, this game's gonna have a lotta hype around it whether Gameday is here or not. There's gonna be distractions, I can only hope Kill & Co. can get the guys to stay focused on the task at hand. Execution is what's gotten us to this point, only execution is gonna give us any kind of chance to win one of these next two games.

Having Gameday in Minnesota is more about having a chance to have a national audience recognize the team's performance so far, and something for Minnesotans to get to celebrate a little bit. It's a big game, big rivalry, there's a lot of great storylines around it, it definitely has a draw. I'm not sure if the national draw is enough, but let's just say they have plenty of material to work with here.

Gameday needs to come just so they can explain on-air about the Chair in the Eyesocket incident and how a family heirloom stein vanished one night from a Bavarian restaurant in Madison and the hex curse that has been bestowed upon the school of one of the alleged villans.....

Have CGD make sure that those thieves from the east bring the slab of bacon. Then they can tell two stories about this storied trophy game. And leave the damn bacon where it belongs!

SEC loving ESPN should take note that Minnesota is the last Big Ten team to beat Alabama who is seeking its 3rd straight national title and as mentioned by others on this board before..last team to do that is Minnesota.

They stole the Slab of bacon trophy, plain and simple it was not retired.

And they, those pop corn box wearing goofs have the nerver to continue to put scores on it and display the trophy like they own it. Only the weasels to the East would do that.

1. Not tax on clothers or Give them Game day fellas and there crew some practical reasons to come to Minnesota.
They and the crew can do there holiday shopping at the Mall of America, Best buy and Target and avoid paying
any taxes on a new waredrobe for the wife or kids, even shoes or gadgets (the local sales tax is considerably cheaper than the places they live CT or CA).
2. TCF is a new stadium, and one of the last that has been built this century.
3. They could get Bob Dylan to play a set or possibly even Prince, neither would pass up the chance to get some free publicity.
4. Eat a juicy lucy at the Nook or Matts bar.
5. Summit or Surley brewery tours.
6. Face it they will be covering the Badgers as much as the Gophers so they do actually bring something to the table.
7. We will find a way to roll out the marron and gold carpet for them.

The average Minnesotan is more well spoken and has more teeth than the average SEC fan.

Jerry Kill can get to .500 at MN with a win against Wisconsin. Current record 17-18.

SEC loving ESPN should take note that Minnesota is the last Big Ten team to beat Alabama who is seeking its 3rd straight national title and as mentioned by others on this board before..last team to do that is Minnesota.

Didn't Utah beat them in that bowl game since we did?

Suggest we start tweeting this stuff to prominent Minnesota grads or natives and get some VIP commitments to attend the game. When the Vikes were 15-1 in '98 it brought a lot of peoe out of the woodwork. I remember Craig Kilborne interviewing Kevin Sorbo on his TV show talking about the Vikes. Who are the Minnesotans who will come back? Maybe a little all expenses paid reunion of the 7 guys from the 1980 Olympic team?

Suggest we start tweeting this stuff to prominent Minnesota grads or natives and get some VIP commitments to attend the game. When the Vikes were 15-1 in '98 it brought a lot of peoe out of the woodwork. I remember Craig Kilborne interviewing Kevin Sorbo on his TV show talking about the Vikes. Who are the Minnesotans who will come back? Maybe a little all expenses paid reunion of the 7 guys from the 1980 Olympic team?

This is premature, but it's fun to speculate as we've all found out the last few weeks. ANYWAY:

Who is the guest picker if CGD comes?

Suggest we start tweeting this stuff to prominent Minnesota grads or natives and get some VIP commitments to attend the game. When the Vikes were 15-1 in '98 it brought a lot of peoe out of the woodwork. I remember Craig Kilborne interviewing Kevin Sorbo on his TV show talking about the Vikes. Who are the Minnesotans who will come back? Maybe a little all expenses paid reunion of the 7 guys from the 1980 Olympic team?

I just checked schedules. Badger women are at UND that weekend so you could maybe get Mark Johnson and Neal Broten on.

Could maybe get Suter from UW to come up too if they'd want balance. I think Fowler would love the 1980 Olympic team angle. It is one thing Baylor could not match. They could even show video of old line brawls between the squads from the '70's.

1. We also have the FOUR TIME DEFENDING NATIONAL CHAMPION DANCE TEAM, the #1 ranked Men's AND Women's ranked hockey teams!

2. In spite of our differences, both schools fans can celebrate Bert's exit from the B1G!!!!

or Bret's for that matter.

Actually its 7 at least you are half correct

I don't know about anyone else, but I still consider us to have 6 national titles. The 6 we've traditionally claimed (1934, 1935, 1936, 1940, 1941 and 1960) are solid, no question national titles, but the 1904 one is a very dubious claim. I'd rather claim the ones that we clearly deserve rather than acting like Alabama which claims many more national titles than it really has.

If we do get GCD, I wonder how many creative signs there will be for Buliemia and what his card says to do in that situation.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="">@gophers1515</a> <a href="">@GopherHole</a> <a href="">@CollegeGameDay</a> all that needs to be said is JERRY KILL. He derserves it!</p>— Tim Wood (@woodygopher) <a href="">November 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="">@PeterPrudden</a> <a href="">@GopherHole</a> <a href="">@BTNGlenMason</a> <a href="">@CollegeGameDay</a>
Gophs are well deserving and playing well in phases,Offense,Defense,& Special teams</p>— petenajarian (@petenajarian) <a href="">November 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="">@GopherHole</a> <a href="">@CollegeGameDay</a>
Great campus, lots of great places to eat, they boys can check out Dinkytown!</p>— Christof Krumenacker (@ChristofAgape1) <a href="">November 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="">@GopherHole</a> <a href="">@CollegeGameDay</a>
<a href="">@GoldytheGopher</a> is the best mascot in College sports, and Lee will love spinning the head and doing the Gopher!</p>— Christof Krumenacker (@ChristofAgape1) <a href="">November 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="">@GopherHole</a> <a href="">@CollegeGameDay</a>
It's time for Lee and the boys to put on some layers and come to the cold weather for a change!</p>— Christof Krumenacker (@ChristofAgape1) <a href="">November 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="">@GopherHole</a> <a href="">@CollegeGameDay</a>
No other coach can dance like Kill did at the end of the Penn State game!</p>— Christof Krumenacker (@ChristofAgape1) <a href="">November 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="">@GopherHole</a> <a href="">@CollegeGameDay</a> You can drink the water here, unlike at those SEC schools. <a href="">#LandofSkyBlueWaters</a> <a href="">#Gophers</a></p>— Lisa Bruneau (@LisaBruneau2) <a href="">November 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="">@GopherHole</a> <a href="">@CollegeGameDay</a> UofM currently has more #1 ranked teams than the whole SEC!!! <a href="">#Go4prideonice</a></p>— Eric McCabe (@imcaber) <a href="">November 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="">@GopherHole</a> <a href="">@CollegeGameDay</a> Because I'll put cheese curds on my tater tot hot dish and use Paul Bunyan's axe as a serving spoon.</p>— Chris Souther (@SoutherChris) <a href="">November 13, 2013</a></blockquote>
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