Five Guys On A Shortlist: If the U Decides Change Is Needed, Aim High & Don't Be Cheap With That Big Ten Cash

I think it's moot whether we would want him or not (I don't) because I doubt he would return here. If he keeps performing well at UNM, he certainly could get other power conference offers if he wants them. The ACC has multiple poor performing teams now and the Big East also has a few.
I suspect Richard will want to avoid the Big East for now.

You think Indiana would take lil Richie? His UNM resume is the perfect candidate for a school like us, expect of course he was already here

Now that's a very interesting prospect!

His head coaching career has been pretty short (two years) but he's been successful so far. He had a winning season last year and is having a much better one this season. Apparently, he was an Alabama assistant prior and recruited some of their top players during his time there.

He has an interesting background. Born to a teenage mother, placed in foster care due to some bad domestic stuff, and eventually adopted. Played at a NY junior college and then a small New York state university. Despite coaching for southern universities in recent years, he's a cold weather guy having spent most of his life in the cold and snowy parts of New York state.
I love that story! Props for doing the research. He clearly has more than earned his way to where he is. He gets the most out his players. They were projected to win the Sun Belt in the preseason and they're currently in first at 18-5 (9-2) and are currently on a 7 game heater.
Soooo what you're saying is the weather wouldn't be a deterant? 😃 he's in my top 3 of coaching candidates.

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