Gopher Show on KFAN

It's time to hurl insults at k-(stinking)-fan! Demand gaards head on a platter! It's time to bash and mob on k-(stinking)-fan and gaard. gaard MUST publically repent and apologize ON THE AIR. He is the enemy of the public here in Gopherville. His very presence on the Gopher Network is an insult to EVERY Golden Gopher Football Fan. Something is ROTTEN on k-(stinking)-fan Golden Gopher Football Broadcasts. ditch that gaard NOW.

; 0 )

You have issues man. I would go seek professional help if I were you.

No sense of humor have got NO stinking sense of...


Throw gaard under the bus NOW!

It is OUR time to mock the mocker. Burn a hawg'sazz coat in effigy. gaard must go NOW! k-(stinking)-fan must pay for the sins of that gaard jerk.

Mock on, khliq, mock on.

It's all just part of the game...

; 0 )

Guards to the left of him
guards to the right
No hawg'sazz coat wearing gaard
should be trusted
to discuss or comment about the Gopher's plight

; 0 )

Just lighten up a touch khaliq
you'll be ok
one of these days...

Ok. Although, there are a lot guys working all over the country that cover teams even though they graduated from rival schools. All over. Wisconsin's guy attended Ohio State. Ohio State's guy attended Xavier. Iowa's guy attended Minnesota-based Brown Institute. Iowa State's legendary guy (who passed away) attended Iowa. Michigan State's announcer is a Michigan grad. Nebraska's guy is a Kansas State grad.

Gaard has been great so far. Have you listened? There is nothing to complain about.

And these people put away their apparel from their previous school when they took a job covering their new school. Hard to imagine Wisconsin's guy on the radio while wearing an Ohio State jacket.

And these people put away their apparel from their previous school when they took a job covering their new school. Hard to imagine Wisconsin's guy on the radio while wearing an Ohio State jacket.


And these people put away their apparel from their previous school when they took a job covering their new school. Hard to imagine Wisconsin's guy on the radio while wearing an Ohio State jacket.

you have no way of knowning this or not. and people wouldn't have known what JG was wearing if he hadn't of said.

people should quit crying and being so defensive about what the sideline reporter is wearing in the studio. many more issues with this program to care about than this.

people should quit crying and being so defensive about what the sideline reporter is wearing in the studio. many more issues with this program to care about than this.
Especially when he seems to be doing a *gasp* good job of covering the team on gameday and on other days. I can't wait until the thread where Gaard and the NDSU band are somehow tied together as part of Maturi's plan to bring about the Apocolypse.

you have no way of knowning this or not. and people wouldn't have known what JG was wearing if he hadn't of said.

people should quit crying and being so defensive about what the sideline reporter is wearing in the studio. many more issues with this program to care about than this.

Plus, knowing JG's sense of humor, he was just saying he was wearing an Iowa jacket to get a rise from people like Wren.

Since August please provide some evidence of him "ripping" on the Gophers. Thanks in advance.

Here you go: Last Thursday, I think it was, he and Danny B. were playing a taped press conf. of the Miami (OH) Coach previewing their upcoming game with the Gophers and saying what a good team we had, how Tinsley was all over the field defensively for us, etc, etc, pretty much standard stuff you'd hear from an opposing Coach. Guard and Danny B. were having a good laugh about it and then chimed in about how far off this Coach was in his assessment of the Gophers and how the Gophers had to be one of the worst teams in all NCAA.

you have no way of knowning this or not. and people wouldn't have known what JG was wearing if he hadn't of said.

people should quit crying and being so defensive about what the sideline reporter is wearing in the studio. many more issues with this program to care about than this.

I am not crying or being defensive about anything. I am simply making an observation. Yes, I wouldn't have known what jacket he was wearing if he hadn't told the audience. But he went out of his way to tell us what jacket he was wearing. It would be a big issue at any school.

