GAME #23: Gophers (15-7, 4-5) @ Purdue (13-9, 3-6) [BTN, 2/5, 7:30PM]

Did OO get hurt or was he just bad?

Remember who you're talking about and you could probably answer that question ;)

But actually I think King was just playing well, don't remember Oto doing anything good or bad.

If I have to hear one more person complain about some conspiracy the Big 10 officials have against the Minnesota Gophers, I'm going to lose it. It's a sad, pathetic response and flimsy excuse. The U of M athletic program seems to be cursed and in many ways, it is. But that's simply because of the caliber of athlete this institution attracts for the two major money sports. Have you ever heard the phrase that good players create their own luck? Well, it's true. The difference between Minnesota and most of the schools in the conference when it comes to football and basketball is quite simple: Good players. Good players don't make idiotic mistakes in critical situations. Good players don't allow themselves or their teammates to play poor enough to lose AT HOME to Northwestern before losing to bottom-feeding Purdue. No, good players find their own luck, shrug off poor officiating and win games. Bottom line. But if it makes you feel better to blame the refs and not see this team for what it is, then more power to you. I just think some people on here need to open their eyes. THIS IS A TRANSITIONAL YEAR and the team is playing without its best player. You cannot expect to win that many games. In fact, Minnesota might only win 2, maybe 3, games the rest of the season. I hope I'm wrong, but I need to be honest with myself. Some of you need to do the same...

First I have to ask if you watched the game because we aren't missing our best player or any player. Everyone's healthy. Second, The team played poorly and the rebounding on defense was simply pathetic but if you watched the game you'd understand the anger towards the referees. The unbiased commentators pointed out missed call after missed call. It's not just us.

That's the spirit!

What did I say that was so bad....someone said we are only 1 game out of 4th place in the loss column....I was stating that we are also tied for 11th in the loss column. If that pisses you off.....sorry....I was just stating a fact. They have games at tOSU, Wisconsin and Michigan. Those will be difficult to win. NW on the road won't be easy either. They have Indiana and Iowa at home. We have to win 3 of those games to have a shot at going 9-9 in the B1G. That's assuming that beat Illinois and Penn St at home, which isn't a given. At this 4 in the B1G isn't very realistic.

If I have to hear one more person complain about some conspiracy the Big 10 officials have against the Minnesota Gophers, I'm going to lose it. It's a sad, pathetic response and flimsy excuse. The U of M athletic program seems to be cursed and in many ways, it is. But that's simply because of the caliber of athlete this institution attracts for the two major money sports. Have you ever heard the phrase that good players create their own luck? Well, it's true. The difference between Minnesota and most of the schools in the conference when it comes to football and basketball is quite simple: Good players. Good players don't make idiotic mistakes in critical situations. Good players don't allow themselves or their teammates to play poor enough to lose AT HOME to Northwestern before losing to bottom-feeding Purdue. No, good players find their own luck, shrug off poor officiating and win games. Bottom line. But if it makes you feel better to blame the refs and not see this team for what it is, then more power to you. I just think some people on here need to open their eyes. THIS IS A TRANSITIONAL YEAR and the team is playing without its best player. You cannot expect to win that many games. In fact, Minnesota might only win 2, maybe 3, games the rest of the season. I hope I'm wrong, but I need to be honest with myself. Some of you need to do the same...

So, a conspiracy is ridiculous but a curse is in full effect. Got it.

If I have to hear one more person complain about some conspiracy the Big 10 officials have against the Minnesota Gophers, I'm going to lose it. It's a sad, pathetic response and flimsy excuse. The U of M athletic program seems to be cursed and in many ways, it is. But that's simply because of the caliber of athlete this institution attracts for the two major money sports. Have you ever heard the phrase that good players create their own luck? Well, it's true. The difference between Minnesota and most of the schools in the conference when it comes to football and basketball is quite simple: Good players. Good players don't make idiotic mistakes in critical situations. Good players don't allow themselves or their teammates to play poor enough to lose AT HOME to Northwestern before losing to bottom-feeding Purdue. No, good players find their own luck, shrug off poor officiating and win games. Bottom line. But if it makes you feel better to blame the refs and not see this team for what it is, then more power to you. I just think some people on here need to open their eyes. THIS IS A TRANSITIONAL YEAR and the team is playing without its best player. You cannot expect to win that many games. In fact, Minnesota might only win 2, maybe 3, games the rest of the season. I hope I'm wrong, but I need to be honest with myself. Some of you need to do the same...

I don't think anyone is implying that there is a conspiracy......but the Gophers are rarely on the the more favorable side of officiating. The 2006 phantom PI call against Penn State in OT stands out. Hoffarber's buzzer beater against Indiana was in direct opposition of the officials trying to give the Hoosiers the game.

Question.....when have you seen a Big Ten game where the officials have clearly favored the either football or basketball?

Question.....when have you seen a Big Ten game where the officials have clearly favored the either football or basketball?

