Former Gophers QB Phillip Nelson arrested in his hometown of Mankato for assault

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Did thoughts of getting new friends or hanging out in different places ever cross your mind?

Not sure what you mean. I was robbed at gun point in Nigeria, robbed at knife point in Uganda, and beaten half to death in Italy when I went left instead of right and happened down the wrong alleyway. I had some scuffles in college that were alcohol related. Usually some drunk asshole who wanted a shot at the biggest guy in the room. Again, wasn't comparing my situations to Mankato, was in response to someone not being able to fathom kicking a guy in the head when he is down. I have kicked a guy in the head when he was down and in the same situation I would do it again. When running isn't an option, make sure the guy trying to kill you doesn't get back up.

This Mankato thing was typical bar bull****. A guy has a hard-on because some other guy says or does something and then some other guy says or does something and stuff starts and it rolls and after the bar some jackwagon takes a shot. Problem is when your 20 something and drunk, you don't think about the consequences. In this case, the shot knocked this kid cold and he dead dropped and hit his head (probably compounded by head kick) and now you have several lives ruined and someone possibly going to die. Freaking tragedy and if the facts play out as being reported, I hope these guys go to jail for years.

I've read the reports. I was looking for a video. Looked like lots of people were standing around, just can't believe there isn't cell phone video that has leaked yet.

I've read the reports. I was looking for a video. Looked like lots of people were standing around, just can't believe there isn't cell phone video that has leaked yet.

You want to see an unconscious man get kicked in the head?

few things. Mankato website is ugly. awful spelling. scrawny dude with no shirt = perp? Pnels is a big boy.

As I said, there are people that fervently hope..

Hmm, we all thought you were just a legal expert, didn't realize that psychology is also one of your disciplines. Of course there are many theories most written by people who don't practice in their living room. Well at least you didn't blame this on the NCAA.

As Dr. Don would say, you are hereby awarded the Dpod award of dumbassery for your posts in this thread.

You want to see an unconscious man get kicked in the head?

Yes. but obviously not for the reasons you are indicating. I want to see video to see how clear it was PN actually kicked him. I guess I find the initial reports hard to believe since the chances are the "witnesses" were young people who had been drinking until bar close. The videos posted to help identify the other suspect don't show the fight itself but do actually seem OK in quality compared to what I was thinking they were.

As Dr. Don would say, you are hereby awarded the Dpod award of dumbassery for your posts in this thread.

What's cute is that you think the award is named after my posts, when it actuality it's named after a quote of mine calling someone else a dumbass. I guarantee you wouldn't have typed this if you didn't think it were another lame attempt to get in a shot at me - since you have me on ignore (as if anyone cares).

You can read the whole complaint here:

It indicates the police have surveillance video showing Nelson delivering at least one kick to the left side of Kolstad's head.

First things first, terrible situation all around. Lots of lives are going to be ruined by drunk dumb decisions.

Reading about Phillip's "overprotectiveness" of his girlfreind just screams immaturity to me, I couldn't help but think "Oh he's THAT guy"

Beyond that nothing is going to be cleared up until they find the other guy involved and maybe a few more who were there. Sounds like pretty typical after bar close type crap that escalated to a tragedy.

Nelson claims he does not remember kicking Kolstad and does not know man in red shirt either. - Seth kaplan

First things first, terrible situation all around. Lots of lives are going to be ruined by drunk dumb decisions. Reading about Phillip's "overprotectiveness" of his girlfreind just screams immaturity to me, I couldn't help but think "Oh he's THAT guy" Beyond that nothing is going to be cleared up until they find the other guy involved and maybe a few more who were there. Sounds like pretty typical after bar close type crap that escalated to a tragedy.

Agree with all of this, Ole.

Not sure what you mean. I was robbed at gun point in Nigeria, robbed at knife point in Uganda, and beaten half to death in Italy when I went left instead of right and happened down the wrong alleyway. I had some scuffles in college that were alcohol related. Usually some drunk asshole who wanted a shot at the biggest guy in the room. Again, wasn't comparing my situations to Mankato, was in response to someone not being able to fathom kicking a guy in the head when he is down. I have kicked a guy in the head when he was down and in the same situation I would do it again. When running isn't an option, make sure the guy trying to kill you doesn't get back up.

This Mankato thing was typical bar bull****. A guy has a hard-on because some other guy says or does something and then some other guy says or does something and stuff starts and it rolls and after the bar some jackwagon takes a shot. Problem is when your 20 something and drunk, you don't think about the consequences. In this case, the shot knocked this kid cold and he dead dropped and hit his head (probably compounded by head kick) and now you have several lives ruined and someone possibly going to die. Freaking tragedy and if the facts play out as being reported, I hope these guys go to jail for years.