Here you go: Last Thursday, I think it was, he and Danny B. were playing a taped press conf. of the Miami (OH) Coach previewing their upcoming game with the Gophers and saying what a good team we had, how Tinsley was all over the field defensively for us, etc, etc, pretty much standard stuff you'd hear from an opposing Coach. Guard and Danny B. were having a good laugh about it and then chimed in about how far off this Coach was in his assessment of the Gophers and how the Gophers had to be one of the worst teams in all NCAA.

Impressive selective listening!

Standard stuff?

Minnesota is a team that is always on the verge of being explosive, that they have a track record of beating teams that had more talent on paper, that Gray is a veteran, that they have outstanding pass rushers and that they play well at home is standard stuff?

If you think Barreiro is going to hear all that and bite his tongue, save yourself future heartache and turn the station.

I supposed gaard should've gotten up and resigned, but he stayed and attempted to balance Barreiro's schtick.

BTW...Barreiro and Gaard both agreed on his assessment of Tinsley.

JG... why did you do it?

Was it-
A) you didn't think it was a big deal, it wasn't something you planned
B) to get a rise out of some followers
C)to intentionally use your position to be a dink

Just curious

Maximus hit it right on the head. The Miami coach was giving us credit in areas we know we are bad at. I believe he said we have a great pass rush. As a huge Gopher fan, I laugh at that and will rip that comment. Also, we dont know the context in which JG was wearing this so called jacket. From reading these posts, it sounds like Darrell Thompson was on the show with him. Maybe he was just trying to get DT riled up a bit. They work together a lot now, and maybe he was just doing it to mess around. Either way, what he wears to work is his business. As long as he doesnt wear Iowa stuff while doing the actual part of his job where he is working for the Gophers, then I dont give a flying f#ck. Some of you just need to get over yourselfs. He does the best job of anyone on that station covering the team. For that, he is aces in my book.

Maximus hit it right on the head. The Miami coach was giving us credit in areas we know we are bad at. I believe he said we have a great pass rush. As a huge Gopher fan, I laugh at that and will rip that comment. Also, we dont know the context in which JG was wearing this so called jacket. From reading these posts, it sounds like Darrell Thompson was on the show with him. Maybe he was just trying to get DT riled up a bit. They work together a lot now, and maybe he was just doing it to mess around. Either way, what he wears to work is his business. As long as he doesnt wear Iowa stuff while doing the actual part of his job where he is working for the Gophers, then I dont give a flying f#ck. Some of you just need to get over yourselfs. He does the best job of anyone on that station covering the team. For that, he is aces in my book.

best answer to this nonsense yet. he wasn't working any gopher related gig.

Let's keep things in perspective. It's not that I think Justin Gaard is some awful human being. I'm just saying his schtick (along with Burrito) bothers me and it takes away from my experience of him covering the team. I rarely listen to the radio because I'm either at the game or watching on TV anyway. I've listened to Gaard on the way home from games and he seems to do a decent job - I just wish the Gophers/Learfield would have found a different capable reporter that could tell me the same info.

Let's keep things in perspective. It's not that I think Justin Gaard is some awful human being. I'm just saying his schtick (along with Burrito) bothers me and it takes away from my experience of him covering the team. I rarely listen to the radio because I'm either at the game or watching on TV anyway. I've listened to Gaard on the way home from games and he seems to do a decent job - I just wish the Gophers/Learfield would have found a different capable reporter that could tell me the same info.

Gaard is more than capable and does an excellent job. I remember back in his days as an intern for PA and Dubay, he was positive about the Gophs, but also gave them hell when the deserved it. (Oh the horror) Barreiro is not a homer, and will rip any team when they deserve it. Gaard is more a fan than Barreiro, but still rips when rippable but also gives credit where credit is due. But hey, since he went to a rival school, his job opportunities are limited I guess. Would you rather have Dave Lee? Or how about the Fargo Flash? That guy is a former Gopher and a huge fan, but is absolutely terrible to listen to. I will take JG in his current role any day. We have a great crew in Grimm, Thompson and JG, lets just be happy for once.

