Gold Out for Miami game?

If you went to last week's game, they mentioned it there. That's about as good as a mass email, right?

Alas, I was stranded here in Madison working crazy hours getting the new version of our med software live in our clinics/hospital. I still think a week's notice given the fickle nature of our fanbase for these things is a bit low, but it does beat a mass e-mail I suppose. :)

I kinda hoped the U had given up on Gold Outs to be honest.

So this Saturday appears to be a Gold Out game. I'm about as plugged into Gopher FB as anyone through GHole, Gopher blogs, social media, etc. Yet I've barely heard this mentioned. In fact, I was still kind of wondering if it was a joke until a FB post today by the Gophers FB page (

Unless there was a big e-mail blast I missed (totally possible) it looks like the U is trying to execute a Gold Out with a whisper campaign. I'm betting many here know about the Gold Out. But what about the casual fan/season ticket holder???

I really don't get the marketing of the U's teams sometimes.

There was an email blast to season ticket holders.

They had oather emails about buying $10 gold shirts, etc.

They also talked about it at the game.

FYI MODS: Please feel free to close this/move it to the other thread started just before mine.

In honor of EG#9's thread on the topic, I have now rated my own thread as terrible.

I knew about it, but will once again be wearing a maroon shirt as a subversive middle finger to people who come up with idiotic marketing gimmicks like this.

The real key, as others have mentioned countless times before, is to print this on the ticket. That way people know several weeks ahead of time, and they will be refreshed early that day too when they tear that day's ticket off the rest of the bunch before they leave their home.

The real question is... why don't they market the wearing of gold for every home game? It's as simple as saying it at the end of every ad for an upcoming home game (any sport). "Join us at [insert venue] next week when your Golden Gophers host the [whomevers] at [whatever time]. And as always, come early, be loud, and wear gold."

If the U is serious about these Gold-outs, they need to create a situation where most people will be wearing gold to the game anyway. See: Penn States white out. They can get away with it easier because most people will wear white no matter if its a white out or not.

They also can get away with it because, let's face it: who doesn't own something white? From a clothing standpoint, I have noticed over the past four or so years that the Coffman Bookstore, Goldy's locker room, and online apparel sites have done a better job of putting more gold options out there, rather than almost exclusively maroon things - especially in the area of cold-weather items. That is an important step.

It's a little thing like that the helps. It doesn't take much to do at all, and it does end up on thousands of Facebook news feeds...hopefully some of non-students too!

I've heard a couple radio spots advertising it.

I knew about it, but will once again be wearing a maroon shirt as a subversive middle finger to people who come up with idiotic marketing gimmicks like this.

Stop being such a hardcore badass, you're making the rest of us look like wusses. ;)

I've heard a couple radio spots advertising it.
And the stupidity of my thread title grows. I'm actually pleasantly surprised by the amount of marketing I'm hearing about (minus the lack of a note on a ticket).

Excellent. My terrible thread is no more. Thanks mods! :)

Just the words "Gold Out" is stupid. does not have the same feeling as "Black Out" or "White Out"

If they want to do something like this, why don't they get creative and call it "SOLID GOLD" or something like that....

If they want to do something like this, why don't they get creative and call it "SOLID GOLD" or something like that....

That's what they called in 2009 when they ran it for the Wisky game. It was a Solid Gold Saturday. And I agree, that is much better and makes much more sense.

1. A "Gold Out" looks much better on TV than than dark colors, so I can understand that.


2. There are too many variations of "Gold" out there, from bright yeller to dull gold.
3. The selection of gold apparel is VERY limited, and most of it looks like cheap crap you used to get when you signed up for a credit card in school.
4. Tying into #3, I buy about 1 or 2 new short sleeve shirts per year, and they are likely to be maroon, maybe white. I just dropped $65 on a new Nike last Saturday, there wasn't one gold polo/golf shirt in the Stadium Goldy's.
5. From what I can tell, most folks' gold gear is cold weather types, like sweatshirts and jackets.
6. Gold outs look much, much better at a night game under the lights.

I'd venture to guess that a big reason these don't work, is that we don't have one primary color. Wisconsin and Nebraska are red for example. Everyone wears red.

We have two primary colors. At the game on Saturday, I'd say a majority of the fans were wearing some sort of Gopher apparel. Some of it was maroon, some gold, some white, some gray. I'd say I saw more maroon and white Gopher stuff than gold. I have a maroon t-shirt, and a gray sweatshirt. (I do have a gold hat.)

