GopherHole chats with Harrison Barnes

Wow, if that was word for word how he responded, he's probably the most well-spoken, well-versed #1 recruit I've ever heard of. VERY impressive.

Way to go, Nadine - I knew you'd manage to get an interview! I bet you elbowed some of those babies out of the way.
Nice job - and glad you know what the word on the street is! Lets hope mom, Royce, Rodney and Tubby hold sway.

I think with GL on the scene, we got nothing to worry about ;)

I swear, I hate to get my hopes up, but this kid is really making it hard with his interviews that past week. He really makes it seem like he could just as easily go to Minnesota as he could Duke or Kansas. I love the fact he mentioned about his mom being friends with Tubby! If we could land him and Joseph, Minnesota will have officially arrived back in the upper crust of college basketball.

If i had the chance to interview a kid like this, or seantrel... I would straight up lose it and beg them to come to the U.

So GopherLady, i commend you for doing what i could not. :)

great interview GL...

that really got my hopes up that he will come to the U, his Mom likes Tubby, he is friends with Royce and Rodney, its close...

I didnt really know much about him until I read that interview and he seems like a good dude who would be a great fit here. Really impressed.

Very impressive young man. His mother loves Tubby, that is GREAT news. Most great recruiters focus on the mother and the son will follow. Go Tubby!

I like his choice of majors, finance. We shouldn't have to worry about him losing all of his money when his playing days are over. It reminded of a post a few weeks to a link about how many of these athletes have nothing financially left after their playing days are over. His name won't show up in any stories like that.

If he needs a money manager, I'll throw my name in the hat!

Hopefully he applies to Carlson. Hell, wasn't Mychael Thompson the #1 recruit in the nation? Beasley went to KSU, Mayo USC, Oden OSU, and Favors is going to Georgia Tech, so it's not too unrealistic. I like our chances to make his top 5. If he doesn't come here, I'd really respect him if he decided to stay in Ames.

Coach K doesn't intimidate me like did 5 years ago. I think his act is getting old and he's been exposed as the phony he is. UNC and Self recruiting close to home are killers.

I forgot to add, this was a big interview considering he's not a local recruit. Congrats GL. This might have been your best scoop to date. I'm thoroughly impressed.

Mychal (at that time Michael)Thompson wasn't even the top recruit for the Gophers that year. It was Mark Olberding and Mark Landsberger who everyone was excited about .

Hey Lady..........

Hey Lady:
Another great interview - but I'm not surprised as you always do a great job!!
Was thinking that somehow we maybe would get to see a sneak photo of you with young Mr. Barnes!!
Keep up the great work!! Am looking foreward to your next interview!!!

Mychal (at that time Michael)Thompson wasn't even the top recruit for the Gophers that year. It was Mark Olberding and Mark Landsberger who everyone was excited about .

I thought we landed the top recruit in the nation sometime during that era. Maybe it was the top recruiting class.

I thought we landed the top recruit in the nation sometime during that era. Maybe it was the top recruiting class.

Olberding was 1974 class. Moses Malone was #1 recruit that year.

Jim Brewer was close to #1 recruit in 1969. Maybe not THE #1 but close to it.

Yea, I'm thinking we'll make his final 5. I'm wondering if Iowa State is really in the running, or if he's saying that to be diplomatic to his home town (like Michael Floyd and Willie Mobley putting the Gophers in their list).

Yea, I'm thinking we'll make his final 5. I'm wondering if Iowa State is really in the running, or if he's saying that to be diplomatic to his home town (like Michael Floyd and Willie Mobley putting the Gophers in their list).

Iowa State will probably be one of his final choices. Duke, UNC, Kansas, Minnesota, and them.

my god, his responses were pretty smart. Business administration and finance? I don't think those are gimme degrees...

He has some big goals for someone who could probably just make millions in the NBA.

GHer's thanks so much for your kind words, I'm really glad you enjoyed the interview. It's kind of crazy to have been able to interview both Harrison and Seantrel - and think about how huge both of their careers can go.

To comment on a few points - yes, the entire interview was transcribed word for word, he is just that articulate. There are kids that you meet when they say academics is a big factor, and there are the few, like Harrison, that you really believe mean it. It's kind of ironic too - because many of the guys that could care less about school, have about 0% of making it to the pros. This is a kid that could make some serious money, and he's planning on studying finance. That's a huge reflection of his family and the values they instilled in him.

If you would of told me a few years ago, that we'd even be in the mix for a #1 recruit, I would of never believed you (unless Royce ended up being #1, that is). Now it's amazing that we do have a shot. I just wish it was October already, I'm too excited about Gopher Hoops to wait 1/2 year to start back up!

Great article ! Nice " scoop "

You should start copyrighting those so the M and M boys ( Marcus and Myron ) aren't able to use your material.

I see where ESPN has Harrison listed as a SG and other recruiting services say he can play both wing positions. How about this for a 2010 line-up?

c Sampson / Iverson
pf Mbakwe
sf White
sg Barnes
pg Nolen / Joseph

Mikie S - I like that A LOT!!! That's a potential final 4 line-up. Plus, the bench would be stacked with Blake, Rodney, Cobbs, etc. Think we need another big to back up Mbwake.

Tubby has his work cut out for him

Harrison Barnes certainly is an impressive and well spoken young man. I'd love to see him in Maroon & Gold next year. Having said that, he sure fits the mold of several scholar athletes with a Duke degree - Shane Battier, Grant Hill, Jeff Capel, Jason Williams, Carlos Boozer, etc. Like these guys, Barnes will undoubtedly make his mark in life beyond basketball. Tubby has his work cut out for him.

Another little nugget that seems to suggest the Gophers chances are legit since he stuck around even though his team didn't play Sunday:

While he would have much rather been playing on Sunday, the All Iowa Attack Red’s loss during Saturday evening’s playoff round did allow Harrison Barnes an opportunity to make a Sunday visit to Minnesota. Accompanied by his mother and younger sister, the wing stopped in to visit with Tubby Smith and take a brief tour before heading home to Ames.

Hopefully he applies to Carlson. Hell, wasn't Mychael Thompson the #1 recruit in the nation? Beasley went to KSU, Mayo USC, Oden OSU, and Favors is going to Georgia Tech, so it's not too unrealistic. I like our chances to make his top 5. If he doesn't come here, I'd really respect him if he decided to stay in Ames.

Coach K doesn't intimidate me like did 5 years ago. I think his act is getting old and he's been exposed as the phony he is. UNC and Self recruiting close to home are killers.

Mychal was the #1 pick in the 1978 NBA draft.......

Great article ! Nice " scoop "

You should start copyrighting those so the M and M boys ( Marcus and Myron ) aren't able to use your material.

Oooh. Good idea. Or maybe copyright and say "may be used with permission," and then see what you can negotiate for in exchange for permission. :)

And let me add my voice to the chorus of "great job."

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