Former Gopher A.J. Barker arrested UPDATED 5/9: Sid says AJ wants back on team

Why do you have to be the grown-up person in the room? You would never get picked to go on the Maury Povich show.

I thought Bob L. was on one of those episodes where Maury reveals the results of a paternity test...............

Back to the main topic - is there ANYONE who can confirm or deny that Kill and Barker actually met? If this whole thing is someone's idea of a joke, or wishful thinking, we've all wasted a lot of time on this thread that could have been spent on more productive pursuits - like going on the basketball thread and complaining about Tubby........

So you must believe me to be an idiot for forgiving?

Forgiveness, you? You and your buddies are still holding grudges for what the U did 30 years ago, and now you want to be the spokesman for forgiveness. Maybe you should look in the mirror every once in a while, and if your such a forgiving man how come you can't forgive Kill?

Oh wait, because everyone else should be understanding but not You, ok got it.

Keep preaching bruh, doin great.

Forgiveness, you? You and your buddies are still holding grudges for what the U did 30 years ago, and now you want to be the spokesman for forgiveness. Maybe you should look in the mirror every once in a while, and if your such a forgiving man how come you can't forgive Kill?

Oh wait, because everyone else should be understanding but not You, ok got it.

Keep preaching bruh, doin great.

Kill? You're so late to the party. Have you heard about the Lindbergh baby?

The U 30 years ago? Let's see...I have wrote about $100,000 in tuition checks to the U when a certain someone could have played for free elsewhere. Yeah I really hate the U.

Try again Sally.

Mr. Royston. Your son was/is a great player. Anybody who understands Gopher football know what he did was impressive, especially considering his injuries. Please, don't waste your time answering to these people. It is none of our business whether you personally forgave Kill. It isn't our business. You support the team, we appreciate it. Your son played his heart out, we also appreciate that and wish him the best for a pro career. But please, these questions about your relationship from Kill and you defending yourself are getting ridiculous. Please be the better man and just stop feeding them. This thread is becoming focused on your relationship with Kill (as well have several others). I don't believe it is any of our business and you shouldn't feel obligated to answer.

Kill? You're so late to the party. Have you heard about the Lindbergh baby?

The U 30 years ago? Let's see...I have wrote about $100,000 in tuition checks to the U when a certain someone could have played for free elsewhere. Yeah I really hate the U.

Try again Sally.

The same fire SF24 has is similar to players like AJ. It's up to a coach to harness that emotion cuz the person won't change but these types of people can be an asset.

The same fire SF24 has is similar to players like AJ. It's up to a coach to harness that emotion cuz the person won't change but these types of people can be an asset.

+24. AJ is the best Gopher wide receiver since Eric Decker. He knows how to get open and he catches the ball when it is thrown to him. Division I coaches are paid a lot of money to know how to deal with young college kids with differing personalities. Coaches say all the time that players are motivated by different things so you can't treat them all the same. John Wooden was famous for saying that. Obviously, Barker doesn't respond we to people screaming in his face and questioning his ability. A lot of people don't don't. Kill should have been able to figure out what was going on with Barker and dealt with him accordingly. It was a huge fail for him that he didn't and now he doesn't have his best receiver anymore. But it is not too late. If Barker is still enrolled at the U that means he wants to come back to the team in the worst way. It is up to Kill to figure out how to make it happen.

Furthermore, you will never catch me siding with a coach of ANY college team over a 20-year old player who has become the target of a bunch of internet yahoos many of whom failed miserably at sports themselves. And more than a few of whom would not be where they are in life without the understanding and forgiveness of people in their lives who were willing on multiple occasions to overlook the stupid things they did when they were young and immature.

Furthermore, you will never catch me siding with a coach of ANY college team over a 20-year old player who has become the target of a bunch of internet yahoos many of whom failed miserably at sports themselves. And more than a few of whom would not be where they are in life without the understanding and forgiveness of people in their lives who were willing on multiple occasions to overlook the stupid things they did when they were young and immature.

And which 20-year old player would that be? The age of the player who is the subject of this thread has been stated many times in this thread, and I don't know if a single person has yet stated it correctly, including you in the post I'm quoting above.

Coach yells at player. Film at 11. If Kill wants to bring him back, they can settle matters behind closed doors, and that's good enough for me. But exceedingly few of us would ever get a second chance after burning our bridges so spectacularly.

Furthermore, you will never catch me siding with a coach of ANY college team over a 20-year old player who has become the target of a bunch of internet yahoos many of whom failed miserably at sports themselves. And more than a few of whom would not be where they are in life without the understanding and forgiveness of people in their lives who were willing on multiple occasions to overlook the stupid things they did when they were young and immature.

This statement has nothing to do with anything that has been discussed here. He's a target because he made himself one, plain and simple. If you don't like it, too bad. And whether someone has been successful in sports has nothing to do with this. This has to do with a kid whose fragile ego got tested and he reacted by throwing a temper tantrum that would have made a two-year old blush. He's currently an immature punk. Maybe he can grow up, maybe he can't. But its this kind of nonsense that allows such immaturity to flourish.

