Gopher Softball 2022

I’m getting the impression that the top four teams in the Big Ten are going to have a lot more losses than we are accustomed to those top teams having… meaning more parity in the B1G. I am just not sure that, besides Northwestern and Penn State, we as fans have a clue as to who the good and bad teams in the Big Ten are going to be in 2022.

It’s probably responsible for Ritter, given such uncertainties, to just go out and try to win games.

They were only one game above even in W-L and in danger of losing a series to a bad conference opponent like Rutgers, who traditionally nobody loses to, even if Rutgers seems improved. Plus after the team gifted a game to Rutgers on Friday the coaches likely weren't in the happy mood to experiment on the moment. They could've done that in pre-conference games. The Gophers have lots of real talent, but they need to use that talent to beat up on teams and make their presence felt decisively the next 2 months. They've already lost too many games they should've won. That needs to be the coach's message to the team or it's a lost season. They need to score runs big-time and allow their pitchers to win games w/o needing to pitch shut outs. I suggest that's the coach's message to the squad, or at least I hope it is.

And my daughter is being recruited right now and we've decided that she isn't going somewhere that she doesn't play regularly.
Do coaches guarantee any recruit that she'll play regularly? That would have to be a heckuva potential superstar, wouldn't it? Disillusionments are common enough on both players' and coaches' sides, as it is.

Nice to see the Gophers win the series this weekend, however......

1 - Are Pease, Jensen and Hansen all playing with injuries or not?
2 - In this Rutgers series, the Gophers scored 23 total runs to Rutgers 19 - Ouch!!!
3 - Fiser's Grad year was not her best year. So far Pease is struggling the most in her Senior year. Is this a concern for Gopher pitching or is it seen with NCAA starting pitchers in general?
4 - We have a Senior who has been getting playing time over underclassmen and just had her first recorded hit of the season. Ouch again!!

Baylor had OU down to last out 1-0 and had error on foul ball then single single walkoff HR

Nice to see the Gophers win the series this weekend, however......

1 - Are Pease, Jensen and Hansen all playing with injuries or not?
2 - In this Rutgers series, the Gophers scored 23 total runs to Rutgers 19 - Ouch!!!
3 - Fiser's Grad year was not her best year. So far Pease is struggling the most in her Senior year. Is this a concern for Gopher pitching or is it seen with NCAA starting pitchers in general?
4 - We have a Senior who has been getting playing time over underclassmen and just had her first recorded hit of the season. Ouch again!!
Maybe Valencia made a mistake hitting HR only at bat, need to strike out with runners on to get more playing time instead

hostettler is struggling mightily at division 3 augsburg. i don’t think she would have been a big help at this point. not to say she couldn’t figure it out at some point, but her stats right now are not good.
That's not far off from Pease and Leavitt's stats just slightly more awful. Ritter has to have enough connections to poach someone off a D3 roster like when Ava transferred here from Augsburg or Concordia or wherever, all those coaches hang around the club season.

Nice to see the Gophers win the series this weekend, however......