Why? I suspect because to a lot of people, at least me, the U's gold color is a fairly ugly, dirty yellow, while the maroon is nicer. It's easier to sell things in colors people like.

Once again it is proven by the Minnesota fan. Doesn't matter what the team, what the topic. The thing Mn. fans do best is bitch about everything.

Easy solution would be put a gold shirt on every seat. Or hand out a gold shirt to everyone who enters. I think the broncos did this when their stadium first opened so you could still see the bronco logo that is painted in the seats. Would it cost too much given the current state of the program, probably more than they are comfortable with for a game promotion. Would it be worth it for the recruiting factor, yes.

In the end though, it's about selling more gold shirts at Gold country and the bookstore and goldy's locker room.

Most people who attend Gophers games own at least one gold shirt, so I doubt it is about selling more clothing. What it is about is creating in impressive display on TV.

They've done more than a great job hitting the younger aged people for this gold out (facebook, twitter, etc.). There's really not a whole lot else that they can do for the older fans other than an e-mail if you think about it. I mean, they could possibly send out letters but that costs the university more money. I wish we could get the damn sconnies earlier in the season, that would be fun to have a gold out for. Why not think of a creative name to have fan wear all maroon too? maroon out just sounds plain dumb so they would need a creative name.

There's really not a whole lot else that they can do for the older fans other than an e-mail if you think about it.
Well, as already noted printing it on the ticket is one way. Putting it in with your season ticket pack is the other and would be cheap to implement. You could also mark it up on all the pocket schedules/poster schedules/etc. All of those are seemingly cost effective ways to communicate it.

Well, as already noted printing it on the ticket is one way. Putting it in with your season ticket pack is the other and would be cheap to implement. You could also mark it up on all the pocket schedules/poster schedules/etc. All of those are seemingly cost effective ways to communicate it.

Very true. I have a feeling this is something that they just decided to pull out of their behinds about two weeks ago though, it really doesn't seem like it was planned in advance at all. Which can bring us to another solution:
Think of the promotions that you want to run before the tickets even go on sale!

Very true. I have a feeling this is something that they just decided to pull out of their behinds about two weeks ago though, it really doesn't seem like it was planned in advance at all. Which can bring us to another solution:
Think of the promotions that you want to run before the tickets even go on sale!
That was the feeling I had too, which is what led to my cranky thread title (that thankfully was deleted and folded into this thread).

NDSU just had a "Gold Rush" last weekend. That's a much better name than Gold Out

The real key, as others have mentioned countless times before, is to print this on the ticket. That way people know several weeks ahead of time, and they will be refreshed early that day too when they tear that day's ticket off the rest of the bunch before they leave their home.

The real question is... why don't they market the wearing of gold for every home game? It's as simple as saying it at the end of every ad for an upcoming home game (any sport). "Join us at [insert venue] next week when your Golden Gophers host the [whomevers] at [whatever time]. And as always, come early, be loud, and wear gold."

If the U is serious about these Gold-outs, they need to create a situation where most people will be wearing gold to the game anyway. See: Penn States white out. They can get away with it easier because most people will wear white no matter if its a white out or not.

They also can get away with it because, let's face it: who doesn't own something white? From a clothing standpoint, I have noticed over the past four or so years that the Coffman Bookstore, Goldy's locker room, and online apparel sites have done a better job of putting more gold options out there, rather than almost exclusively maroon things - especially in the area of cold-weather items. That is an important step.

I wholeheartedly agree with this, and have wondered the same thing myself. The U seems to prefer gold, with the gold student section and gold outs rather than maroon. It would be easy for the U to TRY to make this happen; whether they would be successful, who knows?

However, I've come to grips with the fact that it will never happen, and I actually don't mind the maroon and gold mixture at all. LSU has a combination of purple and gold, and it looks good there, too. The real problem we will have for years will be jackets. As long as the weather is nice, we'll have a maroon and gold stadium. But it will be years -- if ever -- before a majority buys maroon or gold warm jackets (not just sweatshirts). People just don't do that much in Minnesota. You don't even see a lot of Vikings winter jackets.

No amount of marketing in the world will make these gold outs work if the team still sucks. Just the way it is.

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