game thread


Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
Is anyone gonna start one that gets the game? It would be appreciated much.

This works.

Does anybody like the Tubby Smith strategy of taking out all offensive threats for five minutes early in the first half? Had a nice lead there, bet we fall behind.

Our only problem so far is that we can't hold on to the ball. Basically every possession results in a turnover. Luckily WKU is aiming for the top of the backboard with their shots.

Tough to tell with ESPN's crappy gamecast, but it looks like the starters were not rebounding very well...Tubby probably was just punishing them

Good to see Nolen take a slash toward the only if he could make some foul shots. 14-11 Gophers

How many turnovers do the Gophers have in the first 12 minutes? 10?

Or try not to bank a shot off the top of the backboard...

This is painful. Nobody can keep the ball. Our bigs are backing them up to the net, but can't finish.

Let's start with the basics

Catch and hang on to the damn BALL!!

Wow, I did not realize we were already in the bonus.

WTF - they have seven steals in the first 12 min. Looks like they intend to beat the crap out of our offense (9 fouls already) rather than give up points

Colton looks awful early on as usual. I never ever understood the love he gets on this board.

My God....Mbakwe is not human

Edit: By that I mean, no man should jump like that

Much quicker pace so far than we're used to seeing, pushing the ball in transition. Showing with all the turnovers.

Another dunk by Mbakwe, in transition. Beastly....

Luckily they're not hitting more 3's than what they already have. Every look they have is wide open.

very sloppy early. Better recently. When the second 5 is in all at once, it's pretty hopeless. Tubby can't do that at least until Devoe is back. The zone seems to be working, but for how long?

I can't get a feed for the game, but on the radio, it sounds like their athleticism is giving us some trouble. I wish I could watch as I bet this one will have a great finish.

Christ, Colton, can you please play some defense?

Losing isn't an option. We need this one and then we need to play our best against UNC. 1 and 2 (with winning this first one) would be better than 2-1 and losing this first one.

First free throws for WKU, lets see how they do

Hollins continues to look good with another 3. Gotta get to the glass...pretty sure we're getting out rebounded by a smaller team

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