Personally I'd love to see TCF go all gold for every home game. We are the Golden Gophers, that is about as unique a college nickname as you can have and I feel as if we do too little with it. If the U Marketing/Athletic Department wanted to make this happen all it would require is finding a different sponsor per home game, make a gold shirt of the week "Take the Axe" for becky week, "Beat Michigan", etc etc, and then put one in every seat in the stadium. That way there is no excuse and everyone, even if it was cold out, could have an option.
Also the U needs to contract with SOMEONE, I don't care if its Nike, Adidas etc and clearly define our official colors and subsequently use them EVERYWHERE. I understand we have "official colors" now, and athletic contracts, but I feel as if the University is overall too inconsistent with the different hues, shades, etc I see not just in apparel but in signage as well.
The U should pony up and rebrand things going forward to provide a certain standard of what is maroon and gold and what "isn't". Its honestly a poor effort when your field and seating don't even match in your own football stadium...
Look at ASU, very similar colorwise with us and they were having much of the same problems. Whether or not you like their jerseys is another manner, but you can't deny that they made a commitment to uniformity across all programs and it looks much more professional and well done then the mishmash before. Heck make a charity event out of it, produce the new gear, and give a 50% discount for people trading in old gopher apparel and then donate the proceeds.
Creating a good atmosphere for college football is essential to recruiting as well as school pride, something that I feel is lacking for the rank and file U student. Creating these traditions or "gimmicks" as many have called them is one of the large differences between the college product and the pro one. Could you coordinate a whole section in the pros to wear different colors for a game? Doubtful. Could you place a maroon shirt on the block M and gold shirts in the maroon seats around them to make a maroon M against a gold background? Definitely. Let's work and make TCF a home field advantage people can be proud of, and a place other teams don't want to play in.