Gold Out for Miami game?


Active member
May 11, 2009
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Has anyone else received the email about the Gold Out for the Miami game on the 17th? You would think after the last unsuccessful gold out they would start promoting this a lot more than a simple email.

It would be nice to do them later down the line during conference season when we know there will be more of a crowd. Unfortunately that also means coats and such so they have to do gold outs earlier in the year.

yeah, I think gold outs will always be planned for early season games due to the lack of gold coats and I also am convinced our fan base simply can't pull it off. This will be another failure in a long line of gold out failures. It would be fun to have it work though. I just think the cart has to be behind the horse. Like so many things related to Gopher football fandom, the gold outs will probably start working once the team starts winning. As it is now, there are just too many people that carry season tickets, or purchase a set of tickets that do not follow the team closely. So, they steer their ship right past all the gold-out reminder buoys and show up for the game in their maroon sweatshirt, or jean jacket and never realize a gold out had even been in session.

They should print stuff like this right on the ticket. I wouldn't hurt.

I also am convinced our fan base simply can't pull it off. This will be another failure in a long line of gold out failures.

This. Even if we win this idea just won't fly here-for many reasons.

They have to do something to promote it. I always wear gold so it won't be a problem for me or the group I'm taking with me, but for the average fan who doesn't read GH or check there email how would they know.

It would be nice to do them later down the line during conference season when we know there will be more of a crowd. Unfortunately that also means coats and such so they have to do gold outs earlier in the year.

Ticket office says the game is sold out...

Ticket office says the game is sold out...

But how many of those are from combo packs where people bought Nebraska/Wisconsin/Iowa tickets and will just let their Miami tickets go?

But how many of those are from combo packs where people bought Nebraska/Wisconsin/Iowa tickets and will just let their Miami tickets go?

masochist. come on now little miss sunshine! :p

masochist. come on now little miss sunshine! :p

Hey, my dream would be to be able to pull off a Boise:


But how many of those are from combo packs where people bought Nebraska/Wisconsin/Iowa tickets and will just let their Miami tickets go?

Tons...there are a ton of Badger fans who just bought the Miami game to get WI tickets....It may be a sellout, but I'm guessing we only have about 38,000 max for that game.

If I remember correctly last year they did print it on the ticket. I could be wrong though but I vaguely remember it being on my ticket.

Along with the gold out, I hope they bring back the gold top/maroon bottoms from the Cal game. The gold/gold would make more sense, but it's just too much for the eyes.

Maybe we should have a "Sakota Feed Hat" day. It would be a better representation. I'm sorry, but some of the people who attend the games have no clue on wearing school colors. Then you have the dudes with the keys/key rings on their belt. My guess is many of the people are given tickets from other Gopher fans who for some reason can't attend the game. Last year against NIU a kid maybe in his mid twenties along with his girlfriend had a fricken "Howdy Doodie" t-shirt on. His girlfriend was dressed to the nines as in a visit to a 5 star resturant. Tongue in cheek, I said: "Nice game
day outfits" They sat there like a couple of sheep texting their brains out. A "gold out day??? How about just wear school colors.

This. Even if we win this idea just won't fly here-for many reasons.

I've kinda given up on this idea too. Every time we have a "gold out" it looks like half of the crowd either didn't get the memo or didn't care anyway. Hopefully we can just get everyone wearing either maroon or gold instead of the Vikings jerseys or HS jackets

I've kinda given up on this idea too. Every time we have a "gold out" it looks like half of the crowd either didn't get the memo or didn't care anyway. Hopefully we can just get everyone wearing either maroon or gold instead of the Vikings jerseys or HS jackets
Yea the vikings jerseys drive me nuts, but when I saw a Wild jersey last yea I about flipped.

Are they going to drape gold shirts over the 10,000+ no-show seats?

I'm so sick of these lame gold-out attempts. Even if you put aside the fact that it's kind of lame in the first place to try and goad people into wearing team colors, and the fact that we're almost definitely going to have a horrible turnout for a game few people will be excited about, what don't they understand about the gopher gear the people that show up DO have? Have the promotions folks even BEEN in a gold country or other Gopher pro shop lately? 85% of gopher clothes are MAROON. If I wasn't a holder of multiple sets of student season tickets for 6+ years, I wouldn't own a single piece of gold clothing.

You're right about Gold Country and the U Book Store. Mills Fleet Farm on the other hand is almost completely gold. Go figure?

It is most definitely not a fact that it is lame to attempt to coordinate colors. It's not lame at all. Quite a lot of schools do it, and it looks very impressive. Most Gophers jackets are maroon, but gold t-shirts outnumber maroon t-shirts. Thus a gold out makes more sense early in the year when it is warm, and a maroon out makes more sense later in the year.

Why not a maroon-out?
That would be a much better option than trying a gold-out, IMO, for several reasons.
1) We're the only team in th B1G with maroon as a school color
2) As mentioned, more people have maroon jackets for the colder months. And most others wear a black or dark colored jacket. This would blend in better with maroon than gold.
3) Even if the Badgers or Nebraska do bring a bunch of fans, a maroon-out would hide the red better than gold.

This. Even if we win this idea just won't fly here-for many reasons.
People hate gold outs the same reason they hated Brewster.
Minnesotans hate gimmicks, except when kill uses them and nobody notices.

Why not a maroon-out?
That would be a much better option than trying a gold-out, IMO, for several reasons.
1) We're the only team in th B1G with maroon as a school color
2) As mentioned, more people have maroon jackets for the colder months. And most others wear a black or dark colored jacket. This would blend in better with maroon than gold.
3) Even if the Badgers or Nebraska do bring a bunch of fans, a maroon-out would hide the red better than gold.

Gold pops on TV. Maroon just looks dark.

The only way this will ever work is if they give shirts to everyone as they enter the stadium. It can't be that hard to find a sponsor willing to spring for the $1/shirt cost. Otherwise, don't do it.

The only way this will ever work is if they give shirts to everyone as they enter the stadium. It can't be that hard to find a sponsor willing to spring for the $1/shirt cost. Otherwise, don't do it.

You are correct sir. Would probably have to be sponsor(s) though.

Every year I try to bring one person to one game that normally wouldn't go on their own. Every year that person seems to wear the opposing teams colors. I now keep several Gopher shirts in my trunk.

Facepalm Marketing: How many non GHolers know there is a Gold Out this week?

So this Saturday appears to be a Gold Out game. I'm about as plugged into Gopher FB as anyone through GHole, Gopher blogs, social media, etc. Yet I've barely heard this mentioned. In fact, I was still kind of wondering if it was a joke until a FB post today by the Gophers FB page (

Unless there was a big e-mail blast I missed (totally possible) it looks like the U is trying to execute a Gold Out with a whisper campaign. I'm betting many here know about the Gold Out. But what about the casual fan/season ticket holder???

I really don't get the marketing of the U's teams sometimes.

If you went to last week's game, they mentioned it there. That's about as good as a mass email, right?

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