1 - Are Pease, Jensen and Hansen all playing with injuries or not?
2 - In this Rutgers series, the Gophers scored 23 total runs to Rutgers 19 - Ouch!!!
3 - Fiser's Grad year was not her best year. So far Pease is struggling the most in her Senior year. Is this a concern for Gopher pitching or is it seen with NCAA starting pitchers in general?
4 - We have a Senior who has been getting playing time over underclassmen and just had her first recorded hit of the season. Ouch again!!
1. We know Jensen and Hansen are. Pease seems physically OK. She’s just struggling with her command, which could be the result of off-season surgery.
2. Rutgers can hit a little bit, and Gabby Callaway looks like an All B1G player offensively and defensively. And we gifted them some runs, but to their credit every time their backs were to the wall in games 2 and 3 they hit a big HR to extend the game. Some of that of course is on our pitchers, too.
3. Montana Fouts is struggling some for Alabama this year. She was lights out like Jordy Bahl is for Oklahoma as a freshman, and still really good but hurt a lot as a sophomore. Sometimes at this age, priorities shift, life throws changes, and maybe some of the phenoms tire of putting in the work to be the best, whereas you also see late bloomers steadily improve from freshman to senior year. So it’s really an individual thing, and hard to predict unless you are working directly with a player during the off-season. Regarding Fiser, she struggled with her command out of the gate in 2020. We were kind of believing she would kick it in gear for the stretch run and the season was abruptly cancelled. Then, she committed to coming back for another run at a WCWS, and the B1G decided pretty late in the game to go with a conference only schedule, which basically sealed the fate of any B1G team that had hopes of hosting a regional. Hardly what a nationally-relevant pitcher would have wanted to hear.
4. I can’t comment on that. But I agree there have been some situations where we needed a long ball where I would have rolled the dice and pinch hit for someone who hadn’t had success against the pitcher she had been facing all game. We as fans always think that we are better evaluators of talent than the coaches, if we could just see the kids play a little. Of course the coaches see these kids in practice every day, and have lots of practice video to confirm where and how big the “holes” in each hitters’ swing are.

1. We know Jensen and Hansen are. Pease seems physically OK. She’s just struggling with her command, which could be the result of off-season surgery.
2. Rutgers can hit a little bit, and Gabby Callaway looks like an All B1G player offensively and defensively. And we gifted them some runs, but to their credit every time their backs were to the wall in games 2 and 3 they hit a big HR to extend the game. Some of that of course is on our pitchers, too.
3. Montana Fouts is struggling some for Alabama this year. She was lights out like Jordy Bahl is for Oklahoma as a freshman, and still really good but hurt a lot as a sophomore. Sometimes at this age, priorities shift, life throws changes, and maybe some of the phenoms tire of putting in the work to be the best, whereas you also see late bloomers steadily improve from freshman to senior year. So it’s really an individual thing, and hard to predict unless you are working directly with a player during the off-season. Regarding Fiser, she struggled with her command out of the gate in 2020. We were kind of believing she would kick it in gear for the stretch run and the season was abruptly cancelled. Then, she committed to coming back for another run at a WCWS, and the B1G decided pretty late in the game to go with a conference only schedule, which basically sealed the fate of any B1G team that had hopes of hosting a regional. Hardly what a nationally-relevant pitcher would have wanted to hear.
4. I can’t comment on that. But I agree there have been some situations where we needed a long ball where I would have rolled the dice and pinch hit for someone who hadn’t had success against the pitcher she had been facing all game. We as fans always think that we are better evaluators of talent than the coaches, if we could just see the kids play a little. Of course the coaches see these kids in practice every day, and have lots of practice video to confirm where and how big the “holes” in each hitters’ swing are.
In addition to the coaches seeing the players, they likely also benefit from the analytics that have hit baseball hard. I can't speak for Piper and her staff but many staffs keep stats in practice that help them know who to play in what situation. It takes a lot of the 'fun' out of it but it is part of the game if it helps a team score/save some number of runs per game leading to an increase in wins.

3. Montana Fouts is struggling some for Alabama this year. She was lights out like Jordy Bahl is for Oklahoma as a freshman, and still really good but hurt a lot as a sophomore….

I sorta don’t buy this pitcher regression concept in general. Absent injuries, I think college softball pitchers don’t regress much during their 4-5 year tenure. But rather, they are put in different situations in their career, with different pitching staffs around them.

Maybe they go from being a 2 pitcher to a 1 pitcher and then they will be featured in most of the big matchups against better pitchers from the other team. Knowing that their team will not score lot of runs, they have to be even more precise, which can effect stats.

As a 2 pitcher they have the great fortune of having their opponents mostly prepare for someone else (the number 1 pitcher). And if their are differences in velocity and spin, that can really work to the benefit of the younger, #2 pitcher, as their pitch is different from what the opponent had been seeing.

