Florida State flips recruit Nate Andrews from Minnesota

Sucky...oh well, gotta move on to the next one. It's not like it's a shock to Kill or his crew.

As a fan no real point investing in a recruit until signing day gets here and he signs on the dotted line. Then you can get excited about them.

I'll take that one step farther and say that I do my best to avoid getting excited until the player is on the sidelines for the national anthem while wearing a Minnesota jersey. But that's just me.

Why do people get so upset about a 17-18 year old kid making a decision that very well is going to affect the rest of his life? It stinks to loose him, but I certainly wish the kid the best of luck at FSU if in fact he ends up comitting there. Nothin is ever set in stone with recruiting until the kid actually starts attending classes.

Which reminds me, maybe he pulls a 'Michael Carter', where he decommits here, comimits somewhere else, than comes back to the U! Who knows as young kids, much like myself, are always so unpredictable. :)

He obviously wanted to follow in the footsteps of Florida State great Antonio Cromartie and make it to the NFL without ever learning how to READ

That ship has sailed I think. So after next year we have Myrick, Murray, and Boddy at CB. Why isn't Kill after more CBs??

Currently we have 9 Safteys on roster, going into the 2014 season we will have 8. Maybe the plan is to move some over to corner and they cooled on Nate. Who that would be I have no idea, but this could explain the lack of corner recruiting. Just a thought.

And now Kill tries to flip him back. I would hold off slamming the kid until he is signed with FSU.

Currently we have 9 Safteys on roster, going into the 2014 season we will have 8. Maybe the plan is to move some over to corner and they cooled on Nate. Who that would be I have no idea, but this could explain the lack of corner recruiting. Just a thought.

I guarantee you we did not cool on him, the kid is clearly very talented and we would have found a spot for him no matter what. Don't make us sound like Wisconsin fans trying to explain a kid switching his commitment. At this point Florida State is a much better program than Minnesota and it is hard to fault him for switching, no matter how disappointing it is.

The coach that wanted him at Alabama is now at FSU hence the switch, no room for him at Bama. Clearly he is a talented kid and you can't fault him or our staff.

Very disappointing, but doesn't appear to have been an easy decision - it's not like he is gloating about it on twitter (has said nothing). Seems like a decent kid, and a heck of a player. Life goes on.

Like everyone else, I wish the kid would have come here but it's not the end of the world. I don't like it when kids switch prom dates a week before the dance but that's is just the way things are these days. Better it happened rather now than later. Hopefully, it opens a spot for someone that really wants to be here. Besides, I'd rather talk about the kids who will be Gophers rather than the ones that will not.

This is too bad. He seems pretty talented. I can't blame a kid for choosing to play closer to home for a program like Florida State, but still disappointed.

Oh well, on to the next one.

This is too bad. He seems pretty talented. I can't blame a kid for choosing to play closer to home for a program like Florida State, but still disappointed.

Oh well, on to the next one.

The downside is in a class that doesn't have a lot of star power he looked like one of the better gets. But it is what it is. Who knows, he could flip again between now and signing day.

Marquez White tweet "Got my boy Nate".

Part of me really hopes the stars align and that we somehow play FSU (bowl game!).

Oh, and I still hate WI and IA.

The downside is in a class that doesn't have a lot of star power he looked like one of the better gets. But it is what it is. Who knows, he could flip again between now and signing day.

Exactly. Nothing is ever official until they actually show up for the 1st day of class. Actually, when they run out of that tunnel with a gopher jersey on for the 1st time.

Florida State has lost 6 coaches since the end of the season, including their DC and OC. The OC left this weekend for Miami. Not so sure Nate knows what he is getting into.

So much for that "commitment". Next.

To get these guys we have to win some ballgames - last year we beat one quality opponent, Syracuse. But we came close against several others. We'll do better next year in recruiting.

Andrews, while talented is a pawn on a chessboard of kings in regards to FSU football. He won't see the field until his sophomore year after taking a RS. All you have to do is bring up the FSU roster. Who knows if he would have seen the field this year with the Gophers. Move on.

He commented a few days ago he was going to shock the world on signing day. Maybe this is all part of his master plan since he knew signing with MN would not have been shocking...so he switches to FSU and then on signing day he "shocks the world" by signing with Minnesota....:clap:

All the more reason not to follow kids on twitter or try to read the mind of an 18 year old kid. As a fan no real point investing in a recruit until signing day gets here and he signs on the dotted line. Then you can get excited about them.

Your right....I'm done following recruits on Twitter. It's stupid.

I actually think that even though we didn't get Andrews, the late attention he got, will help get our foot in the door, with more recruits. Half the battle is getting recruits to talk to you in the first place.

I actually think that even though we didn't get Andrews, the late attention he got, will help get our foot in the door, with more recruits. Half the battle is getting recruits to talk to you in the first place.

Yeah sure, because a recruit next year
Is going to care that a kid he didn't know in Florida considered the gophers for a while.

Yeah sure, because a recruit next year
Is going to care that a kid he didn't know in Florida considered the gophers for a while.

Nate Andrews is from Alabama. At least know a little bit about the recruiting class before you criticize it.

Nate Andrews is from Alabama. At least know a little bit about the recruiting class before you criticize it.

You are correct, sorry I had Florida on my mind after the Florida State commitment. That still doesn't change the fact that a kid from Florida, alabama, California, alaska, etc.. isn't likely to consider a school because a kid they don't know considered them the previous year.

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