game thread

See most of our big wins last year for the answer. Being a prisoner of the moment goes both ways.

Colton looks awful early on as usual. I never ever understood the love he gets on this board.

Sorry way too many short comments from me... great to see Hoffarber and Williams show a variety of ways to score though. Sampson, please remember what you've done to be so successful in these games. If he even stays close to how he's been playing once we start the BT he's going to be huuuge for us. It's nice to see that he's added some muscle and aggressiveness, and the sky hoop is looking beautiful (it looked pretty hideous at times last year).

...the sky hoop is looking beautiful (it looked pretty hideous at times last year).

I agree that the hook is very nice. However, I think the most impressive move was actually a shot he missed. Somewhere in the first half (I believe) Sampson started towards the right handed hook and his defender over compensated to prevent the hook. Sampson then dropped his right leg baseline and squared to the basket leaving his defender mostly on his right hip/back. This was a great counter move. He ended up missing the shot but it shows 2 things. First, he recognized the overplay and second he not only has learned a very nice hook shot but a counter to that hook shot. That is very hard to stop.

I don't recall that (my stream was not the greatest), but it's nice to hear that if they do defend the hook, he's capable of countering.

I agree that the hook is very nice. However, I think the most impressive move was actually a shot he missed. Somewhere in the first half (I believe) Sampson started towards the right handed hook and his defender over compensated to prevent the hook. Sampson then dropped his right leg baseline and squared to the basket leaving his defender mostly on his right hip/back. This was a great counter move. He ended up missing the shot but it shows 2 things. First, he recognized the overplay and second he not only has learned a very nice hook shot but a counter to that hook shot. That is very hard to stop.

I don't recall that (my stream was not the greatest), but it's nice to hear that if they do defend the hook, he's capable of countering.

It's at the 9:10 mark in the first half if you're interested in checking it out. If you don't have it DVR'd you can see it still on

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