And maybe as they get more innings in as they progress through their career their tendencies become more apparent to opposing hitters.

I sorta don’t buy this pitcher regression concept in general. Absent injuries, I think college softball pitchers don’t regress much during their 4-5 year tenure. But rather, they are put in different situations in their career, with different pitching staffs around them.

Maybe they go from being a 2 pitcher to a 1 pitcher and then they will be featured in most of the big matchups against better pitchers from the other team. Knowing that their team will not score lot of runs, they have to be even more precise, which can effect stats.

As a 2 pitcher they have the great fortune of having their opponents mostly prepare for someone else (the number 1 pitcher). And if their are differences in velocity and spin, that can really work to the benefit of the younger, #2 pitcher, as their pitch is different from what the opponent had been seeing.

And maybe as they get more innings in as they progress through their career their tendencies become more apparent to opposing hitters.
I agree it's not so much regression but a ptchers' failure to progress and improve as they mature. If they don't change & improve, hitters will catch up with them.Groenewegen progressed by adding a killer changeup. Fiser didn't improve her pitching the last 2 years; she also lost her command to an extent and pitched too much behind in the count. Not that she did badly, but if she lost focus a bit, it was understandable because her hitters shamefully gave her precious few runs to work with. Connecting that to now, 2022, the present Gophers IMHO are very talented, but they need to progress as a team and show some really aggressive focus and produce hitting with a vengeance with RISP and improve their pitching. If they do, the rest of this season can be really good. The opportunity is there.

If I remember correctly, Moulton's stats were a bit down during her Senior year. And I don't know if Fiser was all that successful last season in the Softball AU. Groenewegen, after her life threatening medical scare, wasn't the same dominating pitcher she once was either. Then again I could be wrong on all these comments.

What I see in softball with the Gophers is either they all appear "in for the win" or like they come to be cheerleaders for the day, which IMO they are not very good at either. I understand coaches cannot make players want to play the game on any given day, but all the more successful team players do. And I know being at HOME can really help the situation in hand. And, if you are playing in the SEC, home grown plate umps REALLY HELP.

I am sure travel time and studies play a role in all this. However, to stay afloat in this race for the WCWS, which I am sure is a lifetime dream for many of them, they need to really come with their "game face on" everyday and every game. It's not easy and I understand that, but attitude and belief can do wonders.

If I remember correctly, Moulton's stats were a bit down during her Senior year. And I don't know if Fiser was all that successful last season in the Softball AU. Groenewegen, after her life threatening medical scare, wasn't the same dominating pitcher she once was either. Then again I could be wrong on all these comments.

What I see in softball with the Gophers is either they all appear "in for the win" or like they come to be cheerleaders for the day, which IMO they are not very good at either. I understand coaches cannot make players want to play the game on any given day, but all the more successful team players do. And I know being at HOME can really help the situation in hand. And, if you are playing in the SEC, home grown plate umps REALLY HELP.

I am sure travel time and studies play a role in all this. However, to stay afloat in this race for the WCWS, which I am sure is a lifetime dream for many of them, they need to really come with their "game face on" everyday and every game. It's not easy and I understand that, but attitude and belief can do wonders.
Yeah, watching NW & Nebr this past weekend, both showed that "attitude and belief" plus aggresive play. I didn't see it in any other BIG teams, including MI and MN. It seems lots of players drop off in performance senior year. I remember Sam Macken saying her last year that she was producing less on the field but enjoying it more. And one DI coach was quoted, "If you want to win big, do it with sophomores and juniors."

Do coaches guarantee any recruit that she'll play regularly? That would have to be a heckuva potential superstar, wouldn't it? Disillusionments are common enough on both players' and coaches' sides, as it is.
If a coach guarantees something...especially playing time....I can guarantee they are lying to to you.