Yep. Asocial vs Anti-Social violence.

Getting back to the football side of this story. As it turns out even if he had stayed he would not be our quarterback. Tragic all around and if he was still at the U we would never hear the end of this. I am surprised they still say former Gopher quarterback.

Getting back to the football side of this story. As it turns out even if he had stayed he would not be our quarterback. Tragic all around and if he was still at the U we would never hear the end of this. I am surprised they still say former Gopher quarterback.

A lot of the national news outlet articles don't say "former gopher quarterback". They say Rutgers QB. Example:

What's cute is that you think the award is named after my posts, when it actuality it's named after a quote of mine calling someone else a dumbass. I guarantee you wouldn't have typed this if you didn't think it were another lame attempt to get in a shot at me - since you have me on ignore (as if anyone cares).

I actually thought he was using the phrase as if it was an award you bestow...

One can play what-ifs all day, but I do wonder if this would have had happened had he still been with the U. Apologize if this was already posted I haven't read the whole thread. Tragic.

While I rarely agree with this instance I do. I've been thrust into many situations, especially when alcohol is involved, that got out of hand. I am not one to lose control, but have been assaulted, jumped by multiple persons before and robbed at both knife and gun point. When the animal in us kicks isn't something you can turn off so easily. Adrenaline is a kick and fight or flight is built into our dna. And when you are alone and two guys are holding your arms and a third is moving in for a head would be amazed at what your body can do and how little your conscious mind is in control for those brief moments. (Describing a personal situation, not what happened in Mankato)

This situation sounds like a series of testosterone fueled, alcohol induced series of mistakes that ended with violence and permanent damage to many lives. It is sad and was avoidable.

Sorry about that, want your wallet back?

Some new information surfacing. Looks like Kolstad hit Nelson from behind first. Classic case of just walk away. Had Nelson done that, he would simply be a witness in this case and not the prime suspect...

The complaint outlines a fight in the early hours of Sunday morning in Mankato’s entertainment district. Kolstad initially punched Nelson in the back, causing him to fall to the ground, the complaint said, describing surveillance footage.

As Kolstad walked away, an unknown male in a red shirt and blue jeans ran after him, punching him in the head. Kolstad “Immediately goes limp and collapses to the pavement,” the complaint said.

Nelson then pushed past others and “delivers at least one kick to the left side of [Kolstad’s] head,” the complaint said. “The video clearly shows that [Kolstad] was defenseless as Nelson delivers the kick or kicks to the head.”

So Nelson was actually suckered from behind and then retaliated in anger in an unfortunate manner. It matters that the other kid started the physical altercation; if not legally then over time in the court of public opinion.

So Nelson was actually suckered from behind and then retaliated in anger in an unfortunate manner. It matters that the other kid started the physical altercation; if not legally then over time in the court of public opinion.

I think it makes Nelson look worse. He kicked a defenseless unconscious person lying on the ground.

He's not sick, he made a big mistake and he'll have to live with that. There are also always two sides to every story. You're a moron if you think your kids don't have the capacity to make some sort of mistake along these lines. I'm sick about this situation for the involved parties, all of them, but the holier than thou on here is also sickening.

Nope not a moron…my kids are A students who have put in more volunteer hours than Phillip Nelson put in hours in the weight room…they have never been in a fight and they never will be. It is because I raised them this way…to be polite, considerate, caring and responsible for their actions….believe it or not…some people put a big effort into parenting and we aren't morons…and most people go through their lives without getting in a big fight..ever!

Nope not a moron…my kids are A students who have put in more volunteer hours than Phillip Nelson put in hours in the weight room…they have never been in a fight and they never will be. It is because I raised them this way…to be polite, considerate, caring and responsible for their actions….believe it or not…some people put a big effort into parenting and we aren't morons…and most people go through their lives without getting in a big fight..ever!

Any of them could go off the rails at any time. Be thankful every day when they don't.

I think it makes Nelson look worse. He kicked a defenseless unconscious person lying on the ground.

Who had just tried his best to physically harm Phil first. No way Phil knew the kid was out cold when he kicked him; not that he should have kicked him. Maybe Phil was staggered from the hit he took and not thinking quite right? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

So Nelson was actually suckered from behind and then retaliated in anger in an unfortunate manner. It matters that the other kid started the physical altercation; if not legally then over time in the court of public opinion.

You do realize that you and stcgopher are the only two who think "he started it" actually matters here. Also, so you know, kicking an unconscious person in the head is not an "unfortunate manner." It is an unbalanced, psychotic, and criminal manner.

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