Favorite moment of the 19-20 season


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2017
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Since the Draft is over and there is not much to do..
What was your favorite play, clip, scoring drive, stats, memory, the recent draft class? ect of the season?
Was it having Gameday here? beating Auburn? National TV defeat of Penn State, rushing the field?

I remember watch Fresno ST on the 4th and 13 to go with the amazing catch from CAB that lead us to overtime and then for Winfield to repeat history with a game saving INT would be one of my tops but there was so many good things to pick from this season. I would also say Casey O'Brien's first appearance would be in my top 3
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Since the Draft is over and there is not much to do..
What was your favorite play, clip, scoring drive, stats, memory, the recent draft class? ect of the season?
Was it having Gameday here? beating Auburn? National TV defeat of Penn State, rushing the field?

I remember watch Fresno ST on the 4th and 13 to go with the amazing catch from CAB that lead us to overtime and then for Winfield to repeat history with a game saving INT would be one of my tops but there was so many good things to pick from this season. I would also say Casey O'Brien's first appearance would be in my top 3
Our team was young and still finding their way in the non conference. Could have easily been 0-3. CAB and Morgan doing the impossible was the start of fleck nation molding together.
Penn state
Game day
Auburn. Great awesome game in person

Besides Casey (which is just automatic for me), I would have to say my favorite moment was after the non-conference games when the Gophs really took off. They got their shit together and just hammered everyone except for 2 dink teams.

All 3 top receivers had signature catches for touchdowns. CAB vs, Fresno, Bateman vs SDSU, Johnson vs Auburn.

Also getting to laugh at Sean Clifford.

Sorry, got a few favorites in there, not just one.

The win over Penn State with the last drive being thwarted and the Gophers remaining undefeated. Without that win we never get the chance to beat Auburn.

So many great plays that it would be easy to chose any of them. My favorite moment though was watching Casey O'Brien getting a chance to hold for his first extra point against Rutgers and the reaction of his teammates and when he and Fleck embraced was truly an awesome moment. It was football yet so much more than football in that moment!!

The plays in the non conference were awesome but the stakes were way higher during the Penn State game. My favorite plays were probably the Winfield interception on Penn State's first drive and Bateman's touchdown a couple plays later. That was when I really started to believe we could finish the last 4+ games strong.

The plays in the non conference were awesome but the stakes were way higher during the Penn State game. My favorite plays were probably the Winfield interception on Penn State's first drive and Bateman's touchdown a couple plays later. That was when I really started to believe we could finish the last 4+ games strong.

I was thinking those plays as well from PSU. Also CABs catch on 4th and 13 at Fresno and Winfield's pick to win were unreal. Blessed to have been able to be at both of those games. What a year.

The win over Penn State with the last drive being thwarted and the Gophers remaining undefeated. Without that win we never get the chance to beat Auburn.
I would say thought Gameday was pretty cool with their set up. Hope they come back. this truly was a great season for sure. Or monumental as Fleck would say.

3rd and 29 from our 6 against GA Southern with 3:47 left. As I'm wondering how we'll ever get Talon off our message board Morgan hits a 21-yarder to Douglas.


Leads to a first down. No first down there, I fear we have a totally different season.

Yeah those first three "easy" games were all scary.

For me personally, has to be Penn St. But lots of great candidates. Tough to go wrong

One that hasn’t been mentioned yet that I enjoyed wat Autman bell taking the tunnel screen for a td against PSU. It looked like we actually had a similar amount of athleticism on the field as a blue blood!

For a single moment, it has to be the pick against Penn State that sealed the win. I was trying to prepare for another Gopher "moral victory" game when the interception occurred. I turned to my 14 year old daughter who was at the game with me and screamed "C'mon. We're rushing the field!" The next half hour or so was a blur of pure joy and a memory that I'll never forget. And I suspect my daughter will remember it long after I'm gone.

Has to be Penn State. That was the most surreal moment I've ever experienced with Gopher football. Biggest home victory in 50 years.

I also agree that the 4th down TD against Fresno and the 3rd & 29 conversion against GA Southern are up there. One moment that hasn't been mentioned yet is Morgan's amazing performance against Purdue. 21/22 (Big Ten record for pct), 396 yards and 4 TD. Amazing.

Has to be Penn State. That was the most surreal moment I've ever experienced with Gopher football. Biggest home victory in 50 years.

I also agree that the 4th down TD against Fresno and the 3rd & 29 conversion against GA Southern are up there. One moment that hasn't been mentioned yet is Morgan's amazing performance against Purdue. 21/22 (Big Ten record for pct), 396 yards and 4 TD. Amazing.
Purdue also has to be the most incredible ... I don't know what to call it, "stroke of good luck for us/stroke of bad luck for them" moment in quite some time??

To have their starting QB go down, and their electric athlete go down, for the game, on the same play.

Man, I remember that moment so vividly. Brought most of my family (7 others) to that game as a Christmas gift. Really thought we were in store for something special when Bateman scored so quickly there. Hope we get to pay Bucky back this fall.

I really enjoyed when the crowd booed the team for going to slow after turning a 3rd and 30 into a first down against Georgia southern

Obviously a lot of the ones above stick out as the big moments... but I’ll give love to how efficient our offense looked in the Purdue game... that was fun to watch, and I think the ending of that game taught our team a lesson on finishing, which was fun to watch us do in the 4 blow outs (including a really fun one too watch against Nebby)... that stretch of comfortable wins was also quite enjoyable and built the excitement around what this team was capable of.

A season that had so many high points and exciting plays and playmakers.
For me it was the Morgan to CAB pass and catch against Fresno State.

I really think this moment was even louder than any part of the Penn State game, besides the final INT.
Perhaps .... but then came the blizzard, Faalele's injury, and the resulting poor showing against Sconny.

Overall, from coming off such a high peak the previous homegame .... was quite the letdown.

In light of the current societal situation, my favorite moment of 2019:

August 29, 2019 8:01pm

1. The Bateman touchdown vs Penn St.
2. The Ibrahim TD run vs Nebraska
3. The Fleck-Brohm handshake...

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