I have always wondered about the psychological aspect of any sport in how much of a role it plays in the results of a game/match etc. etc. etc.

How many times in this sport do you see a team give their pitcher a lead and that pitcher turns right around and relinquishes that lead in the opponents next at bat? It happens so so many times. As we have witnessed many times here at Minnesota, staying focused during the task at hand is not handled by every player like it should be.
I can understand how that can be, but does that make it best or not? That is the crux. Do the best women athletes respond like that? Honest question.
I am not a sports Psychologist but played D2 college basketball . I think this generalization is becoming less consistent. If you are following the current NCAA BB tourney there is much more fierce determination, resolve and concentration during the pressure moments of the game. As the women's game grows in popularity, media exposure and ability to play professionally I believe this trend will continue.

Pretty good they got her to commit entirely virtually

I will post on this one time......

Gophers haven't really had the strong hitting TEAM since Allister. They have individuals perform well but not as a team. Allister brought more positive energy to the team than I have ever seen from a coach. She also loved the hitting part of the game. In a Ritter interview I remember her saying (when asked about an Allister practice) We hit, We hit a lot!!! And then we hit some more! It Showed.
Jamie was all defense hitting came second......
Ritter, IMO, is not the positive energy of Allister. I believe she does much better focussing on pitching and letting someone else worry about all the other politics. The pitchers need her undivided attention to perfect that aspect of the game.

Pitchers.... Groenewegen has been hit pretty hard since college. The change just doesn't dominate like it did. Still, I wish I had a dollar for every pitch in the dirt that she got some girl to swing at!!

Fiser in 2020 started slow on wins but was in the top tier of the country in strike outs. Then an issue (let's say with a coaching decision) was resolved. The two games leading up to Hawaii she was coming back to herself. Then the final game in Hawaii she came in with a 1 run lead and completely dominated them. The winning mindset had returned and she was back on track. That is until the next morning when COVID ended the season. 2021... You can thank COVID isolation, BIG rules, playing in a bubble, coaching change (3rd time), Softball for the first time became less important. Kind of sad actually.

Pease pitched very well behind Fiser and they were a good combo. Now she has the full load. The injury, thank God, was not as bad as they originally thought. IMO.. I believe her effectiveness has a lot to do with Ritter running the show and not working with the pitchers like we need.

Recruiting.... we need another Allister, sorry! Right now it is going to be hard to draw the players we need. I set and ask myself some of the same questions you all ask about who is playing and why. We don't give our pitchers any room for error especially against good teams. It's hard for them to pitch perfectly every outing knowing we may not produce at the plate.

Just for fun but what do you all think?

Let’s see yours!

Use the DP freely-tryout

Espalin LF
Denhartog CF
Evans RF
Kinch C
Dray 1B
Valencia DP
Dowell SS
Strelow 2B
Chavez 3B

Did someone say POWER?

Espalin LF
Denhartog CF
Evans RF
Kinch DP
Dray C
Valencia 3B
Dowell SS
Strelow 2B
Hansen 1B

4 Lefty’s in the lineup

Espalin LF
Denhartog CF
Evans RF
Kinch C
Dray 1B
Dowell SS
Strelow 2B
Chavez 3B
Hansen DP

If Kinch is in a slump

Espalin DP
Denhartog CF
Evans RF
Dray C
Dowell SS
Strelow 2B
Chavez 3B
Valencia 1B
Jensen LF

I will post on this one time......

Gophers haven't really had the strong hitting TEAM since Allister. They have individuals perform well but not as a team. Allister brought more positive energy to the team than I have ever seen from a coach. She also loved the hitting part of the game. In a Ritter interview I remember her saying (when asked about an Allister practice) We hit, We hit a lot!!! And then we hit some more! It Showed.
Jamie was all defense hitting came second......
Ritter, IMO, is not the positive energy of Allister. I believe she does much better focussing on pitching and letting someone else worry about all the other politics. The pitchers need her undivided attention to perfect that aspect of the game.

