Doogie: Tubby missing out on recruits is being underplayed by local media

Dawson and Halvorson (sic) were/are not scholarship players.

good point- I thought Dawson was given one after the fact and I thought Halverson was on one this year after not being on scholarship last year but the scholarship grid on the front page confirms GW.

But while looking at the scholarship grid I see the Charles Buggs scholarship is still shown as 2012 recruit- is that just not updated yet or is it not official enough yet?

good point- I thought Dawson was given one after the fact and I thought Halverson was on one this year after not being on scholarship last year but the scholarship grid on the front page confirms GW.

But while looking at the scholarship grid I see the Charles Buggs scholarship is still shown as 2012 recruit- is that just not updated yet or is it not official enough yet?

Dawson never had a scholarship.
Ellenson and Buggs are 2012 recruits (next year). What would it be updated to?

Transfers and issues are sadly the norm, it's not just here.

Look at the mess at St. John's. Does anyone have an idea of how that happened? They had, what, 9 seniors last year? This year their roster includes 8 freshman, 3 juniors, and a senior.

However, the Gopher program did take in some kids with known red flags and have paid for it.

Besides White, who else had red flags coming out of high school? White was a no-brainer though. Tubby had to take a chance there.

Dawson never had a scholarship.
Ellenson and Buggs are 2012 recruits (next year). What would it be updated to?

would be updated to Buggs-- it has Buggs' spot where he should be listed "2012 recruit" Ellenson is listed so it has been updated relatively recently

Besides White, who else had red flags coming out of high school? White was a no-brainer though. Tubby had to take a chance there.

Maybe Joseph? I'm not sure, I didn't think most of them came in with red flags. Iverson, Cobbs, and Carter didn't seem to be trouble laden as they left. Obviously Mbakwe had a huge red flag, but that one worked out pretty well I'd say. It's too bad we probably will only get a year and 5 games from him, but still.

Transfers are the norm, but when you're trying to get something established initially, all that stuff that happened is gonna derail a lot of momentum. Now he's in Year 5 and we're starting with virtually a new crew of young kids. Not as heralded as the previous bunch, but if they actually stick around, could definitely make more of an impact.

First post to this thread

I feel like recruiting is not really the issue as we have seen more talented and athletic players in tubby's time than we have ever had in recent memory. If Joseph Trevor and r.white were around this discussion would not be happening. We would be talking about how deep the team can go at the ncaas. I'm happy w.absolutely everything he has done at this program just wish he would use his personnel a little differently at times, but thtas another thread.

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