It is amazing how insecure some of you are on here. Good Lord. The coverage on KFAN is far superior to that on 'CCO. There has been much more Gopher talk all day on KFAN becuse they now cover the team. This is a positive for the program. Gaard is doing just fine. Who cares if he went to Iowa and has relatives in IC? Should it be required that an alumn has every broadcast position with every school in the country? Get over yourselves.

A lot of posts about KFAN? Not really new.

It is time to go to war with k-(stinking)-fan. It is time to take...

the message to k-(stinking)-fan that their crap is NOT appreciated. They have been doing this kind of thing for too many years.

badger joel macturi is responsible for this gaard crap and for having Gopher Football subjected to barrerio (sp? Who cares?) and his garbage.

You k-(stinking)-fan apologists can protest all you wish. But, anyone who doesn't appreciate what k-(stinking)-fan does to try to humiliate the Gopher Program and Gopher Fans had just better get used to people fighting back against the garbage that k-(stinking)-fan pollutes the air waves with.

That station does more to negate anything positive that they may do. GUARD against the hawg'sazz jacket wearing gaard menace! Too much is just too much. And slam pa and barrerio (sp? why bother?) just for good measure. Ditch k-(stinking)-fan as soon as possible. Take it over to 1500 on your dial to see what they do with it. They should be pretty damn tired of the twinks. Now that is going to be a long-term downer for 1500...

; 0 )

The numerous responses on this thread indicating "it's no big deal" or "get over yourself" are exactly the reason why the Gophers and their fanbase will never be taken seriously as a legitimate major college football program. This should piss you off. This should make you upset that someone who is paid to care about the Gophers doesn't care about them 1/10 as much as you do, despite the fact that (most of) you are actually the ones paying to care about the Gophers. Do you think a radio host on Iowa's flagship would be allowed to wear a Gophers jacket into the studio? Let alone while he is previewing the Hogeye game that Saturday? Not a chance in hell. He would get pulled into the boss's office the first time and given a stern warning, and the second time he would be out on his ass. You are fooling yourself if you think otherwise. Likewise, if PA showed up wearing a Packers jacket, he would suffer the same punishment. I have greatly enjoyed KFAN's coverage (gameday and otherwise), but the reason that this is allowed to happen is because this is a Vikings town, and the Gophers aren't taken seriously and get second-rate treatment. I certainly expected that to change with the move to become the Gophers' flagship, but apparently I was asking too much in expecting a modicum of professionalism.

I'm glad someone brought up the "Get to Know a Gopher" video series. I'm sure you'd have no problem if Gaard sat there, wearing a Hawkeye polo, in a University-produced video, while interviewing a Gopher player, right? No big deal at all, huh?

I also love the "what he does on his own time is his own business" routine. Oh, really? So how did it affect Mike Haywood's job performance when he was arrested for felony assault? He was "on his own time", right? So why did he get fired? Granted, this obviously doesn't enter the legal realm and is not even in the same universe in level of seriousness, but to throw a blanket on it and throw out the "as long as he's not on the clock, he can do whatever he wants" excuse is BS. How do you think it would go over if Alan Mulally (Ford CEO) pulled up to a charity golf outing driving a Camaro? No big deal, right? I'm sure the board at Ford would think that was a real knee-slapper. How about if Muhtar Kent (Coca-Cola CEO) sat in front of an economic panel drinking a Mt. Dew? "A laugh riot," the execs at Coke would say.

He is paid to cover the Gophers, and should take it seriously. There are two possible reasons he pulls sh*t like this:

1. He doesn't think it's a big deal, and he should be allowed to do whatever he wants when he's not "on the clock" for Minnesota.

2. He knows exactly what he's doing, and he thinks it's funny to needle Gopher fans by wearing their hated rival's gear. Here's a hint: it isn't. It's childish and stupid. What are you, 12?