If Barker is still enrolled at the U that means he wants to come back to the team in the worst way.

Now that's a non sequitur if I've ever seen one. Perhaps he is just finishing his degree or he needs to be in school in order to transfer to another school. Those seem like equally good possibilities.

This statement has nothing to do with anything that has been discussed here.

It has EVERYTHING to do with what has been discussed here. I have been discussing it for weeks in this thread. If you don't agree with it that is your problem and the problem of your family and other people who know you. Check the poll. Roughly 45% of GopherHole posters agree with my perspective on this matter. AJ is not a criminal. He did a really dumb thing but to take the position that he should not allowed him back on the team no matter how many people times he apologizes to his teammates and coaching staff is an incredibly disgusting and pathetic point of view. I have nothing but contempt for people who think like that. Are you one of those people?

Furthermore, you will never catch me siding with a coach of ANY college team over a 20-year old player who has become the target of a bunch of internet yahoos many of whom failed miserably at sports themselves. And more than a few of whom would not be where they are in life without the understanding and forgiveness of people in their lives who were willing on multiple occasions to overlook the stupid things they did when they were young and immature.

Since I was a former walk on for a small college football team, does my opinion count?

Who's fault is it that this became so public, enabling him to be a "target of a bunch of internet yahoos".

As already pointed out, understanding and forgiveness doesn't always mean things can just go back to how they were.

I once threw a huge temper tantrum at Pizza Hut when I was a kid. We left early because of it. I apologized when we got home and my parents forgave me. That still didn't mean we turned around and went back. There are still consequences for your actions.

It has EVERYTHING to do with what has been discussed here. I have been discussing it for weeks in this thread. If you don't agree with it that is your problem and the problem of your family and other people who know you. Check the poll. Roughly 45% of GopherHole posters agree with my perspective on this matter. AJ is not a criminal. He did a really dumb thing but to take the position that hel should not allowed him back on the team no matter how many people times he apologizes to his teammates and coaching staff is an incredibly disgusting and pathetic point of view. I have nothing but contempt for people who think like that. Are you one of those people?

This has to be a bit.

It has EVERYTHING to do with what has been discussed here. I have been discussing it for weeks in this thread. If you don't agree with it that is your problem and the problem of your family and other people who know you. Check the poll. Roughly 45% of GopherHole posters agree with my perspective on this matter. AJ is not a criminal. He did a really dumb thing but to take the position that he should not allowed him back on the team no matter how many people times he apologizes to his teammates and coaching staff is an incredibly disgusting and pathetic point of view. I have nothing but contempt for people who think like that. Are you one of those people?

I'm one of those people who holds people accountable. Apparently, you are not. But keep on with the ranting, it is great fun to watch.

It may be satisfying to say "Take this job and shove it!" but that burns your bridges, and once bridges get burned, they usually stay burned.

It has EVERYTHING to do with what has been discussed here. I have been discussing it for weeks in this thread. If you don't agree with it that is your problem and the problem of your family and other people who know you. Check the poll. Roughly 45% of GopherHole posters agree with my perspective on this matter. AJ is not a criminal. He did a really dumb thing but to take the position that he should not allowed him back on the team no matter how many people times he apologizes to his teammates and coaching staff is an incredibly disgusting and pathetic point of view. I have nothing but contempt for people who think like that. Are you one of those people?

Complete and utter misrepresentation of the discussion as a whole. But not unexpected.

This has to be a bit.

No, he's really just that ignorant. I think the 45% is too high since the question wasn't asked correctly. The properly worded question would have been: "If Coach Kill offers AJ the chance to return to the team, would you support it?" From what I've seen, I don't want him on the team. But I trust Coach Kill on this and would be ok with him returning if Kill agreed to it. My guess is that a large number of the 45% who said they would welcome AJ back feel this way as well. They would take him back if certain conditions are met.

It has EVERYTHING to do with what has been discussed here. I have been discussing it for weeks in this thread. If you don't agree with it that is your problem and the problem of your family and other people who know you. Check the poll. Roughly 45% of GopherHole posters agree with my perspective on this matter. AJ is not a criminal. He did a really dumb thing but to take the position that he should not allowed him back on the team no matter how many people times he apologizes to his teammates and coaching staff is an incredibly disgusting and pathetic point of view. I have nothing but contempt for people who think like that. Are you one of those people?

I find the bold part hilarious considering the original title of this thread.

I'm one of the 45% who would be ok with Barker returning IF Coach Kill and the staff want him back and if Barker meets whatever requirements the staff and team put on him. I don't think Barker is a bad person, and I think he did an incredibly stupid thing with his 4,000 word public rant, but he is young and young people make mistakes. If the staff and team want him back, then let him back, but on their terms not Barker's.

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