Well, we know Lingen, Still, and Carter can catch, and Wolitarsky is semi-reliable with some notorious drops. Does Holland have the yips, or just not have it?
I'm intrigued by Streveler at WR.
I went today wanting to see something from our WRs. I watched them on almost every play. While I agree with some of what you said, my current thoughts are as follows:
- Lingen, Still - no worries. Agree.
- Carter - a complete unknown. He has been here a while and we always hear good things, but in no way do we know if he can catch and/or be visible on the field during a game - or a Spring Game to be frank.
- Woli - same old same old. Semi-reliable is kind, IMO. He dropped another today. So sick of seeing him underachieve. He does nothing for me. If he is our #2 option by mid-year, we have issues. I guarantee the coaches feel the same.
- MHjr - I saw his bad hands last year and have heard they remain, BUT, I am praying he figures it out. He made a tough catch today. He has the size, speed, talent, willingness to block, etc. that could make him a legit #2 behind RS88. Please Melvin, we need you. Have the Summer of your life!
- Hunter Register. Thought he looked good today before getting banged up. Don't know why he stopped on that Long Pass from DC11 - he had his man beat and it would have been a long gain. Promising.
- Brian Smith - looked good. Had a bad drop. I don't him see making a big/consistent impact tho.
- Chris Streveler - Had a drop and a pretty decent catch. I don't see him making a big/consistent impact.
My view: Still is #1. Woli will be in the mix all year, but the more we rely on him the worse off we will be at this position. MHjr and Hunter Register or a true Freshman really needs to step in to a void here if we are going to actually have a balanced attack this year IMO. Oh, and if ML7 gets hurt, none of it matters.