Fleck to meet with Winfield this week

I'd bet we have three receivers with more receiving yards than Woli did this year. Two for sure.

Lol, we've only had 1 WR have more yards than Woli did this year over the last 13 years and his name was Eric Decker. You think we have 3 Eric Decker's on next year's team?

Then I would say he was wrong, without question. I was responding more to the comment I quoted about Coyle saying he dismissed Claeys for negative emails and recruiting. Full disclosure, I haven't listened to one word from Coyle or Kaler in this entire incident because I don't really care that much about what they have to say. We'll never know all the details behind how the incident was handled, the factors that went into dismissing Claeys, etc. And it doesn't matter to me, really.

I just don't get the entire up-in-arms over Coyle and Kaler at this point. I'm sure they botched part of this situation, without question. People are acting like those two should be perfect and infallible. There's a new coaching staff taking over, a new recruiting class ready to sign in a few weeks, and spring practice soon after that. I'm ready to move on and think about the 2017 season.
Adding to the equation was that Coyle told Claeys he was his guy after the Northwestern game and should expect an extension.
Claeys went 1-1 in the next two games while being underdogs in both.
I wonder if Coyle really hated that the Gophers won the Holiday Bowl. It made him delay the termination a couple of days.
In the real world, employees are rarely surprised by a termination. An action plan is often in place and employees know they are on things ice.
I'd respect Coyle if he just came out and said "I'd like to thank Coach Claeys and his staff. They are good men. I am going in a different direction."

Lol, we've only had 1 WR have more yards than Woli did this year over the last 13 years and his name was Eric Decker. You think we have 3 Eric Decker's on next year's team?

I would like 3 Eric Deckers please.... maybe a side of Ron Johnson....

^^^^That would be elite! Ski-U-Mah

These arguments about if the team will win 6 or 8 or 10 games next year are so stupid. How anyone can say we don't have anyone returning like Jonnyboy keeps saying is just being dumb and trying to lower expectations. Those saying the Gophers should win 10 or more games are trying to raise expectations. Let's not go through the whole Mason vs Brewster nonsense again where some seemingly want to see the team lose.

Yes, there are question marks at DB, and there would have been at QB regardless of the coaching change. However, every college team has to start an inexperienced QB every couple of years. It's not like we had a Heisman winner starting for us. If Claeys was coming back he would have said we should be competing in December, despite a new QB. In reality, he did a great job by not playing Croft last year to maintain a year of eligibility and correct Kill's mistake of throwing Croft to the wolves at Northwestern.

Take off your Claeys bias, whatever it may be -- support or non-support ---, and there is a lot of returning talent. The offense has almost everyone back but QB and Wolitarski. The defense has a lot of experience back, and we will have to see what happens at DB, but there is some talent there, just not a lot of depth right now.

As fans we cannot control the coaching decision. I liked Claeys, thought we should bring him back, but at the same time recognized he made mistakes and I was never confident he would take the team the next step. Now Fleck is here, I'm going to support the coach, just like I have every other coach since I started going to games at Memorial Stadium.

Please quit the stupid pissing matches based on your pro-Claeys and anti-Claeys bias. It's so stupid. Just support the new coach, and I think if people simply do that, it is pretty evident the team should be ok, despite a number of unknowns.


All the players were cleared by two police investigations. Final results from new hearings re the Title IX panel may well be nuanced.

These arguments about if the team will win 6 or 8 or 10 games next year are so stupid. How anyone can say we don't have anyone returning like Jonnyboy keeps saying is just being dumb and trying to lower expectations. Those saying the Gophers should win 10 or more games are trying to raise expectations. Let's not go through the whole Mason vs Brewster nonsense again where some seemingly want to see the team lose.

Yes, there are question marks at DB, and there would have been at QB regardless of the coaching change. However, every college team has to start an inexperienced QB every couple of years. It's not like we had a Heisman winner starting for us. If Claeys was coming back he would have said we should be competing in December, despite a new QB. In reality, he did a great job by not playing Croft last year to maintain a year of eligibility and correct Kill's mistake of throwing Croft to the wolves at Northwestern.

Take off your Claeys bias, whatever it may be -- support or non-support ---, and there is a lot of returning talent. The offense has almost everyone back but QB and Wolitarski. The defense has a lot of experience back, and we will have to see what happens at DB, but there is some talent there, just not a lot of depth right now.

As fans we cannot control the coaching decision. I liked Claeys, thought we should bring him back, but at the same time recognized he made mistakes and I was never confident he would take the team the next step. Now Fleck is here, I'm going to support the coach, just like I have every other coach since I started going to games at Memorial Stadium.

Please quit the stupid pissing matches based on your pro-Claeys and anti-Claeys bias. It's so stupid. Just support the new coach, and I think if people simply do that, it is pretty evident the team should be ok, despite a number of unknowns.

The post of the year!!

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No, he did not.

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Semantics, sure the actual word may not have come out of his mouth, but sexual assault is, in fact, rape in this case. Go on now and pray for 6 wins...

I don't think it would make Fleck a hypocrite, however, it would make the U hypocritical.

The U fired a coach for defending his players (including Winfield).
The U trashed the culture of the program.
The U called the alleged victim a VICTIM.

It's hypocritical for the U to now look into the actual events of that evening and make a nuanced decision.
Or maybe they fired him for other reasons and the scandal ("culture") was a convenient excuse. That firing then also makes admin look good for taking a stand against (alleged) sexual violence.

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Lol, we've only had 1 WR have more yards than Woli did this year over the last 13 years and his name was Eric Decker. You think we have 3 Eric Decker's on next year's team?