I guarantee Chad Abbott knows about it, and I also guarantee he hasn't said a word to Gaard about knocking it off. That St. Thomas-stroking choad probably think's it's f*cking hilarious that Gaard is ribbing those stupid "Goofers" fans.

Plus, knowing JG's sense of humor, he was just saying he was wearing an Iowa jacket to get a rise from people like Wren.

Perhaps wren is seeing his (gaard) sense of humor and raising him to make it interesting around here! Let's do a debate for charity between this hawg'sazz jacket wearing low-life and some die-hard Gopher fans who do NOT appreciate the intent of his message.

I'll be glad to take the little hawg'sazz jacket wearer on for a debate about his degree of sleeziness in wearing that hawg'azz jacket while doing Gopher Gigs for a contribution for a worthy charity. I'll present some of the nasty k-(stinking)-fan history to make a case that badger joel macturi screwed up by subjecting Gopher Fans to that gaard character as an part of any broadcast about Gopher Football.

I think you will find that wren LOVES to have fun too! In fact, I think wren is having fun with most things related to Golden Gopher Football!

; 0 )

The numerous responses on this thread indicating "it's no big deal" or "get over yourself" are exactly the reason why the Gophers and their fanbase will never be taken seriously as a legitimate major college football program. This should piss you off. This should make you upset that someone who is paid to care about the Gophers doesn't care about them 1/10 as much as you do, despite the fact that (most of) you are actually the ones paying to care about the Gophers. Do you think a radio host on Iowa's flagship would be allowed to wear a Gophers jacket into the studio? Let alone while he is previewing the Hogeye game that Saturday? Not a chance in hell. He would get pulled into the boss's office the first time and given a stern warning, and the second time he would be out on his ass. You are fooling yourself if you think otherwise. Likewise, if PA showed up wearing a Packers jacket, he would suffer the same punishment. I have greatly enjoyed KFAN's coverage (gameday and otherwise), but the reason that this is allowed to happen is because this is a Vikings town, and the Gophers aren't taken seriously and get second-rate treatment. I certainly expected that to change with the move to become the Gophers' flagship, but apparently I was asking too much in expecting a modicum of professionalism.

I'm glad someone brought up the "Get to Know a Gopher" video series. I'm sure you'd have no problem if Gaard sat there, wearing a Hawkeye polo, in a University-produced video, while interviewing a Gopher player, right? No big deal at all, huh?

I also love the "what he does on his own time is his own business" routine. Oh, really? So how did it affect Mike Haywood's job performance when he was arrested for felony assault? He was "on his own time", right? So why did he get fired? Granted, this obviously doesn't enter the legal realm and is not even in the same universe in level of seriousness, but to throw a blanket on it and throw out the "as long as he's not on the clock, he can do whatever he wants" excuse is BS. How do you think it would go over if Alan Mulally (Ford CEO) pulled up to a charity golf outing driving a Camaro? No big deal, right? I'm sure the board at Ford would think that was a real knee-slapper. How about if Muhtar Kent (Coca-Cola CEO) sat in front of an economic panel drinking a Mt. Dew? "A laugh riot," the execs at Coke would say.

He is paid to cover the Gophers, and should take it seriously. There are two possible reasons he pulls sh*t like this:

1. He doesn't think it's a big deal, and he should be allowed to do whatever he wants when he's not "on the clock" for Minnesota.

2. He knows exactly what he's doing, and he thinks it's funny to needle Gopher fans by wearing their hated rival's gear. Here's a hint: it isn't. It's childish and stupid. What are you, 12?

I guarantee Chad Abbott knows about it, and I also guarantee he hasn't said a word to Gaard about knocking it off. That St. Thomas-stroking choad probably think's it's f*cking hilarious that Gaard is ribbing those stupid "Goofers" fans.

