Former Gophers want a voice with the new HC hire


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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And I am all in favor of that happenig. Maturi had his chance with the Brewster hire and he bungled it up. Putting this group in the corner will only further erode current relations between the AD and former players, which according to many, is not good. I posted earlier that this group can be a valuable asset with this process and I still believe that.

Maybe Maturi will shrug his shoulders, say to he77 with it and resign.

As long as that group says they have no interest in Marc Trestman being the coach. I don't want a bobo of the former players as coach.

And I am all in favor of that happenig. Maturi had his chance with the Brewster hire and he bungled it up. Putting this group in the corner will only further erode current relations between the AD and former players, which according to many, is not good. I posted earlier that this group can be a valuable asset with this process and I still believe that.

Maybe Maturi will shrug his shoulders, say to he77 with it and resign.

They came off as whining babies. They have no more insight in hiring a new coach than your average fan. Kingsrighter played 40 years ago. Though I don't totally trust Maturi, I trust him more than these guys...

This group becomes even more laughable to me as it is organized and run (I assume that the website and wording) was created by a former student trainer. This has been beaten to death, we don't need a new thread every time this group does something stupid and it is reported on. This group has been public with their criticism long before their meeting with Maturi before the Penn State game. If they care they should shut up, open their wallets, and voice their concerns through back channels at the U. Surely they must have some connection, right?

Personally, I see this group/effort as a detriment to hiring a quality coach. If I'm (fill in name of coach you want) and I am already a little doubftul about the organization - especially given the pending retirments of the AD and Pres - I would see this as further evidence that we are an institution in turmoil.

Maybe they can form a committee for the President and AD positions. I'm sure they want say in that as well.

I think I'd rather have Maturi make the decision than a group of former players.

Personally, I see this group/effort as a detriment to hiring a quality coach. If I'm (fill in name of coach you want) and I am already a little doubftul about the organization - especially given the pending retirments of the AD and Pres - I would see this as further evidence that we are an institution in turmoil.

Your damn right we are in turmoil. Maturi has NO ONE to blame but himself, Bruininks unfortunately has no choice right now, hiring both an AD and a football coach would be darn near impossible.
I honestly wish they'd keep a lid on Maturi and basically bench him publicly, demote him privately and to the candidates. I'd say to be honest that it would be a good thing for the search, a new candidate would know he doesn't need to worry about this assclown making decisions that would affect the program.

Hey, I got a history degree from the U. I want a say in who the next head of that department is. Better yet, I did a couple tours in Iraq. I want a voice in how the US executes its Middle East policy. In all seriousness, I understand that these players are upset that Maturi is going to be making this decision. I am as well. I would also be willing to be that any former players who have been active alumni throughout the years do have a voice and are being listened to by the administration. The fact that there is not "former player" representative on the search committee does not bother me in the least.

These guys are acting like clowns. The simple fact that they don't see how this is destructive leads me to not want them to be part of this process.

Our season is over in 15 days, and it won't be very long after that before we hire. It seems that they don't just want a voice, they want to be able to pick the next coach. We've been down this road before, of the AD bowing to booster pressure. Fire Stoll, a 6-2 Big Ten record and three consecutive 4-4 Big Ten records, that's not good enough. Bring in Salem, he's a former Gopher, he'll never want to leave. They players want Gutekunst, lets hire him as the next coach.

Yes, Brewster was a mistake. But the boosters' hands aren't clean either. I imagine that as it is, former players are probably being listened more closely than some random fan might be. And wasn't Dungy supposed to be providing input on the coaching search?

The question is what is their intent in influencing this process. If it is to help establish a fair standard of employment, fine. If it is to get a crony in place, I am dead set against it. From what I heard Joel say in the last 2 days, I am satisfied he has the right criteria in place and will not make a decision without applying that criteria to all the candidates. The fact that he will be using a test to determine the impact a coach has had on winning in previous employment fulfills all our desire to become competitive and raise our teams performance to where it belongs -- competitive to championships and not just a player in an everlasting cycle of supporting cast member in the Big Ten. Help build the criteria and let the objective selection move forward without being impeded. The sooner we are able to move to final interview selection and contract negotiation the better.