I'm not sure if anyone really knows what kind of receivers we have. It would be wishful thinking to hope we have 3 Decker's on the roster. On the other hand, I would be willing to bet our receivers are better than what we think, and we will probably see that if we get improved QB play. Finding improved QB play however is a BIG question mark right now. I'm hoping Tanner Morgan is the real deal. It would be real nice if for once we could catch lightning in a bottle at this position.

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To get this thread back on track, is there any news about the exact day the meeting between Winfield Jr & Fleck will take place?

That is one way to put it. How would you suggest they show "loyalty".

Tough question; I guess for starters not putting all of this behind them so easily?

Maybe demand an apology from the AD and President?

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I'm calling BS. First of all if Claeys was really defending them he would have been the one boycotting the bowl, not hiding behind the players doing it or allowing that to happen through a lack of leadership. Second they are all hardwired to respect their coaches and all the angst and support for Claeys will dissipate once they transfer that respect and loyalty to their new coach. I'm predicting by the spring game we will see articles from Carter Couglin talking about how much respect his has for Coach Fleck and what a high character guy Coach Fleck is and yes it's unfortunate what happen to Coach Claeys and he'll always respect coach Claeys but it's time now to focus on the future.

Nobody is perfect and Claeys did have obligations to others (staff and their families) including the players who lifted the boycott.

The new coach? They should most definitely buy into and support the new coach. He should equally understand all isn't resolved just because he got 21 million.

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Tough question; I guess for starters not putting all of this behind them so easily?

Maybe demand an apology from the AD and President?

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You mean get an apology from Boss Hogg and Sheriff Roscoe P Coltrane? [emoji41] Good luck with that one.

They are kids that, in the end, need to look out for themselves first. So many will cave. Not the high road, but the smart move.

And this is why they are where they are. Leave it to the next cycle of players. Should TC have did the same thing? Look after his own best interest.

They need to unionize (all college revenue sport athletes).

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You mean get an apology from Boss Hogg and Sheriff Roscoe P Coltrane? [emoji41] Good luck with that one.

Stay on the team and stay vocal about being lied too and thrown under the bus.

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And this is why they are where they are. Leave it to the next cycle of players. Should TC have did the same thing? Look after his own best interest.

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They need to unionize (all college revenue sport athletes).

I'm generally anti-union, but revenue sports athletes need one. The model is broken.

The President of the University called Winfield Jr a "rapist." Let that sink in when a coach talks about changing culture, but wants a kid who the president has called a rapist.
What does the word "hypocrite" actually mean?


To get this thread back on track, is there any news about the exact day the meeting between Winfield Jr & Fleck will take place?

Excellent attempt!

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The culture he is talking about isn't a GD rape culture-
It's a winning culture. It's about being only focused on that.
It is clear the team had self control problems (in-game and on campus) they weren't just focused on winning.

All we heard from the Kill group was "brick by brick" they intentionally lowered the bar of expectations so that a very pedestrian Mason era like 8-4/9-4 record was seen as a boon! Huzzah! We won a let December Bowl game against a 6th place Power5 school or 2nd place Mac school. Then slowly a lack of player control appeared to develop.

That is the culture Coyle wants to change, and I think (I hope at least) he's hired the perfect dude for that job in Fleck. He's young, he's energetic, he's exciting. Can he coach? Hopefully some, can he recruit? Hopefully very well- and ultimately can he win- we all hope a lot.

Trying to convince Winfield to come back doesn't fly in the face of the culture of winning I don't think.

Look at the level of interest in the team today, versus what interest there would have been had TC stayed on. That's all you need to know at this point.

That would be epic and Elite! They could have breakfast...would it include a side of difficult conversations? I think he's got eligibility left too...

Yeah, but being Mr. April he would only help during spring ball.

What if he is meeting Dave Winfield?

That would be epic and Elite! They could have breakfast...would it include a side of difficult conversations? I think he's got eligibility left too...

That would be epic and Elite! They could have breakfast...would it include a side of difficult conversations? I think he's got eligibility left too...

Yeah, but being Mr. April he would only help during spring ball.

Yeah, but being Mr. April he would only help during spring ball.

Best rebounder Muss ever saw...just send him down the sideline and throw it up for grabs...

Either that, or they could play a tape of the OSU brawl as the new team video and have Dave lead them out of the tunnel.

The culture he is talking about isn't a GD rape culture-
It's a winning culture. It's about being only focused on that.
It is clear the team had self control problems (in-game and on campus) they weren't just focused on winning.

Geez, what would there record have been if they were focused on winning ?

Wasn't this supposed to be a thread about the latest news on AW Jr? Completely ridiculous gentlemen!

The culture he is talking about isn't a GD rape culture-
It's a winning culture. It's about being only focused on that.
It is clear the team had self control problems (in-game and on campus) they weren't just focused on winning.

All we heard from the Kill group was "brick by brick" they intentionally lowered the bar of expectations so that a very pedestrian Mason era like 8-4/9-4 record was seen as a boon! Huzzah! We won a let December Bowl game against a 6th place Power5 school or 2nd place Mac school. Then slowly a lack of player control appeared to develop.

That is the culture Coyle wants to change, and I think (I hope at least) he's hired the perfect dude for that job in Fleck. He's young, he's energetic, he's exciting. Can he coach? Hopefully some, can he recruit? Hopefully very well- and ultimately can he win- we all hope a lot.

Trying to convince Winfield to come back doesn't fly in the face of the culture of winning I don't think.

Look at the level of interest in the team today, versus what interest there would have been had TC stayed on. That's all you need to know at this point.

Also not a Winfield meeting comment, but...

Am I the only fan who enjoyed this season? Nine wins, including a Holiday Bowl triumph? At the beginning of the year who wouldn't have signed for that?

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