Not in a long long time that is for sure. IMO, it seems much worse on the basketball side. Honestly, I expect biased officiating on the road in the big 10 - but we NEVER get home cooking at Williams...EVER. It is just the oddest thing - not even against teams like Northwestern. I just don't get it - and I am not a homer - I will call a spade a spade.

Seems like the only time we get a fair shake is in the non-conference or in preseason tourneys or the NCAAs/NIT. Funny, we seem to always do pretty well in those venues too in the past...

Very frustrating loss, very frustrating season. So many ups and downs. I just hope this skid hasn't ruined the players confidence...

Let's see - the Gophers get nothing from Smith, almost nothing from Dre Hollins (I admire the effort to try and play, but you can argue whether he was really helping the team by being out there), get beat to 99% of the loose balls and tips, give up way too many offensive rebounds; and even after Purdue tries to hand the Gophers the game by missing 107 FT's, the Gophers still can't take advantage.

But according to some people on here, the Gophers got "hosed" by the officials.

Geez, I wanted to see the Gophers win, too - but the refs did not make the Gophers lose that game. The Gophers made the Gophers lose that game, because they didn't make enough plays to win.

I know everyone got excited with a new young coach, and a good start to the season - but this team is further away from contending than some people want to admit.

Let's all settle down, back away from the ledge, and try to get some perspective here. I'm fully prepared to give Pitino 3-4 years to recruit and build the program before I pass any kind of judgement on this program.

I don't think anyone is implying that there is a conspiracy......but the Gophers are rarely on the the more favorable side of officiating. The 2006 phantom PI call against Penn State in OT stands out. Hoffarber's buzzer beater against Indiana was in direct opposition of the officials trying to give the Hoosiers the game.

Question.....when have you seen a Big Ten game where the officials have clearly favored the either football or basketball?

It wasn't a whole game, but we got a couple of calls towards the end of the game @ Penn State. And we have gotten calls at homes at times in the past. But not at the same rate as we get hosed on the road. The non-call vs NW will sting until next November if we don't make the Dance.

Uh, you don't watch much Gopher basketball, do you? This was "just another anti-Gopher basketball game" by the refs. Get used to it, after Indiana comes to the Barn you'll be repeating that phrase.

What do the refs or for that matter the B1G have to gain by being "anti-gopher"? Smh

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What I know is that you complain about the refs and some conspiracy you believe every game the team loses.

Just once try looking at some other reason why the team lost the game. I doubt you can do it.

Obviously the Gophs, despite the refs, had ways to win the game. But Hammons could have axe-murdered a hobo in the paint and the hobo would have been called for blocking. His no-call forearm shiver to the back of Dre's head near the end, in addition to several other obvious fouls, was maddening. EE scratches his rocks and he's called. Pathetic.

Let's see - the Gophers get nothing from Smith, almost nothing from Dre Hollins (I admire the effort to try and play, but you can argue whether he was really helping the team by being out there), get beat to 99% of the loose balls and tips, give up way too many offensive rebounds; and even after Purdue tries to hand the Gophers the game by missing 107 FT's, the Gophers still can't take advantage.

But according to some people on here, the Gophers got "hosed" by the officials.

Geez, I wanted to see the Gophers win, too - but the refs did not make the Gophers lose that game. The Gophers made the Gophers lose that game, because they didn't make enough plays to win.

I know everyone got excited with a new young coach, and a good start to the season - but this team is further away from contending than some people want to admit.

Let's all settle down, back away from the ledge, and try to get some perspective here. I'm fully prepared to give Pitino 3-4 years to recruit and build the program before I pass any kind of judgement on this program.

Ornery, your post made me laugh simply because it was spot on with its sarcasm.

The one thing that I add is that although these kids have lost a few games...they still are more enjoyable to watch than the past few Gopher teams were. Clearly this squad has shortcomings, but you can't fault them for sandbagging it. Despite the latest losses I have been enjoying watching this team compete. Like the football team...we are going to see better days with this crew.

So, a conspiracy is ridiculous but a curse is in full effect. Got it.

I said they are cursed "in a way." No one actually believes the team is actually cursed, it just looks that way because the talent level, or lack there of. Good players create their own luck and make simple plays that win games. Being cursed essentially means your team is unlucky, like I said. Good players make their own luck.

A Big 10 game, played primarily in the paint, goes to three OTs and one player fouls out? Never seen that before.

I said they are cursed "in a way." No one actually believes the team is actually cursed, it just looks that way because the talent level, or lack there of. Good players create their own luck and make simple plays that win games. Being cursed essentially means your team is unlucky, like I said. Good players make their own luck.

And no one actually believes there is a conspiracy. One person's hyperbole is another person's paranoia.

Peck used his eblow in the top of King's back to get that rebound on the freethrow. Quite a few over the backs on them not called.

the anouncer was wrong, EE was on the floor

Wrong! EE was on the offensive end where he fell under the basket on a failed tip in try. He hustled back but had a 10 ft deficit.