These guys are acting like clowns. The simple fact that they don't see how this is destructive leads me to not want them to be part of this process.


I cannot believe I am going to agree with Maturi, but I am. These guys are only hindering progress and the process.

People just need to be patient. This is a side affect of letting Brewster go early. (I supported) Every candidate is leading a successful season and we need to wait until their season come to an end. Joel is doing the behind the scenes work to be prepared to move quickly once the final regular season games are played. A lot can change in the next two weeks. Somone that wasn't interested may become interested. Somone might get a huge offer to stay where they are at.

I think these former players are just acting like most of us. We just can't wait to know who the hire is going to be. I'm just not going to take out an add in the paper to express my thoughts.

Yes this group does not come off well. The good thing is that they care enough to be involved.

Yes this groups does not come off well. The good thing is that they care enough to be involved.

But they are not involved and don't understand what they are doing just make the U look bad. I understand they took out an article in the paper, but how do they keep getting articles and TV time. This borders on news stations creating rather than reporting news, shocking I know.

Maybe they can form a committee for the President and AD positions. I'm sure they want say in that as well.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Consulting with a small group of people you trust can have positive results. As you expand the group a consensus becomes difficult if not impossible and will be a detriment to the process.

But they are not involved and don't understand what they are doing just make the U look bad. I understand they took out an article in the paper, but how do they keep getting articles and TV time. This borders on news stations creating rather than reporting news, shocking I know.

This 'group' may very well have the right intentions, BUT they come off as a whining bunch of disgruntled employees (or bench players that think they should be starting) with jr. high organizational skills and 5th grade writing skills.

What they should do is get better organized, select a spokesperson(s) and write and/or request a meeting with the powers that be(AD, Prez, Board of Regents). As is, they are just airing dirty laundry in public.

Totally pathetic.

This 'group' may very well have the right intentions, BUT they come off as a whining bunch of disgruntled employees (or bench players that think they should be starting) with jr. high organizational skills and 5th grade writing skills.

What they should do is get better organized, select a spokesperson(s) and write and/or request a meeting with the powers that be(AD, Prez, Board of Regents). As is, they are just airing dirty laundry in public.

Totally pathetic.

They got their meeting and didn't get the input into the process they wanted.

maturi and prexy b have BOTH failed miserably during the past 7 or 8 years. The have wasted millions and millions in their coaching blunder moves. They have butchered the Football Program by being SO incompetent in their handling of the coaching position. First they let Mason's contract run down for three years, then extended so they could get the stadium. Then, the fiscally incompetent prexy b wrote out a loan of 7 million dollars from the General fund to the athletic department to handle the buy outs of Mason and Monson...the people they had quite recently extended. Then, they hired a total disaster of a coach in brewster. There were SIX offensive and defensive coordinators during the next three years. That, in itself shows what incompetent administrators prexy b and macturi are. That, as much as anything drove the program back from the lower-mid ranks of the Big Ten Conference in football to being at the absolute basement level. THAT was abusive to the football players in every regard.

KNOWING how incompetent brewster was, they EXTENDED his contract. For that they should be banished from the Twin Cities Campus for ever.

And NOW they are in the process of hiring a new football coach. They have hired a pr guy in Dave Mona to try to sell it and spin it for them.

And, you "so-called" fans who trash the former letter winners of the football program are an indication that Gopher Football has once again entered the WILDERNESS. You NEED TO respect, &honor the players from the last Big Ten championship team from 1967 You HONOR the players who always gave their best for the Maroon and Gold in any and EVERY decade and era. THEY are the good guys here. The administrations of this era and in eras past are the BAD guys. THEY need to have a pound of flesh...PLUS... a unit or two of blood (I have read the MERCHANT OF V...")extracted for their sins and the pain that they have caused Gopher Fans during the past half century or longer.

