Everyone is saying Seantrel is a USC lean

I think I heard that recruits can call coaches but coaches cannot call recruits.


"Sean would be rolling better if Kiffin weren't blowin up his celly every five secs"
3 minutes ago from mobile web

Is this legal for Kiffin to be calling Sean H.? From 25 minutes ago... USC bound?


I'm not exactly sure, but it may be a technicality he'll get by on since he isn't contacting "the recruit" but the recruit's father. But still, if it weren't legal, he'd be doing it anyways. I don't like Urban Meyer, but Kiffin calling Meyer out last year for recruiting improprieties was incredibly hypocritical.

Lane "The Pot" Kiffin.

What a tool. Okay.....we'll take our National Titles.

What happens when Minnesota goes on a run. Beats Iowa regularly an starts winnig titles again, then what are you gonna hang your hat on then. A nice little 10 year run? Please.:(

A lot of those old school titles are pretty murky. When you get back into the 40s and 30s there are a myriad of different bodies awarding supposed titles, some pay attention only to results before bowls, some after. Multiple schools claim titles in each of those years. It's beyond muddled.

Hell some of these predate widespread integration. I tend to side with those who think they don't mean much at this point, and I'd rather focus on establishing an identity going forward.

Haha okay, well I'll take our numerous big10 titles, bowl games, and dominance of Minnesota instead. If you it makes you feel better to live in the pre-1960 times then so be it.

There are always divisions in a given timeline. To say pre-1960 means nothing is ridiculous. Yes, it was a different style, different age -- but it's part of the whole. By your same reasoning, a given game has it's divisions. A first half can be drastically different than a second half. If a team puts up 6 first half TD's, the game's pretty much over. So the losing team really has nothing to brag about when it wins the second half by a 7-0 score -- since the result of the whole is 42-7.

C'mon... win one before you speak. Since 1960, you've been shutout of National Titles too. :rolleyes:

I dunno when we're reaching back to like the Hoover administration for ammo it sounds kinda bad.

However, Minnesota fans come across as if they have been a successful football program over the last 40 years. Blah blah blah blah....

Where are these alleged Gopher fans? Find me one. Just one.

Nice strawman, by the way. Any Gopher fan who is happy about the state of the program over the last 40 years is delusional.

Kiffen had reason to blow up Sean's cell. If he's smart he will just forward his cell number directly to the NCAA investigators now so they don't have to ask for it later....

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