Gophers/Buckeyes Post Game Thread

What more can one say than what the OP said.

Fire Tubby. You can close the thread now.

The team that I thought was for real has become an embarrassment. I feel bad for the coaches, the players, and the fans. Teague and the associate AD were in the front row tonight. I'm half expecting a change at the end of the year. Very sad.

The team that I thought was for real has become an embarrassment. I feel bad for the coaches, the players, and the fans. Teague and the associate AD were in the front row tonight. I'm half expecting a change at the end of the year. Very sad.

I am whole expecting a change

As I said in the game thread: Tubby announcing tomorrow (maybe after quietly agreeing to a partial buy-out) that he's retiring would be the best thing for all involved. It would take the negativity out of the fan-base, loosen up the team and maybe enable them to win the 2-3 games needed and go on a run.

In the last 18 halves, we've scored 25 or less points 10 times.

For comparison, Indiana has scored 25 or more in every half of every game this season (54 halves).

I said it in the in game thread and I will say the same thing here the real sad thing about this game is with the way OSU was playing in the 1st half there was a chance to go out and take this game and get a solid resume win, but instead we just threw it away. You know it is bad for this team when the bench guys play better than the starting group and outsore them as well. If this same kind of effort and lack of interest comes from the Gophers next Tuesday Indiana will beat them by 50. If we see the same kind of effort and performance on Tuesday there really aren't any excuses with almost a week to recover from the injuries and get ready for Indiana. I have been a guy who thought it was just a rough stretch and it was because of how good the B1G was but this game has me worried and really questioning Tubby.

"How was the game?"
"How bad?"

"So bad that #1nHKyCfbBsbDacSolarDebat is at a loss for words."

The team that I thought was for real has become an embarrassment. I feel bad for the coaches, the players, and the fans. Teague and the associate AD were in the front row tonight. I'm half expecting a change at the end of the year. Very sad.

Didn't know they were there. Would like to be a fly on the wall of a room with those two in it right now.

21 turnovers to 14 made shots! That ratio may never be seen again. The sad thing is, Ohio State didn't even play particularly well: they shot 40% from the field and 35% from 3 and got outrebounded by the Gophers...yet still blew them off the court. This is the same OSU team that won a squeaker at home against Northwestern recently and just got pounded by Wisconsin.

This wasn't as bad as the Iowa game, but it was damn close and reminds me very much of the end of the Monson era. I don't think Norwood Teague wanted to make a change at head coach after this year, but I think Tubby has forced his hand. I thought Tubby looked absolutely disengaged in the second half and resigned to his fate...and his players effort level certainly matched his body language.

21 turnovers to 14 made shots! That ratio may never be seen again. The sad thing is, Ohio State didn't even play particularly well: they shot 40% from the field and 35% from 3 and got outrebounded by the Gophers...yet still blew them off the court. This is the same OSU team that won a squeaker at home against Northwestern recently and just got pounded by Wisconsin.

This wasn't as bad as the Iowa game, but it was damn close and reminds me very much of the end of the Monson era. I don't think Norwood Teague wanted to make a change at head coach after this year, but I think Tubby has forced his hand. I thought Tubby looked absolutely disengaged in the second half and resigned to his fate...and his players effort level certainly matched his body language.

I would call it worse. Start to finish it was a terrible performance. At least against Iowa the guys played 5 great minutes.

you see what I was trying to save you guys when I called for Tubby's ouster 2 years ago? The prosecution rests!

Cheer up guys and girls, things couldn't possibly get worse, could they? I mean, when you are at the bottom of the rung, there's no place to go but up, unless you just let go of the rung and spiral downward into a black hole or something.

I went from being as excited as I've ever been about a college team to looking forward to the end of the season so I don't have to think about this team any more. It's truly remarkable what has happened.

Bipolar Buckeye

I come in peace...

When I'm not rooting for Buckeyes I'm rooting for the Gophers so here are my thoughts.

  • WHY O WHY has MINNESOTA disappeared and they are not playing like the team we saw earlier. I want the Gophers back when they were good and had the offense clicking.
  • Did Tubby prepare a game plan? It was like the Iowa game just rolled over.
  • 21 turnovers will pretty much suck it right out of you. I know our defense caused some of them but their were some that were just caused by lazy passes.
  • FIRE TUBBY. GET HIS A** OUT OF HERE. Plz pay the money to buyout the contract and get Smart.
  • I know we won but f**k it we deserved to lose. OSU has sh*t the bed with the offense and if wasn't for all the TO's the Gophers had this game wouldn't have got out of hand and the Gophers could have won.
  • The refs sucked. They literally took the air out the game in the first half called all the fouls to disturb the continuity of the game.
  • With all the fouls that were called to begin the game, I'm surprise both teams didn't attack the hole to get to the line more. Notice both teams were in the bonus with 12 mins to go. Unbelievable.
  • At one point I turned the game to the Cavs game, and well they suck too. That how bad both teams played.

I know I have no right to complain after winning but I really do want Minnesota to do better except when we play them. I was expecting a better contested game but this was just awful from both teams. Good luck the rest of the year.

Tubby please step down.

I tend to agree, 19. I have been a silent supporter of all Coaches, at all levels, all of my life. But with the circumstances that have surfaced this year, I would politely ask Tubby to admit his defeat and walk away with class knowing that he did the best he could from start to finish. By Tubby resigning with dignity, that would take the heat off of anyone and everyone else so we can move on.

Now, does Woodrow Teague really have the ability to sit down with Tubby and get this done? This now becomes Twilight Zone Area.

I would call it worse. Start to finish it was a terrible performance. At least against Iowa the guys played 5 great minutes.

Against Iowa, Tubby had his pants pulled down. When both teams were playing man, it was clear who had the better players to work with. Then Iowa switches to a press/zone and Tubby's guys look like they've never seen either form of defense and get blown out by inferior talent. That was the worst coaching performance I've seen at Minnesota.

This loss was also bad, but the Gophers were one correct travel call away from going in at half down 3 on the road to a team with at least slightly more talent than them. I also didn't think they were losing because guys simply had no idea what to do, they were just incredibly bad at trying to execute the same old Tubby Smith offense.

you see what I was trying to save you guys when I called for Tubby's ouster 2 years ago? The prosecution rests!

And you have been blowing smoke out your ass for 5 years, so why would anyone listen to you?

I tend to agree, 19. I have been a silent supporter of all Coaches, at all levels, all of my life. But with the circumstances that have surfaced this year, I would politely ask Tubby to admit his defeat and walk away with class knowing that he did the best he could from start to finish. By Tubby resigning with dignity, that would take the heat off of anyone and everyone else so we can move on.

Now, does Woodrow Teague really have the ability to sit down with Tubby and get this done? This now becomes Twilight Zone Area.

You know thinsgs are really bad when both Don and I are on the Fire Tubby bandwagon.

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