You said M-Men forced Bierman and Warmath out? I say b.s. to that. Weak administrations caved in and tried to appease the masses with a "fire the coach and fool the fan-base for a few years" type of approach.

I totally support these players in their outrage at the administration at the U of M. They are players I have admired and cheered for over my half-century plus of being a Golden Gopher Football Fan and Season Ticket holder.

Take prexy b and maturi out behind the woodshed and "shoot them in effigy..." the way Murray was burned in effigy back in 1959. M-MEN: be loud, be strong and give 'em "what for...". As an old Gopher Fan, I totally support your efforts. YOU have been the face of Golden Gopher Football for me from my very youngest days right up through my 60's. I thank all of you who have worn the Maroon and Gold on the football field during the 1950's right up through 2010.

The administrators have totally let me down year after year...decade after decade.

Give 'em hell M-MEN!!!!!


I cannot believe I am going to agree with Maturi, but I am. These guys are only hindering progress and the process.

"I am disappointed at what, I assume, are well-intended people who are actually making an important process more challenging," Maturi said via e-mail.

I agree completely. This is embarrassing. Their intentions are good, but they are coming off as whiny babies who aren't getting their way.

This board was so much more pleasant during the time Wren was banned. Why do they let him continue to post under different user names?

KNOWING how incompetent brewster was, they EXTENDED his contract. For that they should be banished from the Twin Cities Campus for ever.

Listen, the contract extension was cosmetic at best. It did not increase the buyout for The University upon the termination of Tim Brewster. It was done to lend stability to the program for the purposes of recruiting so the Bret Bielama's of the world could not use Brewster's contract against Minnesota during recruiting.

Played for "bad" teams????????????

Now you are blaming the players for the schemes and abilities of their incompetent coaches????? And these incompetent coaches were fired and hired by totally incompetent administrators!!!!!!!! There is the answer for you. The administrators are responsible for the entire WILDERNESS WALKING period of Gopher Football History.

And you try to blame the players????????

Who abandoned the BRICK HOUSE????? Was it the players???? Was it the Coaches????? No, that's right, it was theadministrations with the help of the Board of Regents!!!!!!!!! Bingo! The problems are right at the top. And you people try to blame the players??????? With attitudes such as yours, perhaps there is NO hope for Golden Gopher Football. I will never quite believe that though. Put the pressure on the administration. That is where the problems originate.

We are currently being led by a lame duck and a dead duck (prexy b and maturi). And the spin is being provided by Dave Mona. Who is paying for his services? Do we get a double our money back guarantee from Dave Mona if this process isn't all he's cracking it up to be?????

I find it amazing that this group, with a goal of making people feel like Maturi can't do the job, is uniting the community in support of Maturi. If I was part of this group I would be very alarmed by this.

I also don't think they would be too happy with Miller's blog. It demonstrates that they have not worked any back channels to try to be apart of the process like a business would. It undermines their creditability, and most people would feel very uncomfortable with their input in a process of hiring a new coach.

I hope their successful roles in the business world help them recognize this and are able to be dynamic enough to change their strategy. We'll see.

I find it amazing that this group, with a goal of making people feel like Maturi can't do the job, is uniting the community in support of Maturi. If I was part of this group I would be very alarmed by this.

I also don't think they would be too happy with Miller's blog. It demonstrates that they have not worked any back channels to try to be apart of the process like a business would. It undermines their creditability, and most people would feel very uncomfortable with their input in a process of hiring a new coach.

I hope their successful roles in the business world help them recognize this and are able to be dynamic enough to change their strategy. We'll see.

I don't think this group has any back channels to work.

Didn't you read their quotes, the silver spoon business jobs they were promised in return for playing football were pulled away at the end of their time on the grid iron. :)

Seriously though, how much money needs to be donated to get you to ban Wren? I'm broke as a joke, but I can start up a pledge drive if necessary. Let me know what kind of $ we're talking about, and I'll try to make it happen.

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