The reason EE didn't see as much action down the stretch is because with about 7 minutes left in the game he was complaining about a call on the offensive end and didn't get back on defense so his man got a layup. Besides that, Mo Walker's moves are FAR superior to anything EE can do. When watching Mo play this year, I'm amazed how good he has become with his moves inside.

The reffing was bad and inconsistent but it shows how physically weak as a team we are. Martin will be appreciated on the boards next year if he can play and shoot even a little on offense.

Really tough to lose these last three because while not playing great there were definitely opportunities that we missed in each of them and we could be sitting at 7-3 right now instead of 4-6. I think the style of game the refs called last night favored Purdue because they are a more physical team and it allowed Hammons to stay out of the usual foul trouble he is in. It was good to see Dre back and while he wasn't at full speed he still made a difference on offense and probably should have had a couple more shots go down that were half way down and came out. Mo and Joey really stepped up and gave us some offense inside. I thought Austin played one of the better games he has played in a while and was more aggressive. I think McNeil could actually be a little more aggressive offensively but at least he is not really hurting us when he gets in the game. Mathieu needs to start making smarter decisions about where to go with the ball as he has made way to many careless turnovers these last 3 games. EE needs to start playing some decent basketball again I've accepted he isn't gonna give us anything on offense but he needs to at least play some decent defense and hit the boards when he is in and he hasn't done that well the last 3. Really didn't get anything from Malik or Oto last night. I wonder if we see any lineup changes going into the Indiana game? Maybe Mo and King start and EE and Oto come off the bench? HUGE game Saturday for NCAA tournament hopes have to find a way to get the win.

Before this season started, a majority of posters on GH and the Local/National media felt this would be a really down year for our Gophers. Coach Pitino has the guys playing at a much higher level of intensity and success than most predicted. As we started winning OOC games and some big wins versus Wisky and Ohio State, the expectations got higher. I want all of you to go back to what you thought prior to the season and, I will say, the team has exceeded, by far, competitively, what we thought early on.

Go Gophers!!!

Before this season started, a majority of posters on GH and the Local/National media felt this would be a really down year for our Gophers. Coach Pitino has the guys playing at a much higher level of intensity and success than most predicted. As we started winning OOC games and some big wins versus Wisky and Ohio State, the expectations got higher. I want all of you to go back to what you thought prior to the season and, I will say, the team has exceeded, by far, competitively, what we thought early on.

Go Gophers!!!

You seem to be implying that you would like Gopher fans to listen to the media and have no hope. That we should believe the media instead of our own eyes and assume the Gophers stink. That can't be what you mean, right?

By the way, this is a solid team. Has had some very bad breaks this season, including 3 extremely close ones arguably decided in the opposing team's favor by the referees (@MSU, NW, @Purdue). Their best player was injured by either a very careless Josh Gasser or a major asshole Josh Gasser. Your choice. And still competes every game. I don't think the team has exceeded expectations to this point, in terms of record. Perhaps in overall level of play, but not record; as their record does not reflect the intensity they bring (which I appreciate much).

I would like to see the team get a fair shake by the officiating crew on the road; either that or some of that home cooking at Wiliams. Fair isn't that much to ask, right? The team is exciting this year, and I think it's capable of having a great NIT run, as they'll be one of the better teams not to make the Tournament. Next year most of the top players return, and the team will have another full year under the new system. Plenty of hope, as you say, Dr. Don. But it's frustrating that so much promise was taken away from them in just the past 2 weeks; not necessarily of their own doing.

You seem to be implying that you would like Gopher fans to listen to the media and have no hope. That we should believe the media instead of our own eyes and assume the Gophers stink. That can't be what you mean, right?

By the way, this is a solid team. Has had some very bad breaks this season, including 3 extremely close ones arguably decided in the opposing team's favor by the referees (@MSU, NW, @Purdue). Their best player was injured by either a very careless Josh Gasser or a major asshole Josh Gasser. Your choice. And still competes every game. I don't think the team has exceeded expectations to this point, in terms of record. Perhaps in overall level of play, but not record; as their record does not reflect the intensity they bring (which I appreciate much).

I would like to see the team get a fair shake by the officiating crew on the road; either that or some of that home cooking at Wiliams. Fair isn't that much to ask, right? The team is exciting this year, and I think it's capable of having a great NIT run, as they'll be one of the better teams not to make the Tournament. Next year most of the top players return, and the team will have another full year under the new system. Plenty of hope, as you say, Dr. Don. But it's frustrating that so much promise was taken away from them in just the past 2 weeks; not necessarily of their own doing.

Once again, nice post. That's the thing I know I'm going to see when I tune in or go to the Barn: a team that competes and will have a chance to win every game they play. I couldn't even say that about some of Clem's teams, when his evil twin team that couldn't shoot or think straight would go on the road.

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