Pitchers.... Groenewegen has been hit pretty hard since college. The change just doesn't dominate like it did. Still, I wish I had a dollar for every pitch in the dirt that she got some girl to swing at!!

Fiser in 2020 started slow on wins but was in the top tier of the country in strike outs. Then an issue (let's say with a coaching decision) was resolved. The two games leading up to Hawaii she was coming back to herself. Then the final game in Hawaii she came in with a 1 run lead and completely dominated them. The winning mindset had returned and she was back on track. That is until the next morning when COVID ended the season. 2021... You can thank COVID isolation, BIG rules, playing in a bubble, coaching change (3rd time), Softball for the first time became less important. Kind of sad actually.

Pease pitched very well behind Fiser and they were a good combo. Now she has the full load. The injury, thank God, was not as bad as they originally thought. IMO.. I believe her effectiveness has a lot to do with Ritter running the show and not working with the pitchers like we need.

Recruiting.... we need another Allister, sorry! Right now it is going to be hard to draw the players we need. I set and ask myself some of the same questions you all ask about who is playing and why. We don't give our pitchers any room for error especially against good teams. It's hard for them to pitch perfectly every outing knowing we may not produce at the plate.
You call it positive energy; I call it charisma. There's lots of talent on this team, need someone to put some drive into their on-field performance.

Just for fun but what do you all think?

Let’s see yours!

Use the DP freely-tryout

Espalin LF
Denhartog CF
Evans RF
Kinch C
Dray 1B
Valencia DP
Dowell SS
Strelow 2B
Chavez 3B

Did someone say POWER?

Espalin LF
Denhartog CF
Evans RF
Kinch DP
Dray C
Valencia 3B
Dowell SS
Strelow 2B
Hansen 1B

4 Lefty’s in the lineup

Espalin LF
Denhartog CF
Evans RF
Kinch C
Dray 1B
Dowell SS
Strelow 2B
Chavez 3B
Hansen DP

If Kinch is in a slump

Espalin DP
Denhartog CF
Evans RF
Dray C
Dowell SS
Strelow 2B
Chavez 3B
Valencia 1B
Jensen LF
I like Valencia playing, esp. at 1b, and hitting, too, even pitching some. She looks like a special talent. I'd have her in there every inning, somewhere.

I like Valencia playing, esp. at 1b, and hitting, too, even pitching some. She looks like a special talent. I'd have her in there every inning, somewhere.
Against Illinois who’s top pitcher is a rise ball thrower .Looking for swings where they keep their hands up.
Esplin DP
Jensen LF
DenHartog CF
Evans RF
Hansen 1B
Dowell SS
Drey C
Streylow 2B
Chavez 3B

Pinch Hitter = Cox
Defensive Replacement. Kinch for Hansen

You call it positive energy; I call it charisma. There's lots of talent on this team, need someone to put some drive into their on-field performance.
I have not spoken with Piper so don't know what she is like in conversation but it is entirely possible that we don't see everything that the players see. Maybe Piper is highly focused on the game on game day and very affable and fun-loving in practice. I am not an insider so looking for anyone with that knowledge.

As a 'corporate' position, I can't imagine that the powers that be didn't include personality as part of the assessment before they made the hire. We all know how important the mental aspect of the game is AND we were coming off a 'situation' with Jamie.

I have not spoken with Piper so don't know what she is like in conversation but it is entirely possible that we don't see everything that the players see. Maybe Piper is highly focused on the game on game day and very affable and fun-loving in practice. I am not an insider so looking for anyone with that knowledge.

As a 'corporate' position, I can't imagine that the powers that be didn't include personality as part of the assessment before they made the hire. We all know how important the mental aspect of the game is AND we were coming off a 'situation' with Jamie.
I know nothing at all about any of the coaches; what the program needs most of all IMO is a lights-out stud #1 starting pitcher.

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