It's posts like these that make Gaard 'wear' said Iowa jacket. Which, as a listener of his for many many years, I wouldn't be surprised he said he was wearing the jacket to get a rise out of people.

Honestly, I can't make any assessment on this accusation because I don't have any evidence of his Iowa jacket wearin' ass.

It's posts like these that make Gaard 'wear' said Iowa jacket. Which, as a listener of his for many many years, I wouldn't be surprised he said he was wearing the jacket to get a rise out of people.

I've listened for many years as well. It wouldn't surprise me either. Frankly, whether he was actually wearing the jacket is immaterial. Ripping/ribbing/needling/prodding/getting a rise out of Gopher fans should hold no interest to someone who is paid to represent them. If you want to act like a child, then you should expect to be treated like one.

I've listened for many years as well. It wouldn't surprise me either. Frankly, whether he was actually wearing the jacket is immaterial. Ripping/ribbing/needling/prodding/getting a rise out of Gopher fans should hold no interest to someone who is paid to represent them. If you want to act like a child, then you should expect to be treated like one.

Fair enough.

Seriously? You think a guy wearing a Gopher jacket in the radio station's studio wouldn't be allowed on the air in Iowa City? What, would Kirk Ferentz personally come over and make him take it off?

My guess is that Ferentz probably puts his worry toward game-planning the next week's opponent and doesn't concern himself with what radio hosts are wearing. My guess is also that Kill is in the same boat.

I'd guess that he wouldn't be able to wear it, but even if he were able to, he would get 10-times more criticism than he's getting here. I can guarantee you that.

Here's my take:
1. Gaard has done a good job with the Gopher stuff so far.
2. He doesn't care too much how the team does, he just took the job because it's a good opportunity. I see no problem with that, however...
3. You still represent the U now, so it's probably not a wise move if he wants Gopher fans to take him seriously.
4. He's more than likely doing it to get a rise out of people, which is pathetic in my opinion. Instead of just being a good writer or reporter, now days the media feels the need to get a rise out of people to get attention instead.
5. Either way, I'm not going to make a big deal out of this because doing so would mean that he's a big deal, and I don't think he is.

The numerous responses on this thread indicating "it's no big deal" or "get over yourself" are exactly the reason why the Gophers and their fanbase will never be taken seriously as a legitimate major college football program.

Yeah, I'm sure the Wisconsin, Iowa, Notre Dame, LSU, and Tennessee fans will look at the 10+ pages of rants on the PA guy and another 5+ pages on the radio guy's attire and think - now there's a passionate fanbase that is devoted to the real issues of the program. Serious? Show a Texas fan this thread and they'd mock it to no end.

Go to some of those boards. They are discussing real things about their football team. Not ranting and raving about how the PA guy says touchdown or how the radio guy wears a sweatshirt of the school he attended.

We will be taken seriously as a program when our fanbase grows to the point that we're beyond sweating this stupid stuff and really getting into the football program. Discussing football matters in a serious way with a huge number of people, worried about a lack of pass rush, knowing who is visiting as a recruit this weekend, wondering about the move of Edwards to LB, etc. Until then, we're just the program fighting for our life with a majority of its fanbase seemingly more concerned with whether the marketing department handed out poms poms last week than whether the Gophers will generate a ground game this weekend.

Dpo, I think you are taking this way to seriously. And to say that most here dont care is why we arent taken seriously as a fanbase is the bigger joke. KFAN is the home of the Vikes, correct? Yet Dave Sinikin always wears Packer stuff, and talks, on air about how great the Packers are. Why shouldnt he be fired? Common is a diehard Lions fan, should he get fired because of that too? And comparing Gaard to CEOs of companies is a huge stretch. Gaard is a sideline reporter and interviews players. During those times, he wears Gopher gear and does everything very professionally. What he wears WHILE WORKING AT KFAN AND BEING PAID BY KFAN is in NO way under the rules of the U. Your whole argument is rediculous and baseless. Try to use some common sense.

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